Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Update bbPress 2.2 Error
Fixed. Download the new zip, or delete line 949.
In reply to: Fatal error bbpress.php on line 949 on version 2.2Fixed now. You can safely remove the last line of the file of bbpress.php manually if you’d like; the part that says:
exists check
That last line somehow got duplicated on Subversion export. The official logs here do not have that bit in it, just on Sorry for the inconvenience y’all.
In reply to: Fatal error bbpress.php on line 949 on version 2.2Well, that’s annoying… Fixing.
In reply to: Strange behaviour with qTranslateYou’re in a small group of users, trying to do multilingual forums. It’s likely you’ll need to do some troubleshooting, and come up with a fix for everyone else.
My guess? qTranslate shouldn’t display this message outside of wp-admin.
In reply to: Nonce check fail using reverse proxyI added a filter called ‘bbp_verify_nonce_request_url’ in to bbPress 2.2 address this.
A few other resources worth reading: reply to: Topic Reply "Edit" Display Issue.@hypnoscribe – Please don’t post big code dumps; it’s not easy to read and easily accessible by linking to your site, a pastebin, or any other place.
@netweb – If you’re going to answer questions, make sure they’re the correct answers. πLooking just a bit deeper in Inspector, you’ll notice the CSS isn’t part of WordPress or bbPress. Like @nguyenkinh said, this is a problem with the CSS in your theme.
I’d hold off, as bbPress 2.2 will address this specifically.
In reply to: bbPress 2.2Packaging up bbPress 2.2 shortly.
Closing this topic.
In reply to: Shorter Freshness TitlesSearch for: ‘function bbp_get_time_since(‘
In reply to: bbp_clean_post_cache() problemSome improvements to this bit of code were made in bbPress 2.2, which is due out any day now. Maybe give it a try and report back?
In reply to: help with my user pageFin whatever plugin is causing that to happen, and stop it from happening. π
bbPress sets the post ID to 0. Did you create a post with an empty ID?
In reply to: bbpress tinymce not showingEither a JS issue, or a conflict with Jetpack 2.0. bbPress 2.2 will address this further.
In reply to: Problem updating to 2.1.3Probably best to wait until bbPress 2.2 comes out this week. It’s version of theme compatibility will address much of these complexities.
In reply to: Theme PackagesAnything from incorrect query_posts() usage, to not using wp_reset_query() where you should, and on, and on…
If your there supports bbPress already (meaning it has the templates already where they belong) it doesn’t need any additional code in functions.php.
In reply to: Posts don’t showSo what did change?
In reply to: User role settingIgnore them for now; bbPress 2.2 will alleviate much of these questions.
In reply to: Theme PackagesBoth work fine with TwentyEleven and TwentyTwelve. If it isn’t working, something else is wrong.
In reply to: Problem updating to 2.1.3Unclear why the theme would have BBP_Theme_Compat code in it? It certainly doesn’t come with the Toolbox theme.
I just tested bbPress 2.1.3 and:
* Works fine with Toolbox, out of the box.
* Works with with BuddyPress.
* Works fine without BuddyPress.If you made modifications to Toolbox, or have some custom code in a child theme of Toolbox, that’s likely the cause, though I don’t see how 2.1.3 is the problem, unless you modified files in the bbPress plugin yourself.
In reply to: Theme PackagesIt’s been less than a day, and these forums move pretty slowly; when someone has something to add, they will.
Until then, it’s safe to say that your theme is most likely the culprit here. You’ll want to try bbPress with some other WordPress themes, and see if they play nicer together out of the box.
In reply to: Don'tWarning newcomers about your opinion, or your incorrect observation?
Regarding development speed, see:
- Changelog –
- 2.2 Milestone –
bbPress has never had unread posts in core, it’s been too complex and costly of a feature to include in core bbPress in the past. Maybe you can help implement it, and speed up the development cycles?
To more acutely answer your question, absolutely yes – you can build a community that lacks unread posts. We’ve build the entire ecosystem around bbPress.
Did you know the plugins API that powers the plugins pages in your WordPress dashboard is powered by bbPress? Or that the 5 million users on are all linked by users tables originally setup inside of a bbPress installation? Or that doesn’t run WordPress; it runs bbPress?
A hammer isn’t very good until you hit something with it.
In reply to: bbp_clean_post_cache() problemUsing any catching plugins? How many forums, topics, and replies do you have?
In reply to: Broken permalinks after new user registrationFirst I’ve heard of this. Neither BuddyPress nor bbPress purposely flush the permalinks when a user is created.
Any more information you’re able to drum up would be helpful.
In reply to: Don'tItβs not even a half product. Maybe in 2-3 years but today use something else..anything but this.
Care to elaborate?
What changes in 3 years? Your previous posts show you’re interested in the theme we use here at Is this still about that?
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by
John James Jacoby.
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by
John James Jacoby.
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by
John James Jacoby.
In reply to: What theme does this site use?The goal of bbPress is not to have a bunch of clones out in the wild. If what you want is exactly what we have here, we’re flattered, and we’ll share it at our leisure. Until then, you have 95% of the necessary code in front of you, you just need to use it.
If you don’t know how, learn! Don’t want to learn? Hire someone to do it for you. It’s like changing your oil, painting your house, or cooking your dinner; if you can’t do it, someone out there can, will, and wants to.
P.S. – Getting upset at someone you want something from is a strange way to convince them to give it to you.
In reply to: bbPress Install breaks WP editor?Afraid I’ll need more information to be helpful then; the only time I’ve seen this is with Jetpack 2.0 installed. It’s possible some other plugin or theme is causing a similar issue, but it’s still a WordPress core bug at the core.