Marius- (@marius-)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @marius-


    Please re-read my edited post above. And yes, the word “Save” for saving. Its all default now.



    Johnhiler, the translation has nothing to do with it. In the admin panel, you can type in what you want there, it doesnt affect the functionality.

    The theme IS Kakumei. None of the code is touched, exept for some CSS colors.

    If you turn on Firebug, and you inspect the canclebutton, you will see that there seems to be no code at all for a save button present.

    I have reset the polls to default settings, just to prove that.

    You see at the plugins site here on Bbpress, that more users are having the same problem:

    There, user Michael888 says to me that version 1.1 of BBpress might include poll functionality.

    Is this next upgrade far away. Am I just wasting my time with this old plugin?



    So tell me when you´ve done the testing and if you´ve found something out then…



    John Hiler, I have activated it now, to prevent further annoyances. There is a test thread, and you´re welcome to create a new test thread to see how it is.



    Hello, its now active on my forum for the next four hours –

    You gotta see for yourself during the creation of a topic. There will be no save button.

    In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!



    I have no technical understanding, and still I managed to install BBpress already. Im not agreeing with your argument that BBpress requires PHP-skills.

    It has worked great for almost a year now, and it is a forum software that has gotten quite far already. It just need polishing and simplifying.

    I dont think a plugin works unless it functions 100% out of the box. You shouldnt have to go into the code at all. Thats not userfriendly. So here is me, an end user wanting something to be ideal, and you admit it to not being ideal.

    Im saying that if its not that ideal, then its not working.

    In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!



    Polls: The plugin made by CK for an outdated version of BBpress, does not work with the current version.

    Chatbox: Not a shoutbox, a chatbox thats designed in such a way that its easy for several people to communicate with each other. Not just post a shoutmessage.

    Custom avatar: None of the avatar scripts works with 1.02, unless you go in to the the code, change it, change properties on the server etc.

    Auto forum moderation: Has no admin panel, no instructions, does not work properly with 1.02.

    I have tried all these plugins you mention we have, and believe me, if they was working properly, I would have had them on my forum. But I dont.

    In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!



    Listen to me about plugins. I have had enourmus success with BBPress, with over 110 users and counting. This is what BBPress needs:

    1. Polls

    2. A chatbox on the side of the forum, like a widget. With simple design: Names and messages, nothing else.

    3. Custom Avatar, with image resizing done at upload.

    4. Administrate posting for users. Post length minimum, post allowed per minute and so on. Auto moderation really.



    I will, check back on this later.

    The problem is this: No save button on polls during topic creation. Using BBPress v1.02. Code untouched.



    I seriously need this to work now.

    Is there some other plugin like this?

    Im surprised this is not one of the default tool in WordPress, to limit posts counts for each user, as well as post messages.



    I got like thirty users who are all twelve year olds, it would have been a mess, sorry. I can turn it on again tonight, when they have all gone to bed :P



    Alright, I will activate it for you now, if you can do it within the next hours.

    Its on topic creation now, so you will have to register to try it.

    Alright closing it again now. Im going off to bed, and users are gonna be on early tomorrow morning, so I cant have them freak out with an unfinished plugin.

    Maybe we could time this better tomorrow



    Both are turned on, and it doesnt work.

    The script is there, you can create the poll during topic creation, but it doesnt work. It doesnt get included.

    There is only a Cancel-button.



    I have just installed it, and here is the problem:

    When you decide to create a poll during topic creation, there is no save button. Only a a Cancel button. And when you type in question and alternatives, and click Send in the postform, it doesnt include the poll at all.

    It only works when you go into the topic when its created, and add a poll afterwards.



    Nightgunner, if you read this – I had to delete this plugin instantly.

    First of all, theres no admin panel. So I dont really know what Im installing or not with your plugin.

    Second of all, I tried to recode the format to UTF-8, which supports Norwegian character ÆØÅ. This resulted in error messages from the server, about headers and stuff I have no clue about.

    Thirdly, when hitting the back-button, it returns you to the front page, which confuses members.

    I just wanted one plugin that makes people write longer posts. But this one said nothing about posts being too short as Ben L. implied. It said “You have to actually submit some content”, which educationally demoralises a users will to post. They might think their posts are stupid, which in all truth, they are, but to get a successfull forum, you cant tell people that, you must encourage them. And being an idiot at PHP, I found no way to make this happen in the code.



    Ben L.

    I downloaded the plugin, but that message you quoted does not appear when posts are too short. It says “You need to actally submit some content”. And hitting the back-button, takes you to the front page, not the previous page.

    How to solve this?



    Do you have a recepie for that.

    Now it takes 0.19 seconds to load the forum.



    Damn damn damn. That CSS code worked like a charm. Had to try two times before it worked, place it in the beginning of Structure in the CSS.

    Everything is gone!!! Great!



    What if I remove the following files:




    And I remove the tag input in post-form.php?



    If you want category-heavy forums, use something else.

    I started using BBPRess because I saw this website with it.

    A forum with absolutely no categories at first sight. Just posts – easy access. So I set mine up in similiar pattern, and it has become a tremendous hit. I just got my user number 100 yesterday.

    I have no categories at all, only one front page where everything is.

    So my wish to BBPress is to keep it simple, and make the hard things even simpler.

    The hard things right now is adding new features, polls and many of the plugins requires alot of work to plug in. Why not make these into widgets instead, as a sidebar?

    I would love to have a dynamic sidebar I could add or remove things with ease. Have polls on the sidebar, not arrested in a topic, and maybe a chatbox instead of having an “Off Topic” category or thread.

    I really enjoy the beautiful minimalism of BBPress, and I dont want it to get more complicated.

    So in short, fix whats broken, and keep what works.



    That entire code` should I find those #codes in the stylesheet and plase the // infront of?

    Are you saying that I dont need to delete anything from the php files if I use this code. I just let everything be, and place that in the CSS?

    I tried putting it in Firebug, and nothing happened.



    To be more specific. I use Kakumei theme, so what files include tag codes?

    I know post-form.php, front-page.php probably has them. But which others?

    Is it safe for me to just delete those lines from these files? Or should I do something else?



    Again, you are wasting your energy. Theres no point in telling someone who needs help that their knowledge is not good, they are in the wrong place and whatnot.

    You should think more solution-oriented, not to make things harder than they need to be. If you are so good with CSS to call my skills limited, then either contribute a solution, or be quiet. Im very familiar with people like you, who you need to argue with to get some sense out of. Just see your last answer that Im replying to – where you are first now going in depth about the problem. All this after me having provoked you.

    Luckily, I found another CSS expert who instead of causing trouble and annoying me, was kind to simply post the solution right away. It all was taken care of in less posts than this thread now has.

    Perhaps your CSS skills are good, but your understanding of education is not. I know from experience there are many like you in the programming community, perhaps thats why it takes so long for new standards to get established.

    THis was my last post in this thread.



    When Im asking specifically for location of a code, in the DEFAULT THEME that comes with BBPress, the best place to ask is of course BBPress own forum. Ask the makers, not the interpretors.



    Designing with BBPress will always have something to do with BBPress.

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