Forum Replies Created
This allows anonymous posting:
This allows you to add Name/email/website fields:
But it’s really tricky stuff to add post-level meta info to version .9, so this may not be a stable combo of plugins. It should get a lot easier to have post-level meta information in 1.0…
In reply to: My own theme – 3 questionsA minor note: I think that if you set the edit_lock variable to -1, then members can edit their comments forever. It shouldn’t impact your echo of the edit_lock variable, since you’ll probably be setting it to positive numbers.
But just thought I’d mention it!
In reply to: Database Upgrade IssuesAh ok. We’re using a dedicated server…
This post reported that MT grid uses NFS, which supposedly isn’t good for bbPress?
I used MT grid for a long time and had a lot of problems. But it could’ve been their growing pains, which I hear they’ve grown past. We’ve had a great experience with their dedicated servers, although it’s a totally different setup.
That topic also mentioned a tweak that the user made just for the 1.0 alpha on the MT grid – dunno if that would help at all, but thought I’d share the link anyway.
In reply to: Deep Integration IssueI’m not really familiar with deep integration, so I don’t have any insight beyond just looking for similar errors reported on the forums.
That error has only come up twice that I can see:
The first user didn’t report the fix, although a few other users in that same thread reported alternate approaches that resolved the issue for them.
The second user mentioned a conflict with a plugin.
In reply to: Database Upgrade IssuesI am also on MediaTemple. Do you have a dedicated server, or are you on the grid?
In reply to: My own theme – 3 questions1) Glad to hear it!
2) I don’t know… there’s no guide to template tags at this point. But a Codex with documentation will be started soon, I think. I wonder if studying the plugin might shed some light on potential tags to use…
3) Hopefully someone else can help ya with this one!
In reply to: My own theme – 3 questions1. Yup, there’s something similar in bbPress! Both versions are listed here:
2. This plugin should do the trick:
3. That’s a tough one! I don’t know how to do it. Are you going to be changing X a lot? If not, maybe it’s a pain but you could hardwire X into the template…
In reply to: How to disable display of member groupJust edit the post.php file in your active template – it probably looks something like this:
Remove the line that prints the role of the user:
<?php post_author_title_link(); ?>
Make sure to backup your templates before you edit them. Good luck!
In reply to: Don’t find french version…This page on bbshowcase links to various translations, including one for French:
It looks like you can download the version you are looking for here:
In reply to: i lost admin passwordDid you lose the password… or did you lose admin/keymaster access after integrating?
If it’s the latter, try this plugin:
You’re in luck (I think) – ck wrote a plugin that I believe does just that:
In reply to: 500 error500 Internal Server Errors are usually either related to your .htaccess file or to your file permissions:
Here’s a number of reports from users who ran into similar issues – it was usually resolved by one of those two solutions:
Good luck! Let us know how it goes…
In reply to: Integrating wordpress blog and bbpress forumWhat versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using? And what was your method for integrating the two?
In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?Ah I see – you’d like to add a theme editor to bbPress?
The Theme editor is what I mentioned earlier as a huge existing potential security hole in WordPress. It seemed to be a major attack vector in the recent Bablooo spammer attack, which hit one of my sites; it allowed the virus to add spam links to existing posts. If they had wanted to, they could have easily overwritten the posts completely – or even deleted them.
I would highly encourage you to delete the theme editor file from any existing WordPress installs… at least until WordPress has diagnosed the vulnerability and if appropriate, issued a patch.
But if you feel safe behind your firewall… I suppose you could pay a developer to build a plugin which lets Adminstrators and above write to your file system using the bbPress admin. There’s definitely no existing bbPress plugin that I’m aware of! Maybe WordPress’s code could be ported…
Good luck!
This is the code my template uses to generate the link to the forum name on front-page.php…
forum_id); ?>”><?php echo get_forum_name($topic->forum_id); ?>
Sure thing, I can actually read some Japanese.
Do you mind posting a link to your forum? Might make it a bit easier to help out…
In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?WordPress and bbPress permission levels work a little differently… bbPress doesn’t have an “editor”. In addition to the basic level of “Member”, we have Moderators, Administrators, and Keymasters.
What sort of things do you want your editor to be able to do?
In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?Does your IT department have VPN’s setup, so that workers can access the network from remote locations? My company has servers behind the firewall, but I can access them once I VPN in…
In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?I don’t think there’s a theme editor built into bbpress… but I would highly recommend against it.
There’s been a recent WordPress virus which has hit thousands of of sites, and used the theme-editor as an attack vector:
My WordPress install was hit, and I was able to confirm from my access logs that the attacker attempted to use theme-editor as an attack vector. I’m actually deleting the theme editor from my WordPress install, even though I haven’t enabled write permissions on the theme folders… just because the whole experience was so traumatic.
In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?Ah I had never seen the One Click Updater for WordPress… that’s a neat plugin!
I haven’t seen anything similar for bbPress. Has the plugin been audited for security holes? If it was compromised, that would be one scary situation!!
I’m guessing it could be ported over to bbPress pretty easily… plugins and themes work pretty similarly across the two *Press platforms.
It sounds like your integration didn’t take. What method did you use to integrate your installs?
In reply to: One for Sam? Core/Theme discrepancyHey Michael – I struggled with something similar, but then I found a plugin by ck which enabled this… along with some suggested template tweaks which allow you to hide the posting link if you’re not allowed to post:
Not sure if that touches on what you were asking about… but thought I’d share the link in case it was helpful!
In reply to: Jumpstarting the bbPress CodexSPAM
It’d probably be useful to have a section on registration and post spam, along with the various techniques to fight it:
Some general stuff on htaccess and pretty permalinks (and how support for different approaches to permalinks vary across hosts):
It’d also be helpful to have a summary table showing major differences between the different versions, especially for people using plugins and unsure if an upgrade will break their plugins.
For example, version 1.0 uses BackPress plus it uses WordPress’ latest taxonomy stuff. Plus it has a new approach to meta data. So if an 0.9 compatible plugin depends on any of this stuff, it will probably break in 1.0 unless the plugin’s been specifically updated for the latest version.
Tag permissions – who can add and remove tags:
How hot tags work and can be formatted:
Reordering of hot tags:
Multi-byte characters (this may have been addressed in recent versions):
In reply to: On attachment file permalinkThe settings have a line that looks like this:
$bb_attachments=”participate”; // minimum role to download original = read/participate/moderate/administrate
If you’re signed in, can you download the attachment? If so, the default for downloading content was probably left to “participate”… which requires downloaders to be registered. That’s why that “Sorry, download is restricted” message is appearing.
If that’s the case, you will want to take set the download role to read, not participate. Good luck!