grassrootspa (@grassrootspa)

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  • @grassrootspa


    _ck_, I love you, (and you are without a doubt the absolute best when it comes to plugins) but I for one am very excited to have the ability to use gravatars and voice built into the core bbPress program.

    Respectfully to all, just because the ABILITY to use a new feature is built into bbPress DOES NOT force one to use it. It’s still totally up YOU. No one HAS to incorporate Gravatars or Voices into their site, but it is very cool for newbies to simply turn a core feature on or off rather than needing to download a plugin that is probably months or even a year old…praying it will work with the latest version.

    Am I saying Sam should build an NES Emulator and a Weatherbug Widget into bbPress 1.2? HECK NO.

    (Sam, start with the Atari emulator instead)

    But things like Gravatars, (which Automattic owns) have tremendous potential use (goodbye individual avatar uploading for every single forum, hello universality). And the ABILITY to display voices makes sense to add in (being able to show the number of different people contributing to a topic certainly enhances bbPress).

    Perhaps I am in the minority here, but I am hoping future versions of bbPress will continue to add these sorts of new features that make the bbPress experience more enjoyable for all users.



    Hey, I’m not for adding unnecessary bloat, but with Gravatar already integrated with bbPress it makes sense for a little information for users under the “Edit Profile” section in the core download. After all, both bbPress and Gravatar are Automattic products.

    Maybe simply something under the “Edit Profile” screen saying:

    “Your profile picture is randomly selected. To pick it yourself visit”

    …when the “Show avatars” option is selected under “Avatar display” with the Gravatar site hyperlinked. BLAM. DONE. THIS IS ALL I AM SUGGESTING!

    @ryanhellyer: BINGO. You said it (and get my point).

    @chrishajer: That’s an obvious option (editing the template myself) but it got me thinking: how many people have run into the same issue of having tons of site users asking ‘How do I select my picture?’ ‘I can’t seem to find out to change my picture?’ I’ve only been running bbPress sites for a short time but already this has become the #1 question asked. I would be absolutely shocked if others who runs bbPress forum didn’t get asked about profile pictures all the time.

    @Ipstenu: Initially I thought Identicon or Wavatars etc would do the job but still got people asking how to change their picture to something else. Think about it: when someone signs up for ANY message board where they are supplied a little profile picture (and there are “Edit Profile” customization options available), wouldn’t they logically think they would have the freedom to select their own picture? It’s a VERY basic part of editing the profile.

    @REST: I understand the argument that this is what plugins is for, but let’s face it, profile pictures are already hotwired into this product. So is Gravatar support. I’m not talking about adding a new service, but simply directions inside under the profile editing options for folks to better use these already existing services. If you were unfamiliar with bbPress and signed up on a message board where you were given a blank or random profile picture, when you clicked “Edit Profile” wouldn’t you expect to find something to assist you?

    Logically speaking, wouldn’t someone think there would be information under the profile page re: how to change their profile picture? When users click “Edit” there is information on customizing pretty much every basic aspect of your profile (location, interests, display name, etc) but this.



    I agree 100% with the comments of ryanhellyer & frooyo.

    Been casually following bbPress for the past year (WordPress is sooooo a Gateway drug to other Automattic projects) but the impending release of 1.0 and the various RCs pushed me to finally jump in and start really fooling around with the software. Couldn’t be happier. God bless bbPress pioneers like _ck_, Sam, and everyone else for the plethora of killer plugins and themes.

    Totally understand where people are coming from re: 1.0’s stability compared to 0.9 but it would be much more productive for attention to be focused on 1.0 instead of 0.9. After all, folks using/testing/tweaking 1.0 is how all the bugs, plugin compatibility, and various stability issues will be worked out!

    Exciting times are ahead for bbPress and 1.0 is the future. The more focus on 1.0 the better in the grand scheme of things. I’m going to get razzed but 6 months doesn’t seem unreasonable (or even 3 months), especially since everyone has known for quite some time that 1.0 was going to be coming out. Let’s embrace the future: 1.0!

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    I agree frooyo.

    Prediction: we are going to shock the world and break the Firefox 3 download World Record.

    You heard it here first.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Anyone else get hungry for Honey Smacks cereal when they look at the new internal ‘Posts’ icon?

    Perhaps Dig’em Frog is secretly bankrolling Automattic and bbPress…

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Dang, it must be the theme. (can delete tags via the default Kakumei 1.0).

    I guess this means this theme uses AJAX for tag deletion (I am a BBPress newbie, don’t know where to look to know for sure).

    Any suggestions for a work around without having to switch themes? Here it is:

    Theme Name: blank 2 column Right Sidebar

    Theme URI:

    Description: A blank bbPress theme. Matching WordPress themes available.

    Version: 1.0

    Author: refueled

    Author URI:

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Sam, just installed. Everything looks amazing internally. Well done.

    The bees and hives icons are perfect.

    The only snafu I have found is when I try and delete a tag I get

    “The tag was not removed.”

    “Back to [site name].”

    My theme is Refueled Blank 2 Column – Right Sidebar (Not sure if it helps)



    Awesome…can’t wait



    Sam, from the BBPress Trac ( I see you are hard at work.

    You thinking about a possible RC4 before 1.0?

    You are doing a great job, absolutely thrilled with BBPress!



    @ Ipstenu,

    Have 2 different sites running BBPress and cannot delete tags under either.

    Both tell me “The tag was not removed. You cannot remove a tag from a closed topic.”

    Something is not right.



    Sam, just added a ticket. Maybe its just me, but while we can now ADD tags to topics, I’m having trouble removing tags.

    For an Open Topic I get this when trying to remove (X) a tag:

    “The tag was not removed. You cannot remove a tag from a closed topic.”

    Try adding a tag and then removing it to see what I mean…



    I’m a newbie, so please don’t beat me into a pulp ;)

    So the code above works with BBPress RC2, etc?

    Anyone develop any sort of plugin to do this?



    Sam et al,

    Not sure if this is a bug or not (I am relatively new to the BBPress community, please excuse me if this is not a problem) but I find even as an administrator I am unable to add tags to topics that have already been posted.

    Example: Someone posts a topic that is missing tags. I try to add the tags and get this message on a white screen:

    “The tag was not added. Either the tag name was invalid or the topic is closed.”

    Don’t remember getting this issue until RC2.

    If a topic is missing a Tag, one should be able to add it, correct?



    This is great news Sam. Can’t wait to try this out.



    frooyo, I think you meant THIS:


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