Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 701 through 725 (of 3,784 total)
  • @robkk


    Do all your users see the hidden forum content or just the Keymasters??

    You can run the repair tools one at a time in Tools > Forums to see if that fixes anything.



    Does installing the Query Monitor and Query Monitor bbPress & BuddyPress Conditionals help you any find these out??



    Sorry for the late reply.

    Did you run the repair tools one a time in Tools > Forums??




    I bet you just closed the topic as well and the color of the text is a gray color that is hard to see.

    Use this CSS to fix that.

    #bbpress-forums .status-closed,
    #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {
    	color: #aaa;

    You do not have to use the bbPress shortcode for registration, you can use alternative plugins for frontend forms if you want.

    Do users need to register with the forum first to see the content of a post?

    bbPress by default has nothing that would hide the content of a topic post. It will make a whole topic hidden if the forum is private and the user is not logged in, and the topic and forum could also be hidden if it is a hidden forum.

    If you want a menu item for registration you can create a custom link to the default WordPress registration form, or if you have another plugin that adds frontend forms you can link to that page if you want.

    Question really is: how does a user of the educational material get to see the forum questions/posts?

    It really depends on the LMS plugin you might be using with your bbPress forums really. By default though a sticky/closed post should be kind of visible, the gray is hard to see sometimes.



    Sorry for the late reply.

    I am not sure exactly how you may have gotten this issue in DIvi, I have never came accross something like this.

    Only thing I can think of is that you copied the extras templates from bbPress and put it in the root of your child theme without editing the templates to match your theme.



    Did you try running the repair tools in Tools > Forums one at a time??
    Has this issue always been present??

    Also here is some custom CSS to fix a weird avatar padding issue on your forums. Just add the CSS code into your child themes style.css file or anywhere else you can add custom css like in a seperate plugin.

    #bbpress-forums .avatar {
        padding: 0;



    THe issue in the image is a common theme related issue. The styles for list items in your theme is affecting the list items in the bbPress forums.

    I would give you a simple CSS fix, but you need to create a forum on your site, all I see is the notice saying you do not have forums.

    If you want to create full width forums, it is pretty easy if you are familiar to editing theme templates. You just need a simple loop and the surrounding classes to style it all together. Sometimes full-width templates can be copied and renamed to create a simple bbpress.php file in your theme.

    Getting Started in Modifying the Main bbPress Template

    I say just stay away from using iframes for this simple task.



    You can only use activate the components in BuddyPress that you need.

    You can just use the extended profiles, avatar upload, and notifications if you want.



    Can’t really see an issue either. @adabsurd can you post an image of the issue.



    Use a plugin like this to hide any bbPress pages if the user is not logged in. It hides the bbPress feeds too.

    And you do not have to make a topic private if the forum is private. Make sure to make the forums private by going into Forums > All Forums and editing them from there.

    Edit: Just saw I pasted the wrong url haha sorry

    In reply to: Forum avatar



    Do you really want another avatar or just an image for the ranks.

    You can change your avatar in your BuddyPress profile.

    What plugins did you find that weren’t compatible with the current wp version.



    I cannot see the forums but I do see it in the source code??

    Does this only happen in your currently active theme??



    Here is a function to show the You Are Here: text.

    function rkk_breadcrumb_text() {
        $args['before']  = '<div class="bbp-breadcrumb"><p><span class="bbp-breadcrumb-text">You Are Here: </span>';
        return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_before_get_breadcrumb_parse_args', 'rkk_breadcrumb_text');

    You may have to edit this function later if bbPress shows their breadcrumb items in a list though.



    Hopefully this guide helps you. It lists some help for an import getting stuck and also ways to optimize the import process.

    Import Troubleshooting



    You add the php code snippet to your child themes functions.php or in a functionality plugin that can hold custom code snippets to fix this issue if you have a port number in the urls while using xampp server.

    ERROR: Are you sure you wanted to do that?

    In reply to: How to add icons tags



    You want to use an image instead of the img in the quicktags toolbar?



    Yeah its all good.

    Oh, if you are just not going to use the breadcrumbs you can just display: none; instead.



    Try running the repair tools one at a time in the WordPress backend in Tools > Forums to see if this can fix that issue.

    In reply to: Random Unsubscribe



    The emails magically stopping and topics being automatically being unsubscribed is a weird issue. Only thing I could think is that a user may not know that they are unsubscribing their own topics without knowing, or something or someone has run a process to bulk unsubscribe a users topics.

    Does it happen to all subscriptions for the user, or just a few?
    Any plugins that modify bbPress’ subscriptions?

    Have you done some plugin troubleshooting, to see what may be causing the issue??




    I say since I think you are trying to set up hiarchal forum and category layout, insert this loop-forums.php file into your child theme instead of what you did.

    If you want to try to add the hook into the bbp_list_forums() function, you have to filter the output put the hook before every list item.




    I like it!

    The forums have a nice and clean design.

    I like the forum icons and the login widget above the forums especially.

    In a single forum there is no header label for Last Post column and I think the icon fonts should be about the same size as the topic titles are.

    In reply to: Random error



    Is this the type of error you are getting in the red notice?? It might be translated different if you have a different language for your forum.

    Just make sure you have some content in your message to a topic.


    Go through some troubleshooting. See if it could be custom php code snippets that could be causing the issue in a child theme functions.php or in a separate plugin.





    Was the forum ever in a BuddyPress private or hidden group??
    Did you ever use another private group plugin and make that group with the forum private?
    Has the forum ever a private or hidden forum??
    Does this only happen in your current theme?
    Have you tried disabling all plugins except bbPress to see if the issue persists?
    Have you tried running the repair tools one at a time in the WordPress backend in Tools > Forums.


    Also I am testing with this theme and I am not getting this issue, I think there must be some setting somewhere that is making the forum not be visible in the search results.



    You can use a bunch of IDs and classes for that simple search button, I went with this. It seems to work if you add !important for the :hover css.

    #bbp-search-form #bbp_search_submit {
        text-indent: 0;
        background: none;
        background-color: #1e73be;
        color: #fff;
        width: auto;
        height: auto;
        border-radius: 0;
        margin-top: 0;
    #bbp-search-form #bbp_search_submit:hover {
        background-color: #000 !important;



    Sorry for the late reply, I just approved your post…because I saw you link to it in your other topic.

    The max execution time error is very common to see when running a process that takes an amount of time.

    You need to increase the max execution time, you can follow this guide to help you learn how.

    Also the slugs shouldn’t cause that issue.

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