OC2PS (@sooskriszta)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: How to step up BBpress



    You can use the “old” standalone version. But that’s not recommended as it’s not being developed anymore.

    Why do you not want WordPress? Even if you don’t use WordPress, it provides a great framework for bbPress. You should try it.

    If you absolutely, positively don’t want to install WordPress, then you should look for another forum software.



    Bated breath, etc



    It’s a retrograde step. Standalone version is not being developed anymore. So, nor are its plugin. If you do move to it, you will be stuck with what’s available right now.

    I am positive there is no automated tool to downgrade from plugin to standalone. You will need to either write some database queries yourself or do the transfer manually.



    You can try forumconverter plugin…some people have had some luck with it…downgrade to v2 or RC before importing, though…you can upgrade to latest version after the import…



    I thought bbconverter was for the bbpress plugin, not for the standalone version…



    Might be helpful if you ask in BuddyPress support forums…



    If you use bbPress plugin for WordPress and your theme is based on TwentyTen or TwentyEleven then chances are that it will run out of the box…

    With bbPress 2.1 version plugin, the chances of running out of the box will increase multifold.



    If you are used to WordPress, just install bbPress plugin into your WordPress just like you would install any other plugin…



    Before importing, make sure your key master login details (email and login name) for bbPress are different from those of phpBB keymaster. Then try importing and see of you get any luck…

    In reply to: New



    Too complicated.

    Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version:

    1. Login to your WordPress installation.

    2. Hover on Plugins. Click Add New.

    3. Search bbPress.

    4. On results page, click Install Now link under bbPress

    5. Click Activate


    In reply to: 2.1 release date





    @JohnConners: How’s the plugin coming along?

    A bit off topic:

    , Why do you think was the difference between performance of Super Cache and Quick Cache? Did you try Cache Preloading option in Super Cache?



    Maybe try changing the language in your config file instead of using the switcher. That way you can confirm whether the issue is with the plugin or with translation.



    Oops…sorry, I gave link for bbPress plugin method.





    I understand that technically it’s all the same in that they have their user roles and can’t access any more functionality than intended for them.

    It’s more of a UI and face-of-the-site issue…

    Regarding the plugins, I do hope someone will take a crack at them soon :-)



    That’s good to know Jared.

    What do you think of the 2-3 other items I’ve mentioned in my long rant at https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/remove-toastnotice#post-101301



    This is the job for a bbPress-specific WP plugin…you don’t want to give forum participants access to the backend of your site…



    I think he wants people (forum participants) to be able to reply to topics but not to start/create new topics.



    Might be better if you ask at buddypress.org


    In reply to: Remove toast/notice



    Jared, Thanks! I will check this solution out.

    Regarding configurations: I don’t know if 347374 is an actual number or if you use it just to make a point, which I do get. If bbPress included everything in configurations, then there will be way too many configurations, and would delay next releases a lot. That’s fair enough.

    But let’s look at it from the perspective of added value and break from forum convention.

    bbPress is billed as a lightweight forum. Hence, when it breaks from forum convention to make it lighter (have fewer functions), that is at least understandable. e.g.

    – No signatures in core (plugin exists)

    – No icons (e.g. http://www.phpbb.com/community/styles/prosilver/imageset/forum_read_subforum.gif ) by forums and posts showing useful information (ripe for plugin)

    – No emoticons in posts (ripe for plugin)

    – No attachments in posts (ripe for plugin)

    – No “topic started” date in list of topics (e.g. on forums page or topics archive page)

    – No “read count” for topics (ripe for plugin)

    – No forum specific search (plugin exists)

    – No post count for posters


    However, when bbPress breaks with forum convention to add something without evident added value, that is a bummer. e.g.

    – Freshness instead of Last post in list of topics (e.g. on forums page or topics archive page). I don’t understand the reasoning behind this. bbPress is making an additional calculation, bending over backwards, just to calculate how many seconds, minutes or days have passed since last post. Why? Why not simply display the date-time of last post like most major forum software do? I don’t see the reason and I don’t like it this way, but if it is like this then I assume that there are other bbPress users who do. Hence I say…perhaps this should be configurable.

    – The notification This forum contains 5 topics and 7 replies, and was last updated by some-author 5 days ago. Why? What is the thinking behind this? What purpose does this serve? I mean, on the same page, topics are listed, there is pagination (and total number of topics) above and below the list of topics, the user can see which post is on top and who last updated it, so why is this notification important to have? I don’t get it. But since it’s there, I assume somebody does, and hence I request that it be a configuration.

    – Similarly, I wonder if a lot is achieved performance-wise by not showing the name of OP in lists of topics, considering that date-time of original post is being retrieved anyway.

    – Formatting/styling of original post and replies is different by default on the topic page. From a user perspective, I don’t see why. You don’t have different styling for original post and replies on bbpress.org or wordpress.org What makes you think that everyone else would want it? Perhaps there is not much additional work is being put into it because replies have to be assigned a formatting anyway, and this way bbPress users know that this is possible. But if so, then even if styling of replies has to be defined separately, it should be same as that of original posts by default, and users should be able to see in documentation that it is possible for them to have different styling. If, on the other hand, you have discovered that a large number of bbPress users want to have different styling for original posts and replies, then I say make it configurable.

    – In freshness, the number of days/hours/minutes is linked. How does that make sense? (yes it takes to the last post, but linking hours is odd…phpBB’s approach where they have a tiny icon next to the date-time is better) If it does to a lot of bbPress users, I say make it configurable.

    (Through all this, remember: There aren’t that many bbPress-supporting themes, and most of bbPress users will end up using bbPress with their generic WordPress themes)

    Lots of people use WordPress despite the performance hit (as opposed to say, Drupal) because it is so easy to use and customize without having to do (or even know) any coding. All bbPress users are WordPress users and so there is a similar expectation from bbPress.

    I know it’s not fair to compare bbPress to WordPress, which has so many more developers and contributors, not to mention forum moderators.

    On the other hand, it is a fair expectation, for bbPress is billed as a forum software from the makers of WordPress. If Matt wants this to take on phpBB, vBulletin and SMF, he needs to put some resources behind it, instead of making JJJ toil alone.



    I assume you mean how to change avatar on this website.

    You need to set your avatar at http://en.gravatar.com/

    bbpress.org pulls avatars from that site.



    Thanks guys!

    @martin_style: Not quite sure what you mean by “once time load slow, but not loading multiple times”

    @jaredatch: How do I nuke the sidebar?

    I lied. I am not using

    .bbp-forum #primary {
    display: none;

    I am using a plugin that replaces primary sidebar with a bbpress specific sidebar.

    But I have 2 sidebars, and I am hiding the 2nd sidebar with CSS

    .bbp-forum #secondary {
    display: none;

    So this is the one that I need to remove.

    I am guessing that instead of fiddling with the Theme, it might be easier to patch the plugin. Here’s what it does at the moment:

    function vp_sidebars_widgets($data)
    // if bbpress enabled and main sidebar requested
    if ($this->is_bbp && $this->is_main_sidebar)
    // switch sidebar if bbrepss sidebar has some widgets in it
    if (!empty($data[$this->sidebar_id]))
    if (isset($data['sidebar-1']))
    // uses sidebar-1 as main sidebar in most themes
    // set forum sidebar as main sidebar
    $main_sidebar_key = 'sidebar-1';
    // get first sidebar which should be main in most themes
    foreach ($data as $k => $v)
    if (strpos($k,'inactive')===false)
    $main_sidebar_key = $k;

    // replace main sidebar with bbpress sidebar
    if (isset($main_sidebar_key))
    $data[$main_sidebar_key] = $data[$this->sidebar_id];

    // reset main sidebar request
    $this->is_main_sidebar = false;

    // return modified widgets array
    return $data;

    In reply to: Remove toast/notice



    How about providing configurations for default theme?



    #1 Would love to see that as well.

    #2 Loved these little things in phpBB and missing in bbpress

    #3 have you tried:



    bbPress.org plugin repo is useless for bbPress plugin, but you could check out https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tags/bbpress

    These plugins are WP plugins for bbPress, and you can install from WP Admin just like normal WP plugins

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