Shmoo (@macpresss)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbPress (Replies)



    Well, if you’re not afraid to dive into the template files you could walk though them and comment-out the parts where the replies get included.

    I this part for example.
    no replies

    But when you start doing this you need to understand how to override bbPress template files by copying them over to your own WordPress theme directory. You can find more about that in the codex.

    It’s just walking through paths and following the hierarchy.

    OF course, back-up and always test this first locally. Never do stuff like this straight on live websites.



    I see JJJ closed some tickets yesterday. Thanks.

    Only 16 tickets remain open for now, this means Beta 3 or what?



    Yes great find, thank you Robkk,

    Now you can also do this, ..and make the pagination an unordered list like it should be by the default. 🙂

    function ntwb_bbpress_custom_pagination( $args ) {
    	$args['type'] = 'list';
    	$args['prev_text'] = 'previous';
    	$args['next_text'] = 'next';
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_topic_pagination', 'ntwb_bbpress_custom_pagination' );

    WP Codex: all those args should probably work now.



    This is strange..

    Why is my filter not working. When I look at my screenshot you can see that this array has an apply_filter() function before the variable/array goes through the paginate_links().
    This filter I should use, I expect if I want to make any changes to the array before it gets pulled into the paginate_links() function – right?

    topic forum pagination bbPress

    So I created this add_filter function to test if I can change the <– arrow –> symbols. But for some reason no success at all.

    function xx_my_stuff( $bbp_topic_pagination ) {
    	$bbp_topic_pagination = array(
    		'prev_text' => 'test',
    		'next_text' => 'test',
    	return $bbp_topic_pagination;
    add_filter( 'bbp_topic_pagination', 'xx_my_stuff' );



    Thanks for this update..



    Well using a replies templates as comments to blog posts is a feature for bbPress 2.7 I believe but if that feature is really key you should either [1] code it yourself or [2] look elsewhere cause waiting for 2.7 won’t be worth your time. The bbPress 2.7 release is at least one year away based on the current average development of bbPress.

    From the other point of view, bbPress is the most easy to use forum software when it comes to making changes or altering the frontend layout when you have some WordPress experience.
    I mean, I customizing the frontend of a ‘forum’ is what rocks my boat I never understand why people would use one of those most populair forum scripts out there and in the end have a forum that looks like a FORUM and completely different from the rest of the site layout. I always like it when everything, site, shop, forum and whatnot looks and feels the same as the general site.. I never create forums for mega large websites or sites that are driven by communities from the early days when you simply had to install a forum script to create a so called community. There are far better systems out there that just do that. Create communities and interaction with users – you don’t need a forum for that. Forums nowadays are generally for support only.

    Your MacRumors example is a site that was created 300 years ago based on a forum system to interact with users. Now they are bloated have to hide mega lots of content to fit your mobile screen else the site would load 12min a page.

    Myself I was making a bbPress forum today with a subject called ‘Apple support’. Just for fun not a real project. It’s just fun how easily you can alter bbPress templates and create something frontend that you didn’t know was a forum script.
    This example is my Forums index page.

    bbPress example

    bbPress example

    *still work in progress..



    It’s not a solution to the problem but just a work around.

    What does this mean?
    I think this has something to do with it, and it’s probably part of some Gulp testing-thing they are using or so.

    Property sv:eol-style set to native
    Property svn:auto-props set to 
    *.css = svn:eol-style=native
    *.js = svn:eol-style=native
    *.php = svn:eol-style=native
    *.txt = svn:eol-style=native
    *.scss = svn:eol-style=native
    *.gif = svn:mime-type=image/gif
    *.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg
    *.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
    Property svn:global-ignores set to 
    Property svn:ignore set to 



    Have you ever looked into the Advanced Custom Fields plugin?


    If you’re not afraid to touch some WordPress template files this plugin is for you.

    It’s kinda difficult to example what this plugin really does in a short description because it can be used for so many options – Ill give it a try..

    What it does:
    It creates from your dashboard custom relationships between WordPress Post Types.

    For Example:
    You have WooCommerce up and running and when you’re creating blog posts you wished you had some extra option fields below your Categories section. In this option field you wished to had the ability to add X products to this Posts you’re creating.

    This plugin can handle this for you easily..
    You just create a Field Group, call it WooCommerce for example, or whatever you want.
    Set the location where this Field Groep has to show up > Posts and only when Category B is secreted ( for example )
    Add a number of fields to your newly created WooCommerce Field Groep and hit Save.

    After that visit Add New Posts and look underneath your categorie section. You probably won’t see a thing at first but as soon as you select ‘Category B’ this new option field will show up and you can add your Products to this blog posts.


    Only where it becomes a little tricky/bold is when you want to show those products on the frontend of your website. You’ll need to use the Advanced Custom Fields PHP function tags inside your theme template files. Lucky for us, the Advanced Custom Fields website has a great documentation about that. Even beginners can start simple if they are not afraid to edit WordPress Theme template (.php) files.

    Start reading here.. After using this plugin a few times I think you’ll fall in love with this.

    Creating a Field Group

    In reply to: Visual Editor


    In reply to: Plugin for moderation



    I doubt someone will make a plugin like this in the near future because it’s listed as a native bbPress feature for 2.7. ( next year at bbPres dev pace )

    If you’re feeling comfy editing the bbPress template files you could make something like this in a very basic setup.

    1) You’d need to add a few different user_roles to WordPress and give each moderator it’s own user_role
    2) Next you’d have to work with conditional PHP tags. For example: PHP -> If [ user_role = xxx AND topic is in forum ID ZZZ ] then –> show the moderation links. IF the above rule is not true –> don’t show them at all and return nothing.

    This isn’t very difficult if you have beginner PHP knowledge or let’s say you’re not afraid to touch the template files on a development install. Never do this on a Live site if you don’t know what you’re doing.



    That’s why I installed it.. Testing the code and by the time my forum is done bbPress 2.6 will be released I hope.
    But still, a missing core stylesheet?

    Some developer who has worked last on the code should’ve mentioned it don’t you think, maybe the developers have some fancy tool where they test/fork the alpha and beta versions with?
    I just downloaded the latest version (trunk) of the trac website. ( bottom – download .zip )



    Why is this topic not showing at index page? -test.



    Some people that use bbPress and have a fairly large site, personally I think one of the largest ever made with bbPress 2.0 and those had some issues with loading times when posting new topics and replies.

    I also believe I’ve seen a Trac Ticket a while time ago about this problem but I can’t find it anymore.
    It mostly happend when X topic would stay active for a long time. Everything when someone new would post inside that topic they would automatically get the “Notify me” checkbox checked. This made the subscribe list grow over time – so every time when somebody would post a new reply inside that topic it would take ~35 seconds to proceed and load the page again.

    I don’t know if it’s patched or it solved some other way but I know for sure there was a connection because lot’s of users being subscribed to a topic and loading times while posting.




    Thank you so much it works..



    This is what I have right now,

    First I got undifined Variable for $topic_id so I added the $topic_id = 0; at the code, Zero stands for getting the topic ID from the loop ?



    Thanks I appreciate your input but I can’t make it work..

    This is probably above my league. 🙁



    I don’t think it’s possible by default but you could fake it and make your own ‘fake-loops’ inside the templates files.

    It takes some work and you’re probably will have to call most of your forum_ids by it’s number which is very static.

    This for example maks a clean link to forum_id 98 + adds the forum title as a link-text.
    You could make your custom HTML Lists like that but remember if you delete or add a forum you have to change your template files also. It’s very static.

    <a class="button" href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink( 98 ); ?>"><?php bbp_forum_title( 98 ); ?></a>



    – Yes the plugin is 100% sure active and working because you can see ( red border ) the topic is reported , I’ve even deactivated & activated it again to make sure when I saw that error.

    – It’s a clean copy-/paste from the plugin’s functions file. I’ve even added echo in front of it to check if there was a difference but both with & without echo have the same error.

    Why I ask if a plugin function can be private or protected is, when I take a look inside the plugin function-file I see all functions wrapped inside a class which is pretty standard for making plugins I’ve seen online.

    But I also see something like this:

    	protected $version = '1.0.0';
    	protected $plugin_slug = 'bbpress-report-content';
    	protected static $instance = null;
    	protected $plugin_screen_hook_suffix = null;
    	protected $plugin_path = null;
    	private function __construct() { ....
    	public static function get_instance() {
    		// If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now.
    		if ( null == self::$instance ) {
    			self::$instance = new self;
    		return self::$instance;

    Most functions have public function function_name() and the function I would like to use has only function function_name()

    That made me think maybe my function it’s protected, so I started testing and searching online and did this inside my page template.

    <?php if(function_exists('get_topic_report_link')) {
    echo get_topic_report_link( $args = '' );
    } else {
    echo 'Function does not exists..';

    It takes the ELSE option so there is something wrong right.


    This is what I did to kill for example the Merge link from the admin_links, preventing it would show up something else when called upon.

    function shmoo_kill_topic_merge_link( $r ) {
    	$r = null;
    	return $r;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_merge_link', 'shmoo_kill_topic_merge_link' );

    I’m a Check Norris fan, when I change stuff it has to be NULL 😉

    I know, I probably add and write too much functions-/codes of my own to alter the bbPress core but at least I’m getting it done right now and starting to understand how it works a little. In a few years I will be better ( hopefully ) and add more logic to my projects.



    I’ve got it installed and they work perfectly together – of course none software is 100% perfect, every software has bugs to fix and stuff like that but I can’t say there are any strange bugs at the messages module.

    BuddyPress is becoming better and better by each release 1.9 has huge improvements against 1.6 or 1.7.

    The only ‘problem’ is when you install it – it’s very tempting to install all modules and features. You will probably try BuddyPress because of it’s Messages module and you end up using the Messages, Friends, Notifications, Xprofiles modules. 🙂



    By default:

    Lists of Favorites is open and visible to the public.

    Lists of Subscriptions is not, this needs a current_user_id to show them, if you’re logged-out you’re just a guest at the page and you don’t have a user_id.
    Even if you’re logged-in as member X you an’t see members Z subscription lists. subscriptions are only visible to the user who subscribe to them OR a Mods-/Keymasters of the site.



    – Plugin to filter bad words can done by almost any WordPress plugin that does this kinda trick, it will also filter bbPress posts.

    – Who’s online I have no idea. I don’t think this is available.



    If you know a little CSS and you’re not afraid the change the bbPress templates a little you can make this happen with through the forum_id(); which is unique for each forum.

    Take a look inside loops-forums.php ( the template that starts the forums loop ) you’ll find this. <?php bbp_forum_id(); ?>

    Copy that, next open your loop-single-forum.php and paste that code where you would like your image to show up.
    For example something like this could be possible.

    <img class="bbp-featured-img" src="<?php bbp_forum_id(); ?>.png" alt="<?php bbp_forum_title(); ?>" /><a class="bbp-forum-title" href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink(); ?>"><?php bbp_forum_title(); ?></a>

    All you have to do now is make sure you call your forum images featured_forum_[ID].png and upload them to the path you set in the image tag.

    If you Hover over the forum names at the WP back-end you’ll see where the URL-page is pointing to if you would’ve clicked it, this link has a number like 88 or something, each forum has an unique number so your could pick that number and call it in your images, featured_forum_88.png >> upload the image and it will show up next to the forum title.

    Change-/position it a little by CSS ( img.bbp-featured-img { } ) and you’re done.

    I’ve done this myself the same way only with icon-fonts in front of the forum titles.
    It’s a little bit of customization and it has a static feeling but it’s not that difficult and works perfect.


    Almost forgot to say, don’t change the bbPRess template files inside your plugins directory but copy those files to your theme directory.




    .sticky { color: black; }

    not font-color.



    The themes + use are not available for downloading.

    They’re custom made.
    You could search for a WP theme called P2 , it’s a very clean and almost the same kinda style theme.



    I don’t have a straight answer but you could check inside the BuddyPress ‘adminbar’ templates because if oyu have BuddyPress installed the link you mentioned does exact that.

    It links to the front-end edit profile page of the member.

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