Forum Replies Created
In reply to: BBPress Front-End Add Forum
Yes as @casiepa said there is a limit of forums that can be displayed on the forum root page on by default, and it is 50. It is because you do not really need to use more than 50 forums on your site and it is encouraged that you would need to structure your forums a little better. It is filterable to display more on the forum archive though.
Glad you are sorted on the create forum form. While there is no edit and delete button from the frontend, if you are using the WordPress toolbar on your site, if you go to a single forum you should see an edit forum menu item in the toolbar that leads to the backend, if you edit the forum you can also trash it from there too. Hopefully that will help a little bit.
In reply to: How to Increase BBPress Forum Font Size?This is going to increase the font-size of the topic and reply content of the same exact specified font size on your site.
Add this custom CSS to your child themes style.css file or anywhere else you can put custom CSS like a custom CSS plugin.
.bbp-topic-content p, .bbp-reply-content p { font-size: 1rem; }
If you want to increase the font size of other areas of the forum be more specific.
In reply to: BBPress Front-End Add ForumThere is a shortcode you can put in a page to allow users to create forums.
You can also use this PHP code snippet, and place it in your child themes functions.php file or in a functionality plugin to allow admins/keymasters to create a forum right from their bbPress forum profile.
function ntwb_bbp_forum_form() { if ( bbp_is_user_home() && current_user_can( 'edit_others_forums' ) ) { echo do_shortcode( '[bbp-forum-form]' ); } } add_action( 'bbp_template_after_user_profile', 'ntwb_bbp_forum_form' );
To delete and edit you have to do it in the backend for now. There are plans to add more frontend moderation tools though.
In reply to: Remove Email VerificationYou just talking about the default WordPress registration process right?? If you have BuddyPress installed also, this has an activate link process too. I am just making sure since BuddyPress is one of the most used plugins in conjunction with bbPress.
As @casiepa said it is possible to use a frontend form plugin to just get around this whole process activation process.
In reply to: How to make Bbpress layout hierachical?You can also create categories then add your forums under that by setting the parent of the forum as the chosen categories.
To have a better layout use this loop-forums.php file here.
Download it and place it into your child theme in a folder called bbpress.
In reply to: You must be logged in to reply to this topicPost the possible issue that you are getting from your host, so I can try to help other users that may come across something similar.
In reply to: Forum Post IDAre you trying to show consecutive post counts in a topic for each reply??
Like first reply gets a #1 by it and so on.
Or do you really want to use the IDs for 100 and up for some strange reason?
In reply to: move content in bottomIt adds this by default at 480px in the bbPress stylesheet. Should definitely show up unless you have reply threading activated because of some weird bug when it is activated.
#bbpress-forums .bbp-body div.bbp-topic-author, #bbpress-forums .bbp-body div.bbp-reply-author { margin: -15px 10px 10px; min-height: 100px; padding-left: 80px; position: relative; text-align: left; width: 100%; } #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-author img.avatar, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author img.avatar { position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 0; width: 60px; height: auto; } #bbpress-forums .bbp-body div.bbp-topic-content, #bbpress-forums .bbp-body div.bbp-reply-content { clear: both; margin: 10px; padding: 0; }
I split your topic, since it was kind of off topic.
This is the code I used to have the large avatar like that in the freshness column. This code should replace the bbp-topic-freshness list in loop-single-topic.php that should be copied in your child theme. You may have to style the avatar by floating it to the left and giving it a margin to the right too by using the class bbp-topic-freshness-author-av.
<li class="bbp-topic-freshness"> <span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author-av"><?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'size' => 48 , 'type' => 'avatar' ) ); ?></span> <div class="bbp-topic-meta"> <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_freshness_link' ); ?> <?php bbp_topic_freshness_link(); ?> <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_after_topic_freshness_link' ); ?> <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_freshness_author' ); ?> <span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><?php printf( __('by %1$s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'type' => 'name' ) ) ); ?></span> <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_after_topic_freshness_author' ); ?> </div> </li>
In reply to: How do I display the current users username?I just split your reply into a topic so that you can have your own topic about this.
Please do not bump topics, especially topics that are about 8 years old.
If you are using the latest bbPress plugin.
To get the user’s username use
<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo $current_user->user_login; ?>
You can also just use the WordPress toolbar.
In reply to: Cannot login to bbPress forumWhere do I add those lines of code?
It is CSS put it in your child themes style.css file, a custom css plugin, or anywhere you can put custom css.
I assume you want me to edit one of the PHP files
No, never edit the plugin core files, unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing. Since you are a novice, just do not do it.
I don’t know what “multisite” is.
Since you do not know what it is, I am going to assume you do not have it. You do not need it to solve this issue so no need to install any plugins, just curious if you have it. I see it is probably that you have a test enviroment of WordPress because you are planning on migrating to a WordPress/bbPress install from phpBB.
Yes, your deleteme user does appear in the Users list.
Does it have the Participant forum role too?
Alright, so I assume you’re talking about Peter’s Login Redirect plugin, and I assume I’ll need to edit the settings under Settings -> Login/logout redirects, correct?
You seem to be getting that together. Not sure why you are redirecting to the forums especially a specific forum, but yeah you got it.
I created a test Subscriber user, which in fact is redirected upon logging in, but isn’t logged in (of course that code you recommended still needs added in).
The code I gave you helped remove the bullet list displaying in your forums.
Again thank you for trying to help Robkk, but I would definitely like it if you could be a bit more descriptive in what I need to do to fix this login problem
We still have to troubleshoot what is causing the user to not seem to be have access to the forums.
Try some of these troubleshooting steps listed in this guide to see if it could be theme/custom theme related like if you copied the bbPress customizable templates into your child theme and edited them and messed something up on accident, check to see if a plugin could be causing an issue, you can check to see if caching could be an issue by flushing cache from your site, if you edited the bbPress and ever do not remember what you edited you can reinstall a fresh version of the plugin to see if it fixes the issue also.
Do not just go deleting cache files from WordPress or code in bbPress.
In reply to: The bbPress Plugins pageIt is not really moderated on the bbPress site plugins page, it just pulls plugins with the bbPress tag from the WordPress repository.
Yes, some developers do this and many other things to possibly increase sales in their premium plugins.
I do not really like some of the tactics they do to try to gain an increase in sales in their premium plugins either.
This should really go to the make plugins team I think for a suggestion of stricter tagging and plugin submission.
For the bbPress plugins page I think we will think about it, I might contact the devs tomorrow about it to see if they have any opinions on fully moderating plugins in the list. It would defiantely be time consuming moderating plugins on unless the tagging process was sticter.
In reply to: Cannot login to bbPress forumThis fixes the list issue.
#bbpress-forums li { list-style: none !important; }
I created a user called “deleteme” and I see the issue you are talking about.
Do you have multisite enabled or at least a subsite for testing.
the wp-login.php page leads to instead of just
Check it out right now to see if I am even a user to just the site. If I am see that I am even have a forum role like participant.
The redirect to the home page is because of some piece of code in bbPress for the frontend login forms. You can easily fix this by setting it where Admins can go the Admin and other users redirect to the home page using the plugin you have already installed.
does %%parent_title%% show the forum title??
In reply to: Remove NoFollow from BBPress PostsI think there is an issue with the
function that is causing this especially the part that leads to the function_make_url_clickable_cb()
in WordPress.bbp_make_clickable()
is in\bbpress\includes\common\formatting.php
is in\wp-includes\formatting.php
Will make a trac ticket once I gather the information to write down.
In reply to: If is the frontpage of the forumDoes your SEO plugin allow allow you to edit the titles and descriptions of custom post type archives? Most SEO plugins do. And in them you look for forum archive to edit the front page of the forums.
Here is the bbPress conditionals if you are using something custom.
In reply to: Version 2.6I think it will release when it is finished, so there isn’t exactly an ETA.
Most of the performance tickets/performance improvements headed into bbPress are definitely holding back the release date, and I always see the devs find new areas to improve performance drastically too and that pushes it back even more.
In reply to: style my forum like yoursYou can try this instead. This hides the “this forum contains … topics… and” description that is blue on top of forums.
add_filter( 'bbp_get_single_forum_description', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'bbp_get_single_topic_description', '__return_false' );
You can try this CSS for the reply/topic form text areas.
#bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form textarea { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
Anything else you want on this site I am sure there has already been a topic about so searching the forums might be best.
In reply to: New replies firstIf I remember correctly I think this allows you sort replies in a topic on a per forum basis.
In reply to: Cannot search Forum Category TitlesI think it is that way by design, but we might think about adding categories in the search in the future though. Might need other devs opinions.
In reply to: En los debates no aparece el mensajeClosing this in favor of your other topic.
In reply to: Bulk-move bbPress topicsAlright, I am just pointing it out there if you are interested to participate/contribute in other ways.
Helping in the forums definately helps me out, and thanks for that.
I am starting to think that filter may not be the best way to translate content. It was widely used though and was recommend a few times in these forums.
While trying to find the bbPress string swap plugin that was a bbPress plugin that use to do this exact thing fine. I came upon this that lead me to find the alternative to the gettext filter and using
global $l10n;
Here is an example with BuddyPress and I am sure there is a way to make this kind of thing work with bbPress.
I say just fork it and make your own version if you want.
In reply to: Custom tableThats cool! I always see quite a few users want this type of thing, although I am not sure how to achieve this.