John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    A total of 90 posts in your forums have a 👻 in them. Nearly all are from a single Moderator. It’s possible his counts are off because of his ability to see pending/spam/trashed replies, but that’s just a guess.

    Is it possible that some discussion keywords are causing posts to go into moderation? They hit reply, it gets stuck in pending, and then they try again with different words?



    Have you tried running any of the repair tools?



    I mean… sure? Some posts have ghost emoji in them, but they aren’t at the top of any/every page, and I’m not sure how they would even know to time their posts like that in such an active environment. Not saying they can’t; just seems like a lot of work.

    Pagination gets calculated based on the Forums Settings, so the “top” reply should not even be a real thing. It’s not stored anywhere. It’s not a special value. It’s just mathematically there.

    In reply to: BB Press Version 2.6.1




    In reply to: sub topics not showing



    2.6.2 was just released about an hour ago, so you couldn’t have been using it yesterday unless you were pulling from the development repository and compiling it yourself. It’s great if you were, it’s just that most people don’t! 😀



    As a logged out user, I can’t see any problem with pagination in your 4 topics.

    There is a general bbPress bug, that nobody should ever really see, where pagination pages beyond the actual number of pages, will not 404 the way it should. But because bbPress never links to them anywhere, someone would have to manually type the URL wrong to see it.

    Any other guidance you can give will be great!



    Hey there, sorry that you’re having this trouble.

    Can you include a link to your forums so we can check them out?

    Topic pagination can sometimes be thrown off by non-public replies, especially for moderators that have the ability to see them.

    Pagination is also somewhat weird with hierarchical/threaded replies. That’s been a known issue since the beginning. It’s based on how WordPress does it with Comments, but has some extra behaviors due to the front-end nature of topic moderation.

    Sorry again. We will figure it out!



    I’ve perhaps uncovered a backwards compatibility issue with third party plugins that were using the now deprecated blacklist function.

    In addition, everyone having issues here should remember that bbPress inherits many of the WordPress Discussion (Comments) settings. Moderation words, number of links, allowed tags, and a few others. If topics and replies are getting caught in moderation, comments of the same content would be also.

    That said, the default behavior is NOT to land every single post in Moderation. If that is what is happening, something is broken.



    Sometimes the docs could be more clear. It’s hard to find a good balance between educating quickly and being a full-on tutorial. Glad it’s working now though!



    Alright! Awesome!



    Caching plugins misbehaving could definitely contribute to problems in a lot of areas.

    Private and Hidden forums also do work a little bit strangely, especially without BuddyPress Groups on top of them to manage them a bit better, and especially when you have a mix of public and private within the same branch of a forum tree.

    Imagine, if you will:

    Public 1
    |--Private 1
    |--|--Public 2
    |--Public 3

    Now, I login and create a Topic in the Private 1 forum.

    How should that bubble up to the parent Public 1 category?

    Then someone creates a topic in the Public 2 forum. How can a public forum even exist under a private forum?

    bbPress won’t prevent you from doing these things, but it won’t really work very well when you do.

    I think, to work best, we could never cache these values ever, because they’d always be based on what the currently logged in user can see, instead of being attached to the forums or the categories like they always have been.

    But for now, for performance reasons, these Freshness values are working as intended, even though they aren’t a real great experience for Private and Hidden Forums underneath other Public ones.



    I don’t really understand why you need 2 separate pages for your forums.

    If you create a page that matches the slug for your forum root, it will use that page instead, as well as the title.

    Then, you can use bbPress shortcodes to fill in the content.

    This is what we do here on, and it works pretty well.

    In reply to: Can’t find settings



    Could be that your roles or capabilities are broken.

    Did you install a plugin that modified them?



    Today or tomorrow.



    This will be fixed in 2.6.2. Sorry for the trouble!



    Since the problem appears to be with a third party plugin, you’re unlikely to get a lot of support from the bbPress development team here for code that isn’t theirs.

    In addition, you have not clearly stated what the actual problem is. You have clearly stated your complaints and how you feel about them, but you haven’t included instructions on how to replicate your problem.

    Naturally, these forums are using bbPress, and we aren’t having the same moderation issues that you are. That doesn’t mean there isn’t something wrong, simply that no one knows where to look unless you can show them.

    In reply to: BB Press Version 2.6.1



    Any update on this?

    Others have the same issue. It appears to be true.

    Fix will be part of 2.6.2 this week.



    Pending content is a funny thing.

    If you tell someone why it’s pending, they’ll post again to try and skirt the filter.

    If you tell them nothing, they’ll post again thinking something is wrong.

    If we can come up with some verbiage, that’s step one.

    Step 2, is where to redirect them. If a topic is pending, you can’t really show them their own pending topic, because it’s not visible to them, at least not the way bbPress works currently.



    Hello, and thanks for the feedback.

    bbPress does not use iconography in the forums or topics lists. Typically images in those locations are used to denote new activity since the user last visited, which is a feature bbPress does not have.

    Looking at your screenshot, bbPress default styling looks nearly identical to it.

    The avatar styling in that screenshot looks custom which forum and site owners are encouraged to do. Customizing communities is super fun.

    The default styling should be refreshed, or a new template pack could be introduced. Either way, it would be nice to have things be a bit prettier.



    In your category and forum tree, which areas is freshness not updated correctly? Can you repeat the problem 100% of the time? If so, what are the steps to replicate? (For example, that problem isn’t happening here on, so we need to figure out why not.)



    Sounds like a few different issues. We should work to resolve them together here.

    Do all of you use Category type Forums, where the Category cannot have topics of its own?



    Pretty weird. cc @netweb for a consult on this one. 💜



    It’s hard to see what you mean looking at that query, as there are no site_name type databases before any of the tables.

    Custom prefixes should all be completely accounted for, but I’ll do an audit to be sure and report back.

    The IS NULL meta_key statement is weird.

    Is it possible some other plugin is filtering this query that shouldn’t be?



    bbPress 2.5.10 did fix a bug that was causing maximum title lengths to not be enforced, and this was part of 2.6 as well. It does use '8bit' encoding, but perhaps 'UTF-8' would be better. I think @casiepa is doing some digging to figure this out exactly.



    You’ll have to write a custom plugin that filters bbp_get_user_role_map and adds a key for the customers role.

    Something like:

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_user_role_map', function( $roles = array() ) {
        $roles['customer'] = 'blocked';
        return $roles;
    } );
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