Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (@ipstenu)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ipstenu


    FWIW, _ck_’s plugins have always been ‘at your peril’ with the 1.0 revs.

    Have you tried RC1 instead of a6?



    Add this to your bb-config.php

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);



    Does this release still require bbPress Integration plugin for WordPress?




    Log out of everything, kill the cookies, log in via the bbPress side. I had that once or twice, and it was all down to cookie corruption :/



    It’s not in your folder, it’s in your SQL database.

    As I said, you’re going to need phpMyAdmin or something to fix it.



    You have to tell bb, when you set it up, where wp is :) Default assumption is that it’s the same folder. You’re going to need phpMyAdmin or something to fix it.

    Go into your XXX_forum database and open up the bb_meta table.

    Look for:


    The first one is the NAME of your WordPress database (so XXX_wrdp1), the second is the ID used to access said database (sounds like XXX_wrdp1 from your post) and the third is (heh) your password for that ID.

    Set those up to point to WP and you should be able to log in.



    It looks like you have separate databases for your forum and blog. Do you also have an XXX_blog or XXX_wordpress database?



    frooyo, mine doesn’t look like that at all (my admin panel alignment is fine). Did you change the /bb-admin/style.css file?



    That may not be a bad check in general for Akismet, actually. Even on WP, if a logged in member posts something without links, it should be ‘okay’.



    FYI, the .htaccess file is never included in the distro. Nor are your my-* folders. It’s SOP to copy those, and your config file, over in WP and BB. Probably considered ‘understood’ for anyone using the RC.

    I can’t paginate through my users on the admin side. The links give me the URL of:


    HOWEVER if I manually put in this, it works:


    Still can’t paginate from that page, though. Then ALL the links become the userspage=2 (yes, the 2, if I change it to 3, the links are 3, etc etc). I reset my .htaccess (just in case) but no help there.

    Logged in #1076



    Cool. Upgrade went easy. Shared login with WP 2.7.1 works. Now to test…



    I’m using Allow Images on 1.0a6(trunk from last month) and it seems to still be working. But I’m not using the bbCode plugin so people just put in <img src="http://mylink.com/image.jpg" />

    I just tested now and it’s working okay.



    The only reason I integrated was because I have people with IDs who comment on my blog, and I wanted them to be able to use the same IDs and passwords to use the forums. That was pretty much it.



    It has not been fixed in 1.0-a6 (as of three weeks ago). It happens on WordPress.org too :/

    (And _ck_, what’s a good plugin for that on WP? I’ve yet to find one I like, but I’m picky.)

    In reply to: Username Issue



    What versions of BB and WP?

    Also, what do you mean their names show their emails? Do you mean instead of seeing braddock16, you see braddock16@email.whatever? Or when you go to their profile, you see their email?

    In reply to: Menu Links



    You can both delete posts and move topics (but not individual posts within a topic) with bbPress.

    A lot of bbPress’s functions come in the form of Plugins, so it’s easier for people to pick and chose what they want in their forum.

    In reply to: Menu Links



    You could just edit your theme. Change the header file to have whatever menu links you want.



    Plugins and changes to functions.php are the preferred ways of changing these things, DoubleBUser, as that way you never lose a change when you upgrade the core code :)

    It’s not built in to Alpha.

    In reply to: AJAX Spell Checker



    That is really sad that IE 8 doesn’t have a spellcheck.



    Yes but defining ‘better’ is really subjective! :)

    Look, better for ONE of my sites is a barebones bb. Better for the other is Invision. It has to do with what you, as an admin, want to support, what kind of users you have, what you need to integrate your site with, etc etc etc.

    In short: Any answer you get will be based on the specific individual needs.

    You’re never going to get a definitive answer. Instead, you need to ask a better question: “What features do you feel are important in forum software?” Then you get a list of the default features in each board software and list them all.

    From THAT, you can make a breakdown of ‘Who handles which plugin better?’ and have multi-choice.

    Which would kind of be a cool app to help people pick the right forum software, but it still rolls back to ‘what’s right for you?’ :)

    In reply to: AJAX Spell Checker



    Given that most modern browsers have built in check of some sort (except maybe IE, I’d have to use it to know…), it’s probably best that it not be a part of the app and more than it is for WordPress. I’m sure someone could make a plugin.



    Better is subjective.

    I don’t want a cash mod. I don’t want PMing. I don’t need a full role manager.

    So I vote for ‘other’ as ‘none’ :)



    Any time a user is set bozo or deleted.



    On Alpha there’s a BBXF Export and Import tool, but I don’t think that’s working on the .9 release.

    In reply to: Problem with Forum



    What version of bbPress are you using?

    Is it integrated with WP?

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