Michael (@michael888)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @michael888


    :) – hmm … I thinkMichael means these three plugins are the basis for an “interesting” forum.

    I was actually in a rush when I posted this – did not mark everything that I thought should have a star. :)

    So, the Moderation Suite and Project Honey Pot should also be marked – but I can’t edit it now…

    @NiksE: Also remember: Don’t be like me and use almost every plugin there is – well I’ve removed many of mine. Just use the plugins that you think will be good for YOUR forum. Also, what do you think your users will want?



    Hi :)

    Well, for a start, if you have a WordPress.com username, you must enable Akismet – it’s the best spam protection you’ll get. I also recommend ‘Human Test for bbPress’ – also good for security.

    Here’s a list of the plugins I recommend: (I may miss some because I don’t use all of them, obviously) Items marked with a star are quite important, in your case.

    1. Allow Images *

    2. Avatar Upload *

    3. bbPM (for Personal Messages)

    4. bbPress Moderation Suite (not always used in some forums, but very handy to have)

    5. bbPress Smilies *

    6. bb Topic Icons

    7. bb Topic Icons/Support Forum Connector (comes with the above plugin)

    8. Burning Tags

    9. The MyViews Suite

    10. bbPages

    11. Project Honey Pot (Spam protection, prevents spam users from registering)

    12. Signatures

    There are plenty more, but those are my most common ones.

    Hope that helps a little. :)



    There are good methods of doing it – I’m not sure exactly as I’ve never done it before; however, you might want to clarify what type of integration you want. Are you planning to do simple login integration, or ‘deep integration’?

    In reply to: Display All Tags



    No problem. I should’ve just posted here instead of asking on your plugin comment feed.

    Thanks for that – I have blended it with the bullet separation I mentioned before:

    <?php echo implode( ' &bull; ', bb_get_tag_heat_map( bb_get_top_tags( array( 'limit' => '') ), array( 'format' => 'array' ) ) ); ?>

    All seems to work okay – thanks. :)



    Nice to see spoilers for bbPress. :)

    Does this plugin work perfectly? Don’t want to use it till I know for sure…



    1.0.2 only allows you to activate/de-activate the plugin. I’m sure future versions will have an auto installer — just like WordPress.

    In reply to: New Theme For BBPress



    arpowers: Your theme(s) will get very popular if you make them BuddyPress ready. I, for one, will definitely buy your StationPro theme-set for my community site, Dev:station.

    The whole idea for me is to have a blog, common forums, user forums, and member interaction zones (BuddyPress). I think your theme will bring it through just perfectly.

    One suggestion by the way: I see the line-height for the tag cloud is to small, thus making each line overlap. Personally, I think it degrades the theme. Even if you don’t fix it; I will buy it when the time comes.

    Nice work.


    In reply to: empty background



    If seen numerous forums with the same problem.

    It seems the link to your CSS for the forum is wrong. I may be incorrect on this, but that’s where the background is declared. You have this:


    It should be this


    See if that makes a difference.




    I see. There is a thread somewhere here about that. They tried to get this result:


    I’m sure this will surface one day – it would be nice if it were a plugin that adds to the list of permalink types in the admin panel. I too will be implementing something like this. Nice thing about it is that Google will filter your result into a hierarchical display (breadcrumbs).

    That type of thing will also increase crawling speeds.



    We have them Every Wednesday at 2100 GMT. The last few have not been posted on the blog yet. That will probably happen soon.



    Nice pic – good emphasis. ;)

    I see what you mean. I think I’ll just leave it as it is, and wait till a get a new domain so I can use a new theme with Cumulus.

    I did already have a look at that file – but I couldn’t see how I would be able to change it.

    Thanks for your info Chris :)



    Most browsers will handle it – though I’m not sure about the bullets method you’ve given me. If I do it using CSS, then some bullets will be bigger than others because it’s size is not controlled by the CSS. I need all the bullets to be of the same size.

    I’m sure there’s something I could do in tho core to split them. They are already split by spaces. I did have a look in some places, and I see that the tag list is an array that gets extracted [directly?] onto the page.

    But now that I think of it – it might look a little out of proportion if I use bullets of the same size. Spacing will work – I will give that a try.

    If I can’t do that, I’ll just add some other pseudo in CSS to make hover effects etc.

    Thanks :)



    No – I couldn’t fix the problem. So I’m using the normal tag cloud – but I eventually will switch to bbCumulus when I have a new domain and a blog to integrate my forum with.



    bbPress does have support for Pretty Permalinks, which are SEO friendly. Just go to your admin panel > settings > permalinks. You can change it there. :)

    Simple:Press is developed externally – so more effort has been put into bbPress to make sure it integrates properly with WordPress.



    I take it no one know how to do this…



    You’ve done an awesome job with this! :)

    This is what I LOVE about bbPress – you can do almost anything you like with it. I almost confused your forum for phpBB. Very nice :)



    I see – well at least it works now. :)

    You’re welcome. :)



    I can’t actually see where the problem is – not that I can find a problem. Just tested your forum, and it seems to work okay.



    Could you post the code so we can have a look?



    I see – you’re pointing to a file that doesn’t exist. The image is in the theme directory, right? Try using the full path like I have below:

    <div id="headercenter">
    <div class="header-text">
    <a href="http://www.inniosoft.co.cc/devstation"><img style="margin-top: 36px;" border="0" alt="dev:station." height="65" width="336" src="http://www.inniosoft.co.cc/devstation/my-templates/businesslike/images/headerlogo.png"/></a>

    Peace, Michael



    Well can you show us the code that you used? I have a template based on yours (from Spyka.net), and my image appears perfectly. You may just have an error in your code.



    I never found this error. I should check it out. :)

    In reply to: Tag Bug: MySQL error



    Okay, thank you :)

    In reply to: Tag Bug: MySQL error



    I’ve just disabled the plugin. I don’t want to reduce the functionality of it at all. Besides, I’m planning to make some changes to my forum – so I’ll probably use bbCumulus when the time comes. :)

    Thanks for the help :)

    In reply to: Tag Bug: MySQL error



    I see – must be the case then. Any idea how it can be fixed? I’m assuming that the attempt to remove the tag that may have caused the problem would be useless.

    I will try re-installing the plugin, that should do the trick.

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