Forum Replies Created
In reply to: I want to change the font
Or just open the Kakumei folder and edit that style.css file and re-upload it. (make a back up of it ofcourse)
In reply to: Quote Plugin WeirdnessThat is the problem with this plugin, it uses blockquotes. I suggest the plugin builder uses
for this (some users want to use the quoteblocks and also want to quote stuff.But yourproblem (Keith) is that bbpress can’t handel nested blockquotes (I think)
In reply to: Numbered PostsIt has post numbers, but they aren’t like 1, 2 ,3 etc. Every post (doesn’t matter in what part of the forum) get’s a number when it is created, so if you want to show these form 1 post you will get someting like: 10, 15, 28 etc (do I make any sence?)
Perhaps a plugin can add a counter starting at the top post with 1, but you wouldn’t be able to link to this post with that nr if you want to do that…
In reply to: bbMenu 1.1 BETA need help fixing a (ajax)bugHi sul,
I also think your problem is a php or sql version issue. I have 2 testservers at different hosting providers and it works great on both
I will take a look at the version nrs perhaps you can upgrade/downgrade then…
But that’s not the problem of this topic, I need to get rid of this double content showing
In reply to: Limit to the number of posts in a thread?Don’t think so. Vbulletin is obsoleet even phpbb3 (more then 1.5 years late) isn’t as fast and need as bbpress is. I don’t think 1000 post will be a problem since bbpress is “build” a differnt way (don’t know the english terms to explain it right)
In reply to: Plugin: Simple OnlinelistHmm your is a bit differnt can you zip your version and mail it to me? Got it thx!!
In reply to: simple way to add TinyMCE to BBpressWhat’s up with that tinymc… it’s crap really… don’t understand why wordpress uses it either, there are way better ones out there….
In reply to: Plugin: Simple OnlinelistKeith, try deleting the whole table (not empty it) and re-upload the plugin, perhaps that works…
Also what is the template name from your template used on you website (wordpress site). Kinda like it’s simplicity!
In reply to: bbpress 1.0 plugin manager questionPerhaps this plugin_deactivate hook is a nice idea to add?
Then something in the plugin:
on deactivation -> drop table x OR drop row x
made a trac for this
In reply to: Plugin: Page links for bbPressI mis the page 1
I know clicking the title you go to page 1, but we are all known with the vbulletin way…
So if it has one page, dont show the page tags
If it has two, show the page 1 and page 2 tags
etc etc
In reply to: Plugin: Page links for bbPressHmm take out the images and put the page numbers between (..), makes your plugin easier to install (no difficult stuff with images, extra uploading etc)… just my 2 cents
In reply to: Show off your Forum !! is my area 51 where i test my plugins (bbmenu, bbportal,bbwysiwyg)
In reply to: bbMenu 1.1 programming problem (advanced!)Got now this:
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$id = $_POST['id'];
$content = $_POST['content'];
$bbdb->query("UPDATE ".$bb_table_prefix."menu SET item = '". $_POST['content'] ."' WHERE item_id = '". $_POST['id'] ."'");
echo stripslashes(htmlentities($content));
?>This should work?
In reply to: trac explanation for noobsI’ve installed turtoise tried some stuff but I realy giving up now. This way of uploading is way too complicated and userUNfriendly.
I suggest you guys update to trac 0.11 (which includes uploading files) or give some simple FTP acces cause the way things are now aint working for me (normal noob user). Spent some hours now trying to just do 1 simple thing UPLOADING A PLUGIN…. nothing more…
I have no choice but putting the plugin on my own site. It’s kinda silly a simple thing like uploading can be made so complicated……
In reply to: Empty tag <br> issue?Try
<br />
In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?How to make is so, that it wont filter between the code tags? Cause we dont want smilies in code parts
In reply to: Plugin: Using the strike tagThx
In reply to: Plugin: YouTube in bbPressSo in the next version like:
??Nah too complicated, need a plugin or something
Most simple is to just hide the chosen forum from the list (while creating a topic) from all members except the mods/admins…
In reply to: Access to last page of TopicThe is also a trac ticket for this
In reply to: Plugin: Page links for bbPressThe is also a trac ticket for this
In reply to: Plugin: Using the strike tagShame there is no demo or image of how it looks like
I want the same thing for my bbportal plugin, but it’s isn’t supported yet. There are some plugins that come close, but don’t fill this need.
Basicly you want to restrict new post creation for all members except the admin/mods for that special forum….
In reply to: Setting user dataHmm perhaps add an hidden field with basic assignment in it?
Wasn’t there a plugin in the works that did something like this? Adding custom fields it was…
In reply to: Plugin: Using the strike tagOMG I totaly looked over that
Yep it works