Good in Today (@goodintoday)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @goodintoday


    No go? No idea how to call this properly?



    I have absolutely NO IDEA why I can NOT get code to properly display on this website. Sorry, if you need to see the file I’m using I can send it to you but basically it’s the same exact one with everything stripped from it but the forum title.

    In reply to: Forum List in Sidebar



    Alright, I give up.

    In reply to: Forum List in Sidebar


    In reply to: Forum List in Sidebar


    In reply to: Forum List in Sidebar


    In reply to: Forum List in Sidebar


    In reply to: Forum List in Sidebar



    Why when I post code here does it never display properly?
    I don’t get it.



    I found another thread about this very subject, after several hours of searching. I would delete this one, if I could find an option to do so. So, please do delete this and thanks! 🙂



    Wow. Thanks for responding so FAST. I guess I worded my question badly. I knew to place it in that file, I’ve already done so, what I mean is that I’ve tried several variations of calling the function and it returns nothing so I’m evidently not calling it correctly. For instance, my last effort was…

    $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id(); bbp_get_reply_last_active_time( $reply_id );

    … and I’ve also tried to call it with just…

    bbp_get_reply_last_active_time( $reply_id );

    … which also returned nothing at all.



    Okay. I’ve added this to my functions.php and I’m calling it but I’m not certain of how exactly to call it, evidently, as it’s not working. I’ve tried a couple of different variations so umm, how exactly are you calling this?



    Thank you, John. I swapped those and it returned nothing. But when I added an echo to actually display the value it works as I wished for it too, so thank you for your help! 🙂



    Geesh, sorry for all the edits but I guess I don’t get your insert code thing. Anyway I used bbp reply author id to pull the id but this all together returns just that, the author id number. Any further ideas?



    First of all, thank you for your help.

    Now, I came up with…

    $user = get_userdata( bbp_reply_author_id() ); 

    if ( !empty( $user->user_nicename ) ) {
    $user_nicename = $user->user_nicename;

    … but it returns the user ID number, not the nicename. Any further thoughts?

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Good in Today.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Good in Today.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Good in Today.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Good in Today.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Good in Today.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Good in Today.



    Thank you, John. It is, in-fact, corrected. I figured it was something small, that was likely overlooked. I truly appreciate the quick response, the Forums is like nearly the entire purpose of my BuddyPress install so without bbPress working neither was needed. But I had full faith in the Key Master, so much so in-fact, I took a nap while you fixed this. Hehe… No really, it had me so stressed sometimes a nap is the best medicine. Anyway, I’m sure you’re a busy guy so thanks again!




    Does not appear so, enderandrew. I have access to who’s visited the site type logs and some error stuff but the error stuff shows no issues. The guy told me basically what I typed in here. That part of bbPress was taking longer than 30 seconds to do… Something. Evidently they don’t know what either. All I know is I installed v3.4 of WordPress and bbPress no longer works… Just keeps giving this error. Not sure what to do.



    Well, not really. See there’s smart people here and I was merely using the Welcome Pack as an example. I want to know how to insert the users name into the URL path, that’s actually the question. And since there’s just a few folks here who use WordPress, BuddyPress, and yes bbPress, I really think I’m in the right place to ask smart people questions. :)



    Just today I added a Plugin called “bbPress Post Toolbar” to correct the very issue you’re referring too here. My youtube video’s were coming out as links. After installing this Plugin I didn’t even have to repost the links. They just magically became imbedded video. Hope this helps ya! :)



    As far as I can see there is no static page, it’s generated. As to what template they’re using to self generate I’ve no idea. But it’s like this page we’re on right now. My “forums” page works fine because it’s a static page that I can manipulate, but the actual page the post is rendered on appears to be internally generated.



    Yes, thank you for your response dominornovus. I had just now figured out and corrected number one myself. I had Buddypress’s forums active and it was conflicting with bbpress.

    The second one, well I only use the databases for WordPress and obviously Buddypress and bbpress. I just need to know if bbpress is using my mysql database for storing of the forums ( posts and such ) and if it is is there a way to use multiple databases’s with it, as I’m sure I’m not the only one using GoDaddy or the only one with this 1Gig database restriction. Or even if the 1Gig is going to be a problem. If it’s not do to some functionality by the software such as autogenerating a second database or whatever then I just need to know that.

    And the third one I’ve already code for the css for the bar I want when I try including it it does nothing. The bar I’ve looked at his hooks are actually different than mine, now that might be from the css. I need to know what stylesheet to modify, I guess. I use Suffusion as my Theme and I tried adding a stylesheet into it’s backend to modify the admin bar but, as I said it did nothing.



    Okay well I also just found out that my Discussions page is loading as a sub-page for Forums so I haven’t even really gotten rid of that. The directory structure is /forums/discussions, evidently. How then do I rid myself of the /forums directory all together? I want to name it discussions. I’ve tried changing the directory name but the software didn’t appear to care at all, the same pages still loaded. So, not quite as far along as I’d thought it would seem.

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