Forum Replies Created
In reply to: How to move a forum?
There’s a BBXF Export and Import pair of plugins that come with the site.
I’m assuming you’re changing your domain name, because otherwise you could just export your database and save it, and your html to your own computer, and then copy them up to the new host.
In reply to: Show off your Forum !!Jorja Fox: Online and the Forums are finally done.
I’ve had the blog up for a couple years (it got taken down and revamped when it crashed my server with bad code and bad bandwidth usage). No ‘hacks’ involved, though I did tweak some plugins.
- Akismet
- Allow Images (commented out two lines to allow for images without blowing up code)
- Bad Behavior (the generic file provided by the creator, with a plugin header added to allow it to be pluggable)
- bbPress Smilies
- Comment Quicktags for bbPress (added in my spoiler tags)
- Mass Edit – Moderate Posts
- Spoiler Tags
- Unread Posts
The design is based on the Dignity Theme, and then hacked to kingdom come to make it, among other things, variable width.
Yeah, the authkeys, sorry, been a hell of a weekend.
You have same AUTH_SALT and LOGGED_IN_SALT set as you do on your WP config?
I had that problem when I buggered the cookies in my bb_config file, while trying to integrate WP and BB. Double check that that’s set up right.
In reply to: RSS links show document tree instead of feedWow, that’s very weird. Using Firefox3/Mac as well I can make it work by holding down shift on refresh. It’s almost like a caching issue.
In reply to: some problem with code in postingsI ‘fixed’ it by commenting out the following lines:
// remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'encode_bad' );
// add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images_encode_bad', 9 );
// add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images', 52 );In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingOh THAT’S what we’re playing!
I thought it was mine’s bigger!
- Akismet
- Allow Images
- Bad Behavior
- bbPress Smilies
- Comment Quicktags for bbPress
- Mass Edit – Moderate Posts
- Spoiler Tags
- Unread Posts
And yes, I tried it with them ALL turned off and with ’em turned on.
In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingOh, possibly.
Operating system Linux
Kernel Version 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp
Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
PERL version 5.8.8
PHP version 5.2.1
MySQL version 5.0.51a-communityIn reply to: Spoiler plugin?I’m either looking for something like that, or alternately jury-rigging a custom tag (if that’s even possible) to let my users post, say, black text on a black background (in a blockquote box) that you have to highlight to see.
Okay I can’t sort out the javascript stuff, but I can make a spoiler bar: Spoiler Tags Plugin
It’s working as intended on my forums right now.
In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingViewing source was the first thing I tried. Old habits die hard
But really, there was nothing.
I did not check the error logs, so I did that right now.
On Server:
Make sure error-log is set to verbose for now.
On bbPress:
Enable XML-RPC – YES
On WordPress:
Install plugin – Done
Activate Plugin – Done (no errors)
Configure Plugin –
ID/Password (Ipstenu / 555Nope!)
Caching Enabled - NO
Enable forums widget - YES
Enable Topics widget - YES
Copy new WordPress posts to bbPress (not implemented)Then I went into widgets and picked ‘bbPress latest topics’, put it at the bottom of my sidebar. I gave it the title of ‘Latest Topics’ and saved my changes.
The header shows up on the bottom of the side bar, no content.
Error log is empty. Frustration resumed
By the way, if the standalone function is called to be echoed like
, shouldn’t that output something?In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingAs I mentioned before, I have xml turned on.
And even using the widget supplied by the plugin, I see nothing. Zip. Nada.
sambauers, thank you for the example. I may try it again later.
In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingYeah. I did all that, rensenieuwenhuis and got nothing. Zip.
I even activated both widgets, even though I only wanted one. It’s not that they vanished, it’s that they were blank. I’d get my custom header, but then nothing. No data. No commented out data in view source. It simply did nothing.
In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingI ended up using Jeriko’s Import RSS feeds into your WordPress blog hack instead. A bit of PHP fiddling and it gets me where I’m going.
In reply to: Request: Delete Bozo UsersYou could also set it so Bozo users have NO role on WP, and then go into your WP admin and delete all users with a role of ‘none’?
In reply to: return grok(Your attempt to do this has failed.);First question: What theme?
Second: What are you trying to do? Just … anything randomly pops this up?
In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingI have the use XML turned on in my admin settings. I have no security issues with any part of wordpress or bbpress as it stands, and SecFilter’s turned off on the server.
In reply to: Bad Behavior For bbPress (HowTo)I’m not sure if this worked but …
I added in the standard Plugin header to the bad-behavior-generic.php file (see below) and then copied it and the rest of the bad-behavior folder up to bbPress. It turned on. I’m trying to sort out how to hack the wordpress plugin. I’m running the same DB for wp and bb so, in theory, this should work easily. It’s not
Fatal errors.
Plugin Name: Bad Behavior
Version: 2.0.24
Description: Deny automated spambots access to your PHP-based Web site.
Plugin URI:
Author: Michael Hampton
Author URI:
License: GPLIn reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingFWIW,
– WP 2.6.2
– BBPress 1.0 alpha 2
In reply to: Fail to make BBpress Live workingI am passably decent at arrays, but when I toss in
<?php bbpress_live_get_topics(); ?>
or anything, I get no data at all. Not even a splorg of unsorted data (which at least would give me an idea of what I need to do). Frustrated me enough that I just gave up. I tried every method I know of to print an array, and I don’t even get an error message.An example of ‘Make a bullet list of the recent posts’ would be nice to help people get started.
In reply to: Discuss in Forum plugin?I think that’s
In reply to: Customizing gravatarsmeitershaker – In theory, the principle that worked for Adding default Gravatars to WP 2.6 should work for bbPress.
Haven’t tested it yet.
I think you can fix that in your bb-config.php file by overwriting.
define('BB_LANG', '');
Add in this:
$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
In reply to: “Add Forum” button numb?No, I’m not using it yet, and likely won’t. It’s cool, though, just outside my scope
(I’m totally digging on this vanilla forum, with a total lack of features I never use!)
In reply to: “Add Forum” button numb?Did some research. Short answer: If it fixes your site, then no, no black hole is created.
Mod_security is a weird beasty. You may want to ask your ISP/Host why it’s set up such that it butchers ajax, though.
Did you have any issues with your wordpress setup that made you fiddle with the security?
In reply to: “Add Forum” button numb?eagano – I tested, and it works fine on both subdomain and folders.
But musnake, can you link to the cookiehash fix? I’m 99% sure it’s not needed for your install, so that may be causing weirdness.