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In reply to: bbPress url to subdomain
wouaho ! I did not expect so much help !
thank you tousands times !it really really rocks !
In reply to: bbPress url to subdomainthat’s it !
- customizing the presentation to show static a page instead as last posts allows to use “page templates”
- “page templates” allow to customize the static page as a forum front page
- setting “root folder” =”” is OK for shorting all other pages. I tried so far : topic, forum, user profile, topic-tag. Actually, unchecking the check-box “Prefix all forum content with the Forum Root slug (Recommended)” is probably better…
so the only detail I see is that I get a unneeded “forums” in the breadcrumb. But I will change the according function, perhaps with a plugin. I will see, that’s a different topic
In reply to: bbPress url to subdomainI already have such a WordPress Network.
I use “multi-domain” to link different domains …I interprete your “use WordPress as CMS not as blog” as : use “show static page” instead of “show last posts” in “customization”…
So I should put the bbPress root template as this static page. and fix the root folder as “” ?
that what you suggest ?
(I’m fighting to test it, I did not succeed yet but for stupid DNS problems…)Thank you
In reply to: bbPress url to subdomainI’m also interested.
I actually don’t need the wordpress blog at all, I would prefere to have a separate installation for my forum… and then, I don’t want to have a “/forum” in the URL.
I tried to put my “bbpress.php” template as the “index.php” template in the theme : stupid idea !
I got the blog posts inside the forum template (as actually one might expect…)I also tried to configure the “forum root” parameter (the folder name) as “”. did not work (Yeah, I also doubted, but I had to try)
it should exists something linked with permalinks to do such a thing, isn’t ?
In reply to: import from bbPress1 crashes/restart ApacheI got it !
sometimes, Apache exited with higher Status number example :
[Sat Apr 18 00:02:05.423769 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 5900:tid 404] AH00428: Parent: child process 5032 exited with status 3221225725 — Restarting.Google gave me a hint : write this code in your httpd.conf (that’s for Windows)
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module> ThreadStackSize 8888888 </IfModule>
It works now, like a charm 🙂
explanation : the stackSize in Windows is defaulted at 1MB, and it seems that bbPress Import need much more…. This line push the limit to more than 8MB. That’s all.
WAMP does NOT show this mpm_winnt_module in the list of loaded modules, I guess it is because it’s a default Apache Windows module ( )
Ah, I put first only the line “ThreadStackSize 8888888” (without ifModule) to be sure that it is taken into account. If the module was not mounted, Apache would have wrote it in apache_error.log. It should work on every windows normal installationIn reply to: import from bbPress1 crashes/restart Apacheactually, it is worse than that :
after a “stop” and “start” on the import page, apache restarts once some after a minute and retarts a second time 4 seconds later !
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:34.368889 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00428: Parent: child process 5204 exited with status 255 — Restarting.
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:34.423893 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00455: Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 configured — resuming normal operations
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:34.423893 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00456: Apache Lounge VC11 Server built: Mar 16 2014 12:42:59
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:34.423893 2015] [core:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00094: Command line: ‘c:\\wamp\\bin\\apache\\apache2.4.9\\bin\\httpd.exe -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9’
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:34.423893 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00418: Parent: Created child process 1360
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:34.646905 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 1360:tid 316] AH00354: Child: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:38.966152 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00428: Parent: child process 1360 exited with status 255 — Restarting.
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:39.005155 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00455: Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 configured — resuming normal operations
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:39.006155 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00456: Apache Lounge VC11 Server built: Mar 16 2014 12:42:59
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:39.006155 2015] [core:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00094: Command line: ‘c:\\wamp\\bin\\apache\\apache2.4.9\\bin\\httpd.exe -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9’
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:39.006155 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4316:tid 408] AH00418: Parent: Created child process 5176
[Wed Apr 15 00:22:39.219167 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 5176:tid 316] AH00354: Child: Starting 64 worker threads.ah, and I have ~36 000 post to import, so I won’t click on the “start” button every minute for 12 hours… (I can automatise that, of course, but I’m not sure it will succeed)
In reply to: Plugin's (No Delete / Add New Option) Just Gone ?I’m using the 1.0.2, it is the current version (see here: )
and I never saw this “add/delete plugin” option.
To add it, you need to upload it in the right directory (wp or bb does not have the same path)
The _CK_ plugin is nearly what I needed because it disable display_name for all user, also for admins and moderator.
But with my previous plugin to show display_names in bb_press 0.9.x and this new plugin to disable them in bb_press 1.x , I could make my own version of plugin
I just proposed it in the official list, but I don’t know how this “requests” works. I guess I have to wait some validation/moderation.
Thank you all for your answers
In reply to: wp integration cookie does not workI think this could be a “sticky” topic !
I don’t understand the need of having the forum in a subdirectory of the blog. As I did it years ago, I can’t change that now. I succeeded years ago to make a cookies integration plugin (that was before wp 2.6 I think), and I remember that the blocking thing was the “cookie path” and “cookie host”.
My WP is on
my BB is on
(I hear you thinking “OMG, 2 different subdomains !!!”)
Now, I succeed to have the good “cookie domain” (I think the definition is the
define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', ' ' );
)But the
define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/' );
does NOT work as it should. WP then define each of cookie twice with the “/” path and with the “/blog/” path (my WP path).The straightforward consequence is that : When I log in WP, I’m also logged in BB (double cookies!).
But when I log out from BB, he deletes only the “/” cookies, so I’m still logged into WP.
Worse : when I’m logged only in BB (cookies path “/”), WP does not recognize me as logged in.
He only checks the “/blog/” path ? (even with
define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/' );
in the wp-config.php )In reply to: What's happening with bbPress?Thanks Michael.
Just a precision : ‘a canonical WordPress plugin’ means that it will be something like “akismet” ?
Could it be a standalone, then ?
Wordpress is a very heavy “small forum”, no ?
for citizenkeith :
this is more a philosophy than a features list, but I agree …
I think it also miss a point from which we are suffering now : a “viable future”. Every software need to be sure that the support will be continued for a long time. Specially when it is meant to build a community, which is much than needed for bbPress (just thinking about plugins)
In reply to: What's happening with bbPress?I’m a long time bbPress user, and invested quite a big time to update from 0.9 to 1.0 some months ago.
I really, really don’t want that bbPress dies.
I need a standalone version of bbPress, even if I somehow integrated it into my wordpress but just for user.
I really don’t ask for another new complete bbPress version. For me, that means a very long time for re-adapting (some customs plugins and hacks and integration with a custom website-script)
Like Chrishajer, the basic features of bbPress are my ground requirements. Specially since the old plugins usually works with small adaptation.
I participated some times in the forum for such adaptations.
The best part of bbPress features, is “Fast and light”. Which is not anymore the main characteristic of Worpress.
enougth said about what’s my point of view, I would like to ask one more time
“What’s happening with bbPress?” (topic title)
The bbPress blog is not that clear, and the “meetup”s are not really easy to read.
In reply to: What's happening with bbPress?Seems that bbPress is useful for Automatics, even if it is not really profitable.
On the “sticky” topic Matt asked YOU for helping bbPress, so if you feel like all of us in this topic the need of bbPress continuation, please put a message there.
At a time, I thought that updates where too frequent. But now, it is really scary too see the slow death of this marvelous forum script.
After her long work for the community, we could perhaps let _CK_ free
She seems to really want to go away from bbPress coding, I fully respect her choice.
In reply to: Upgrade to killed all special caractersthank you !
actually, there was written in the bb-config ” If you are *upgrading*, and your old bb-config.php does not have these two contstants (BBDB_CHARSET and COLLATE) in them, DO NOT define them”
So I commented the 2 lines, but now, all the new posts (there are not so numerous) are with this nice caracter : �
Thanks anyway.
In reply to: Dropping “MultiViews” support?For me, mod_rewrite is the standard… I just never heard about MultiViews
I begun programming php things since 5 years, even if I don’t do it professionaly
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar UploadThank you a lot.
You are right : I updated badly my files, I forgot to uptdate the root directory “avatar-upload.php”.
Now, it works far better
if I could allow myself to a small advice : it would be far better if the installation where just “put 1 directory in the my-plugins directory”.
anyway, the readme.txt was clear enougth, it my fault.
and the plugin is very nice.
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Uploadhi everybody.
one user tried to upload its avatar and he always get this error : “The file is not a valid GIF, JPG/JPEG or PNG image-type.”
He send me the .jpg, I tried to upload it for him, and I get the same error. I checked the file : it is really a jpg. I resized it with irfanview, in order to change size and weight (even if the file was already small enough). Same error.
I solve this problem in putting the file in the avatar directory and changing the usermeta directly in the database … but I won’t do that for all my users !
Someone has an idea ?
In reply to: Statistics module for “My Views” in testingCan we have this page without installing the “big plugin” My_views ?
Perhaps I can download this “module” and look at the code, and make a small plugin. Or just make a link that shows this page.
I forgot to say : wow ! nice plugin
exactly what I want to see.
In reply to: Add New Post LinkCan you do a function to create a link to the last page of a topic ?
I would like to add for each topic line in the frontpage a link called “last page”.
Thank you
In reply to: Allow Image plugin questionFor IE6, there is a “workaround” using “expression(…)” (search google for the rest)
For getting image width, you can use the PHP function getimagesize() which is incorporated in all PHP 4.3 …. (no need of extra module like GD)
In reply to: “Theme not found. Default theme applied.”I have the same error on LOCALHOST, and also with windows. (my forum hosted on web works
(thierry is the name of my computer, and is synonyme of “localhost”)
link I click on to activate my template is such : (there are 2 “”)
I tried the “patch_to_url_2” in vain.
a “brillant” idea made me change the themes.php :
if ( !in_array($activetheme, $themes) ) {
$activetheme = BBPATH . 'my-templates/2diabolos/'; // THIS LINE WAS 'bb-templates/kakumei/' ...
bb_update_option( 'bb_active_theme', $activetheme );
remove_action( 'bb_admin_notices', $theme_notice );
bb_admin_notice( __('Theme not found. Default theme applied.'), 'error' );
}works well (hopefully)
(after reflection, I think the following line don’t help)
I tried to debug a little bit. I put in themes.php
echo "<br>";
echo "the theme you want to activate : " . $_GET['activated'] ;the result for the first line is good, the “$_GET ” is empty.
In reply to: Tags not separatingI also have a idea why *every* user put tags space separated.
I my theme, there is a sentence just before the tag text field that tells users to put spaces …:
<label for="tags-input"><?php printf(__('Enter a few words (called <a href="%s">tags</a>) separated by spaces to help someone find your topic:'), get_tag_page_link()) ?>
And I think that in the original kakumei…
and my translation (in french) also ask user for space separated tags.
to, you can have a “social” bug-fix of this problem : change the cited line in your theme (file = post-form.php). That “social engineering” !
In reply to: Tags not separatingI feel the previous post is a spam ….
I’m also experiencing the “tag is very long when space is not the default parameter”.
If bbPress team still don’t want to hear your request, I will perhap’s make a plugin to workaround this bug (for me, it is not a feature …)
In reply to: Adsense (and YPN) injections (ads plugin)Sorry guys, I really feel stupid but I forgot to point out the download URL (and the page is in english) :
I’m currently feeling the need to add a new option “put ads on last post first”
In reply to: Adding a plugin admin page into the admin menuIf bbPress includes a “Plugin” menu or an “Option” menu, it would be natural for all new plugin to have their submenu in it.
Do you think I can ask that in TRAC ?
In reply to: Adding a plugin admin page into the admin menuThanks a lot ganzua, but actually, it does not hurt a lot …
I confirmed that with “global $bb_menu”, my fonction could work …. but then, the last array member for
$bb_menu[20] = array(__(‘Options’), ‘use_keys’, ‘my_options_page.php’);
should be a php file located in bb-admin/
So then, you should ask guys that want to install your plugin to move your “option-page.php” in the bb-admin menu. Not very user-friendly.