peter-hamilton (@peter-hamilton)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @peter-hamilton


    So I wonder how many people requested media management in the survey



    Ha ha, cheers…I forgot an “L” in my link

    Links should be | my BBFacelook theme



    Like it, at first loved the slow/lazy loading effect but find it too much for all pages, perhaps on activity and feed page remove the lazyload.

    For the rest an awesome theme

    P.H., my BBPress theme



    @stagger-lee I wish I knew more PHP, cutting and pasting until something works takes a long time, took me about 6-7 months to get this site to his stage.

    Although I am more and more understanding it, still could not write it.



    Hi Joymoleta

    I have not looked into that as a feature yet, but have seen a few plugins, all very old and forgotten but could still work.

    I will have a look today and come back later to let you know if I found some.

    btw. thanks for the feedback.

    In reply to: Best anti spam plugin



    After using numerous plugins, including Askimet, I am now using WangGuard for registration, no spammer since.
    All I added with it was a security question, but this only works to prevent spam/robot registration.



    @Robkk, the man with the details.

    btw. I see many people work on files through the editor in WordPress, but this only allows edits of existing files, and only core files.
    I think there is a need for a small tutorial on editors, root folders and ftp access for starters, I remember being very intimidated by my root folders at first.

    In reply to: Can't find



    And to find that file you need access to your server.

    In your wp-content yhere is a folder called plugins, in there there is a folder called BBpress.
    In the bbpress folder is a folder called templates, and in there a folder called default.
    In that Default folder is another folder called bbpress, and that is the template folder where you can find the loop-single-reply that you can copy to your child’s bbpress folder

    In reply to: Can't find



    can you not copy that from the legacy folder and paste it into the theme bbpress folder




    I dont use threaded comments so can not check the exact code, but should be easy with css.

    Check out @media queries for your stylesheet, then you could add styles to remove comment/reply avatars and change the margins.

    Perhaps another member has better details for you.



    Been busy and had little time to work on my new theme, here are a few updaes.

    Removed the navigation on the right and re-sized the members header. members profile

    Made a sidebar that holds three seperate sidebars, this allowed more info on relatively less space, tabbed for easy navigation between forums/articles/groups widgets.
    And here you can see he new sidebar on my new members page, all new members get an identicon if they do not upload an avatar. members page

    In reply to: Installing bbpress



    I dont understand the question…sorry.

    You installed bbpress, have you checked the dashboard? activated the plugin? and do you have a link to the site so we can have a look to figure out wha you mean.



    Dont know if you spend time on Buddypress forums, where they explained the need for the red category blocks (green here) which was down to people posting mostly in he wrong category, and all the non pimping posts in the pimp-it category show that there might be a hierarchy issue, perhaps due to growth.

    Is there any plans for a change in he bbpress forums to have a different layout, more like with the epicwebs function now part of the core that allows to separate forums by category?

    In reply to: every second row



    How bout asking in a support forum instead of the showcase forum



    link not working…

    Bu..yes bbpress is a plugin t make a forum, this is usually done on a seperate page called forums, you can even make a link in your menu to go to that page.



    3. Buddypress allows more member profile functions, group creation with private forums and a facebook style activity wall, this is all added by Buddypress to the already existing forum only functions from BBpress.

    They integrat by following the steps offered after instal, I always instal BBPress first.

    If you want you can have a look a my site how they work together, I believe they should always be used in tandem.


    4. If you create the categories and the forums, then members can only post topics in forums on hose categories by default.

    2. You can change that text in form-reply.php, which means you need to make a bbpress template folder in your child theme.

    1. I wish it was true.

    Hope this helps.

    Peter Hamilton



    Or try playing around with his

    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body, #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body ul.topic {
    border-top: 1px solid #eee;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 8px;
    float: left;
    width: 20%;

    This will give 5 rows, 10 would not fit any screen.
    his idea you have might sound good, but it will cause lots of issues on different viewports/mobile



    Ah…I did no get it, now I see what you meant with the bubble, luck @robkk is sharp as a pencil



    hi Jacob, first of all, P2Breathe is a boring theme, and all those functions are common to install to any bbpress forum.

    I would love to see a link to your slowed down website, just to have a look.

    I disagree with your initial statements about bbpress not being mature forum software, Vbulletin and IPBoard are both main competitors, but bloated and full of extra functions most forums do not use/need, slowing them down just as much as some plugins can do to bbpress.

    BBPress does exactly what they do, and perhaps even more thanks to the wordpress platform and the 1000’s of people on forums developing more every day, ofcourse most plugins are crap (sorry dev’s) just like anything that comes mass produced, but following tips and hints from other users should guide you through the swamp to find the real gems there are available.

    For me BBPress is becoming more and more the forum choice by default.

    And you mentioned Disquss, so no need to have bbpress concentrate on comments for wordpress since there is already a very good alternative.

    Peter Hamilton

    In reply to: Layout in progress



    Hi again, so I worked on the points @robkk brought up, and I am happy to say that it does look a lot better already, so thanks guys.



    I do not see any bubbles?

    In reply to: Layout in progress



    Hi Robkk, thanks for having a look again.

    I agree with the profile nav and am changing that next, have just downloaded the plugin you mentioned and will have a look at it, looks a lot bigger then the code I am using…but has a lot more functions I like to include like sharing those backgrounds on activity etc, will use it tomorrow.

    I also removed all Epicweb stuff so the forums page looks normal again, I was long focused on creating the right category/forum list, but ended up using a page with shortcodes in the end, so that code was just clutter anyway, so thanks again.

    Peter Hamilton

    In reply to: Layout in progress



    Finished theme will come in few colorschemes, this is me just playing around a bit before going to bed dark theme

    In reply to: Layout in progress



    Landing page for non-logged in or new visitors

    In reply to: Layout in progress



    Article Archive | BBFacelook theme

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