Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Modify forum index page and some
Right after this in the code.
<?php echo do_shortcode("[bbp-login]"); ?>
Just add any additional forms you want using similar code like this. Or just add any html links to the pages.
<?php echo do_shortcode("[bbp-register]"); ?>
If you need to style them better add a custom class around them.
In reply to: Removing author name in freshness columnIt is in
.In the files you will see something similar to this. In this example I am editing the loop-single-topic.php file.
<span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"> <?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'size' => 14 ) ); ?></span>
Change it to something like this. You see I just added the extra attribute.
'type' => 'avatar'
<span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"> <?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'size' => 14 , 'type' => 'avatar' ) ); ?> </span>
In reply to: BBPress Pulling From Single rather than Page/Index?You can create a bbpress.php file in your theme to avoid issues like that.
In reply to: Modify forum index page and somePlace something like this in content-forum-archive.php if you copied it into your child theme to display the login form above the forum archive. You can also place it above single forums by adding this exact code into content-single-forum.php and for topics in content-single-topic.php.
<?php if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) : ?> <div class="bbp-forum-login-form"> <?php echo do_shortcode("[bbp-login]"); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?>
In reply to: No Content Area in WP 4.3.1Did you try some troubleshooting first? Check to see if it works fine in a default theme. If it still does not work in a default theme, try to see if a plugin could be causing the issue also by doing the listed steps for troubleshooting a plugin issue.
Plugin/Theme updates could cause an issue to pop up without it previously being there before.
In reply to: Html tags showing up in topics & repliesThe enable tinymce visual tab plugin just uses the exact same code in here.
I do not think cache could cause an issue like this.
It is something that slipped my mind, but it is most likely that paragraph tags are considered restricted HTML for some reason.
Use and edit this function in the plugin below to your liking.
You will most likely need to add this to make it work for participants.
//paragraph 'p' => array( 'class' => true, ),
Admins/Keymasters can post unrestricted HTML because they have the capability to do so.
In reply to: Reinstall BB presss and clean up all topics, how?The only table I think bbPress creates is the one for importing forums/keeping extra imported forum data. Most of the data bbPress has are stored in WordPress tables, but all that data should be gone if you ran the reset forums tools(well except the forum roles).
If you are looking to delete users you can go into Users > All Users in the WordPress backend and then start bulk deleting users.
Any testing for the issue in this ticket is greatly appreciated.
In reply to: Highlighting the author’s first reply to a topic.Glad you have found a resolution to your issue 🙂
In reply to: Replacing “Freshness’ string for subforum loopI think any forums should go through the loop-forums.php file?? Check to see if your theme added something special for subforums.
In reply to: Freshness on Forum Index not updatingWeird that it fixed itself…
Glad you are resolved though.
In reply to: Few questions about BBPressNevermind I think you have to update to 4x, the other importer is for a much older version of vBull.
Make sure to have a backup saved before doing an import. You may try doing a backup on a test server also.
In reply to: All Topics & Replies Going To SpamAnother Akismet issue hmmm. Do you know any specifics of what was causing the issue, like say you have Akismet working aggressively against spam??
In reply to: Remove underline in forum display pageThe links are like this because that is how it is in your theme.
You can try this custom css to remove the underline. Place the custom css in your child themes custom css or anywhere else you can place custom css like a plugin or theme.
.bbpress .post-content a { text-decoration: none !important; }
In reply to: Reinstall BB presss and clean up all topics, how?You should be able to delete any imported users.
If it is a test server, I guess you can always manually delete data using phpMyAdmin and start fresh.
In reply to: Participant profile photosYou can double check to see if cache is causing an issue.
IF you do not want a default avatar to display, you can go to settings > Disscussion and choose blank as the default display in place of an avatar. You can also just choose a generated one instead.
In reply to: how to show text editor rather than html editorSince you are not very confident with PHP you can just install this plugin.
In reply to: Nothing happens after installThere was an additional sub menu?? Was it the forum moderators menu??
Hopefully you are not running the alpha version on a production site.
bbPress is installed and activated now after a manual installation??
In reply to: Some startup help in designing my own theme?Yeah the code doesn’t really work well.
You can try to create your own new-topic post class though.
If you come up with anything just post your result on this topic.
In reply to: Feature request – Featured topicsYou are able to sticky topics making the sticky topics have its own space is possible I think, I might have to do some testing to make sure.
THe second one might be a little tricky to do. It might require autosubscribing to that one topic after registration, or just include the topics summary and a link to it after a user has registered to a site.
In reply to: CSS Questions – Borders and WidthPlace the CSS code I gave you your child themes stylesheet or in a separate custom css plugin.
The /forums page looks fine now, now it is only the single forums pages. Clear any cache to see if that could fix anything.
In reply to: Activity stream WP dashboard emptyWait so
with bbPress, Akismet, and BuddyPress activated it does not work
but does work when Akismet and BuddyPress are activated
and it does work if only bbPress and BuddyPress are activated?
In reply to: Moderator roleThank you. I found this not on the All users page but on clicking the Edit button for a user I was able to get to another page and there I could change the role for the Forum.
Yeah that works too.
Do moderators have access to the backend? If they do, how can I disable it? They should do all the editing or deleting posts from the front end only. I sincerely hope this is possible.
Only for moderating topics/replies in the backend. If they are also a subscriber they can also edit their Profile from the backend too and nothing more than that.
There is a confusion in the General settings for automatic registration of new users – should this be for Contributor or Subscriber?
It is subscriber by default in WordPress for users that can only read blog posts. Contributers can edit blog posts and delete them too.
Also, how do I know if all users w3ho register on the front end are participants? They should not have access to the backend.
You can install a plugin like WP Admin No Show
In reply to: Allowing Participants to post “unrestricted HTML”You can download this plugin and edit the function and add on to it what html tags you want to allow in your forums.
You can also just create a new WordPress user role with the capability, but I think going with the plugin I placed above is the best route.
In reply to: Login, Register, Lost Password linksI listed 3 different choices you could do. What you are looking for might be in the plugin I listed.