Marius- (@marius-)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: How do I use BB Polls?



    Thats not the problem at all…ugh… I have activated that and clearly I state that it is DURING TOPIC CREATION THIS OCCURS. The save-button is gone there. I can add polls later, but thats too clumsy.

    In reply to: Bavatars doesn't work!



    Again, I have no clue about permissions and codes and stuff. I just upload files to my server. And no, that directory does not exist. Atleast not as I can see.



    I want rows and description, like in the original theme. Where it says “Last poster” – I want “Author” to appear just like that, next to it. In other words, create an entire new column.



    Comon, somebody say something!



    I’ve abandoned this idea now. Until BBPress makes this ALOT easier to achieve sometime in the future.

    I added a link to the forum on the mainsite, and it opens in a new window. Looks good.



    How did you embed youtube videos in the forum?



    Thanks man. Can I post both codes without them conflicting each other?

    Both border radius and mozilla codes?

    And using border-radius, do you have input each of the four corners, like in the Moz-code? Or can you just specify one line like the one you gave me?



    I don’t agree with that. I dont know shit, and still I’ve managed to set up several great websites. Thats why i chose BBpress, to not have to understand shit. Just let it drive itself.



    Ah, I have one simple wish too. Maybe you could give me the code to put in right here :)

    A youtube button! Is this possible?



    I dunno how lol. I was hoping someone could do it for me.

    This is one of them things that if I start mixing stuff, it will fuck up the entire source and become unable to repair.



    Is it then possible to click the image, and enlarge it? or is it just plain and simply resized with no other options?

    I read somewhere that if a user posts a small image, this will be enlarged to that size, when using CSS, is this true?


    Ipstenu, I tried your CSS code, and that did not work either. But this did:

    #thread .post img {max-width:580px;



    Ah you’re the author huh. Yeah well, it’s good you took initiative. Would really appreciate an admin panel for it. Like “what color do you want as background, what features do you want to include” etc. Had a hardass time styling the css in this one. The result turned out good though, so it wasn’t impossible.

    However, more importantly, I wish for the option to select text, and one click on button will automatically at a start and end-tag. Instead of clicking twice. This is the number one wish! All the other stuff I can live with.



    Where do I place this?



    This is my ongoing problem now. The plugin simply does not work for me. I’ve solved the other problems, but this….



    I manually red the entire css file, finding a name that seemed to have some green color in it, and disabled it.





    I sat up all night removing code completely, and it’s this easy? Just two slashes? Poor bastards couldn’t write that in the fucking readme file.

    It’s not that easy, when removing the “Code” button this way, I get the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/michael/public_html/forum/bb-plugins/bbcode-buttons/BBcode-buttons.php on line 29



    Ugh, talking to myself here. There is a bug with the Link function which fucks up IE, I suppose everyone has stopped caring now.



    Alright can someone help me remove some features from this?

    I want to remove List, Unordered List, Close, Center, ORdered list, Code, URL, Strike through:

    Plugin Name: BBcode Buttons Toolbar
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Automatically adds an easy access button toolbar above the post textarea to allow quick tags in BBcode. This is an enhanced replacement for the Comment Quicktags plugin. No template editing required.
    Author: _ck_
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.0.9

    License: CC-GNU-GPL



    function bbcode_buttons() {
    $tags = bb_allowed_tags();
    echo "<scr"."ipt type='text/javascript' defer='defer'>
    function BBcodeButtons_init() {
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_bold','Fet','','','b','font-weight:bold;','Fete bokstaver'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_italic','Kursiv','','','i','padding-right:7px;font-style:italic;','Kursive bokstaver'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_under','U','','','u','text-decoration:underline;','underline'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_strike','S','','','s','text-decoration:line-through;','strike through'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_link','URL','','[/url]','a','text-decoration:underline;','make a link'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_block','“Sitat”','
    ','q','padding:0 1px 1px 1px;','Siter tekst'));";
    if (isset($tags['img'])) {echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_img','Bilde','[img]','[/img]','m',-1));";}
    echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ul','UL','
    ','u','','unordered list'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ol','OL','
    ','o','','ordered list'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_li','LI','[*]','[/*]','l','','list item'));";
    if (isset($tags['center'])) {echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_center','center','
    echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_code','CODE','
    ','p','line-height:160%;font-size:80%;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:anadale,serif;','unformatted / code'));
    BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_close','close','','','c',' ','auto-close any tags you left open'));
    <scr"."ipt src='" .bb_get_option('uri').trim(str_replace(array(trim(BBPATH,"/\"),".php","\"),array("",".js","/"),__FILE__),"/\")."?0.0.9' type='text/javascript' defer='defer'></scr"."ipt>";



    Nah, I’ve been sitting up all day long the last few days, editing the look of bbpress. I’m gonna use it.



    This plugin is no good. You have to press each button twice? One for quote-start, one for quote-end. You can’t mark up text and wrap it in tags. This is not logical



    Just tried deleting BBCode because I found that BBcode Lite made it work. But then the buttons disappeared.

    Does BBCode Lite require the normal BBCode Buttons plugin to work?

    In reply to: BBPress Plugin version



    Would be real cool if it was a plugin though. That way I could make it as a normal page, instead of recreating a whole new template.



    Shagalaga, that was just what I was looking for, but it doesnt work. Nothing happens. See here:



    You know what, this plugin doesn’t work at all for me.

    edit: Just tried out BBCode Lite, and that works.

    Can you limit the width of an image, so it doesn’t exceed the forum?



    Thats too complicated for me. I’m not an expert coder at all.

    I barely manage to change colors and sizes in the CSS. Just moving the search-bar is a several hour project for me lol.

    I was hoping there was an easy way out, just to make the forum load in the normal page-window, like a normal post would have. Give it the value of a post or something. But recreating a brand new template, and all that stuff, is way too hard for me.

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