Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Help Css & Layout




    try to keep your css issues on the link to the topic, its hard to keep track of all the topics if im trying to refer to two people questions

    Question on the css for bbpress


    try not to make duplicate topics, you have 3 topics about the same thing.

    In reply to: Captcha-plugin



    there is this which add captchas to the reply and topic form

    and there is this which integrates with bbpress



    gd bbpress tools works on my end especially the quote button, it does have a weird but on my end where it moves the first time i click, but the second time it works fine.

    contact your theme author and see if they can find an issue about the quote link moving.



    your theme already has some bbpress styling in the main theme stylesheet.

    it has background:none!important;

    its kind of messy just adding !important again but it did work on my end

    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header {
    background: purple!important;



    ok i will now test out your theme,

    im going to have bbpress, gd bbpress tools , and thats it

    first im going to test if i can design the forum like normal

    then im going to try to see if gd bbpress tools works.

    im come back to you in a minute.



    use robins plugin.

    bbp additional shortcodes

    remember to read on how to use the plugin on that page too.

    In reply to: Help Css & Layout




    when you say “tabs” do you mean for example in the website where it says “whats new” and “forum”, or when it says “subforums” and “irrational legacy games”.

    if its the “whats new” and “forum” then you would have to follow Peters suggestion.

    if its the other one, you would have to follow my suggestion and use Robins file off his website.

    In reply to: Help Css & Layout



    @atfpodcast deactivate the new ui plugin, if you still have a problem reply back.


    just post the css code in just one thing, dont put it into two places.And if you also have bbpress new ui deactivate that.

    to make categorized forums, first go to the forums section in the backend click the menu link with the beehive.

    whatever forum you want to make a category change the type in the sidebar in the right. change from forum to category.

    to add forums to this category, click any forum you want to be a child of the category and make the parent the certain category.

    change the order number to customize the positioning, top category starts at zero then the children forums go off that.

    you should end up with something like this.

    first category 0
    -first forum 1
    -second forum 2
    -third forum 3
    second category 4
    -fourth forum 5
    -fifth forum 6
    third category 7
    -sixth forum 8



    then just go with gd bbpress tools

    you will get quotes, additional views, and some other stuff too

    In reply to: Change forum color




    post a link to your site

    In reply to: Help Css & Layout



    1. follow this link look at number 1 to see if you have the right css , copy that into whatever place you can put custom css

    jetpack custom css module
    custom css plugin

    bbPress Styling Crib

    2. Follow this link and follow these instructions

    To use this template:

    1. Download the file below to your PC, and unzip it.
    2. Using FTP go into your theme, and create a bbpress folder

    where your-theme-name is the name of your theme
    3. Copy the file you downloaded to this folder, so that you end up with

    Alternate bbpress index page

    here are some more links in the codex that might be useful

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    if you still dont see any changes in css after you have followed all the information correctly.

    the last thing i could think could cause the problem is either clearing cache
    and also bbpress- new ui plugin , if you have this installed it might cause some issues in styling



    you can use this plugin

    but this also needs to be used with

    and you can also this plugin which has bbcode and alot of other functions added to it.



    install this code into your bp-custom.php or functions.php



    *do NOT mess with the templates in the plugin folder

    jeez -_-



    this is the css to customize the color , i already put purple in, you can change that to a specific color.

    if you are using the bbpress-new ui plugin , i dont know if that will cause a conflict or not.

    copy this css anywhere where you can put custom css

    jetpack custom css module
    custom css plugin
    bbpress.css file


    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header {
    background: purple;

    i also put the footer css just in case you want to edit that too.


    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header, #bbpress-forums li.bbp-footer {
        background: purple;
        border-top: 1px solid #EEE;
        font-weight: bold;
        padding: 8px;
        text-align: center;

    Links that might help

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    bbPress Styling Crib

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 3





    do mess with the templates in the plugin folder they will just be gone when you update the bbpress plugin.

    just copy the templates to your child theme and edit those.

    do not do inline styles, you can just add a class to the link and add the css to the bbpress.css file that you should copy to your child theme in a folder called css.

    i would recommend not to put the code into your pagination template. it would be fine if you just put it into content-single-topic.php you can just put it i think under
    <?php bbp_single_topic_description(); ?>

    i gave you the wrong code earlier actually so my bad, the one i had takes you to the forum index.
    this is the final code should be this exactly

    <?php if ( bbp_is_single_topic() ) : ?>
    <a class="bbp-back-to-forum" href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink(); ?>">Back to <?php bbp_forum_title(); ?></a>	
    	<?php endif; ?>

    what this does is only show the link on a single topic, so it wont show it on topics started page a subscribed/favorited topics page.

    it takes you to the forum of any topic you have, so if you have multiple forums you wont have to write the exact link everytime.

    it adds a class which is a.bbp-back-to-forum

    and the link shows the actual name of the forum.

    then you can style the link by using.

    a.bbp-back-to-forum {

    drop the css into your bbpress.css in your child theme.

    also please read the codex, it has alot of very useful information about bbPress.




    you have the buddypress register form , so if you have any issues with that go to buddypress support

    when i looked at it on IE 11 it seems fine also tried the latest version of firefox, havent tried safari though , but safari and chrome both run on the same engines so i assume it would work.



    i added mine by copying loop-topics.php to my child theme and placing it above

    <li class="bbp-header">

    it looks like you want it to be above the header in loop-replies.php though.



    @terriswiatekyahoocom you can create a simple href link to go back to the forums thats how ive done it before. i just did this before <a href=""></a>

    i think you can create a function using <?php echo site_url(); ?> and
    <?php printf (bbp_get_root_slug() ); ?> , i suck at php so i ended up with this sloppy code

    <a href="<?php echo site_url(); ?>/<?php printf (bbp_get_root_slug() ); ?>">Back to Forums</a>



    i dont recommend using that envato author support forum theme , unless you are at least selling a product from envato or want a support forum and know how to remove what you dont want from the envato theme.

    plus the envato theme hasnt been updated in 2 years.

    In reply to: "Reply" button



    i can name two forums on the top of my head that has achieved this exact feature, but the developers have not shared how to do it (or at least i havent found it in the forums).

    so yeah its all up to some custom development , either you go hack some quote plugins like bbpress direct quotes and gd bbpress tools or you hire a developer to create something for you.

    In reply to: "Reply" button



    That’s some custom development work right there.

    Beyond free support.



    @pavle123 but yeah its not really much though, you shouldn’t just be waiting to grab the theme.

    if you want your forum to be a specific way, you should go into trying to develop for yourself by reading the documentation and going off that and also learn from other online sources , or hire a developer.



    im busy trying to overhaul the design of my site, change to a better ssd hosting, and some other stuff thats making me quite busy.

    the layout that im going to share is quite different than the one im going to use on my site.

    the layout im going to share will not have the profile dropdown menu, forum color coordination, and topic stats inside of the actual topic post, reply upvoting , reply and topic sharing,

    forum color coordination will basically be a modified version of this plugin

    topic stats inside of the actual topic is easy its bascially just putting code thats already in bbpress and just styling around it. i just want to leave that out of the layout.

    reply upvoting is just a modified plugin i found , i think it was this
    im am not a fan really of reply upvoting anymore because all i see it as is just a number.
    i would like an upvoting plugin that sort of works like reddit that bumps up the topic, or sorts topics by popularity which i think you can do if you do a custom view in bbpress, or like how likes work or like buddypress favorites but i havent learned enough to know to do this myself.

    reply sharing i thought was kind of useless in my opinion too, because i want people to just share the topic and bring them in the topic than to see a certain reply of the topic.

    topic sharing i didnt add because i just used jetpacks sharing and people hate on jetpack alot so i cant just leave that there for them, i will leave a comment in the templates on where to put some sharing plugins template tag code though.

    the shortened edit log is basically the modified time template tag that wordpress supplies.
    with the revision count, i used something custom til i looked into the templates of bbpress to find that they have a template tag for reply/topic revision count so im using that now in the layout.

    topic/reply admin links will have icons but instead it will be genericons or dashicons then the fontawesome icons i am using.

    the overall layout will stay the same with big avatars in the topics loop, removing small avatar, yeah the rest of the layout.

    and also there are many ways i found of created a better mobile layout, so i might share those later too.

    In reply to: Ask a question tab



    are you even using bbpress??

    there is no ask a question tab..

    explain more on what you are talking about??

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