Forum Replies Created
That’s an intruiging concept, I like it. It’s not an easy endeavour because you have to remove topics from the listings, counts and RSS (and not only stop users actually looking inside the topic). The Private Forums plugin has to do that too, so perhaps that’s a good starting point.
BG: bbsync, avatar upload and some custom code. If you want some help doing it, just start a new topic.
In reply to: – Talking MusicThere’s a bizarre flash for me while loading where the footer moves from next to the sidebar to underneath it all. Is that related?
The footer seems fine normally though, and has the
clear: both;
rule attached so I don’t see why it would be a problem?In reply to: I don’t register users in WP…Do I need integration?Indeed. There’s no reason to integrate if you don’t need users logged into both systems.
Since you haven’t had any other offers: if you’re comfortable with saying Loinhead (that’s Loins for short) to the audience, go for it. Traffic is … just about reasonable, the forums tend to stay alive at least.
In reply to: Check if User is Logged From Anywhere.… so did you get errors because including the files failed or because you called inexistant functions?
In reply to: Installation…?The reason the theme isn’t there is that you installed it to /bbpress/ when you told it it was installed in /forums/. Unless you want to mess with rewrite rules, move your bbpress install into a subdirectory called /forums/ and things should pop into place.
In reply to: very simple one-thread customization?No-one, as far as I know, has done this. You could probably do it by changing the theme to only show one thread; best to also make some changes with plugins in the back-end, but probably not necessary.
In reply to: Check if User is Logged From Anywhere.You can always load bbpress and then check, by:
require_once( 'path/to/bb-load.php' );
Otherwise you could check if the cookie is set and has a password parameter. You won’t be able to check if it’s a correct password, of course.
In reply to: bbPress vs. a pluginCopy and pasting per se is not a problem. It simply irritates me that you ask for help but cannot be bothered doing more than the minimum in doing so.
You can always backup your databases. See; this will mean that no matter what you do, you can get a fully functioning wordpress install back.
In reply to: bbPress vs. a pluginUh, yeah, thanks for copy-and-pasting. When you are asking other people to spend their time helping you, the least you can do is take a little time to make it easy and appropriate for them.
> So, as a newb to using databases and php, should I choose a stand-alone like bbPress or a plugin I just upload to Wp?
If you can install wordpress, you can install bbpress. It’s no harder. Integrating them is also not difficult. Despite never having used one I’d assume a plugin would be a little easier though.
But if you care about the potential and speed of your forums, you should go for actual forum software, not something tacked onto something unrelated. In this case you should choose bbPress.
You can certainly do both; which is better for you is something you’ll be best at deciding.
In reply to: Spam RegistrationBecause it hasn’t been developed, of course.
Either write a plugin or write a patch and propose that it be added to core.
In reply to: Now that interface is dead…It seems to have a direct counterpart:
It sounds good to me, Sam. Getting rid of Prototype would really reduce the size to download and push people into developing with jQuery.
> I *still* find it hilarious that forum software uses a mailing list.
Yes, yes. You’ve said that several times now. It’s *really* not relevant. Please don’t spam topics. If you want to discuss this, start a new topic or a new thread on the mailing list.
In reply to: Now that interface is dead…Why don’t you try the bbDev mailing list?
In reply to: Stick to front removes topic from forum?Are you using the default template?
In reply to: bbSyncYo!
What you could do is make bbsync look at your custom data, create the tables and hang them onto the post it puts into bbpress. However, there’s a better way IMO.
Every synced topic has the attribute
, giving the id of the wordpress post. Since you probably run wp when you run bb (if you’re fully integrated), you can do (something like …) this in your bbpress template:if( isset( $topic->wp_post ) ) {
$wp_post = get_postdata( $topic->wp_post );
if( isset( $wp_post->custom attribute you're interested in ) ) {
// some code to output a table into your template here
}Much more interestingly, you could probably make that into a plugin so you can switch this behaviour on and off, and probably reuse it somewhere too. Could be very neat.
It’s feasible to replicate the functionality to want, but the best way would be to write a seperate plugin that only relies on bbsync for one thing: providing the ID of the wordpress post you’re interested in.
[As a general note: every wordpress post in wordpress has the attribute
too, giving the topic id for bbpress.]In reply to: How to get the id from the second row? (Mysql)$data = $bbdb->query('stuff');
$what_you_want = $data[1]->column_name;If I recall correctly.
should be the second item (0-based arrays), which is an object. Access its property by the name of the column the ID is stored in. bbdb is based on ezSQL. Look for some documentation. It’s actually pretty well documented for wpdb; did you not find anything there?In reply to: A way to ping-o-matic when a new post comes in?Write a plugin to do it. There’s some actions you can hook into. Writing bb plugins is like writing wp plugins:
However the actions are different. Look for the actions on .
In reply to: bbSyncHey. As it is the postmeta is not transferred to bb’s topic right now (although that is possible and something I will think about). It’s relatively straightforward to get the post’s metadata in bb, but I don’t know how you’d use the plugin.
What specifically do you want to do?
In reply to: bbSyncYo Dreamstruck. When you say that you also have bbPress Post 0.41 installed, I hope you realise that bbsync (intentionally) kills its functioning? If it didn’t, you would get duplicate topics.
I recommend pressing that Migrate button in the bbsync admin, as it will mean that bbsync will work on all topics previously synced with bbPress Post. It would, however, also stop bbPress Post working with that old data, so if you’re (understandably; I am
) hesitant about bbsync you probably wouldn’t want to do that.
Cheers muchly, if you hadn’t pointed that out I would have had that error for all time – I entirely forgot to test if the topic was synced before replacing comments. I’ll upload .91 in a few minutes.
There is unfortunately no way to bulk sync old topics (unless they were done using bbPress Post), as topics can only be posted at the current time (while still using the API) (so you could sync them, but it would flood the forum with out-of-date stuff). But maybe that can be made to work; not in the immediate future, but it’s something that I would also like for my setup so I’ll give it a shot at least.
Custom fields don’t show up right now, but I could come some functionality to do it for sures. What specifically would you want to happen?
In reply to: Theming Issue!Can you be more specific? In case someone else is looking for a solution to the same thing?
In reply to: Theming Issue!Can you provide some links and/or code please?
In reply to: Anyone want to install bbPress for some cash?I’ll do it quite happily, but the bb forum policy on this is to ask you to leave your contact details so people can email you privately and there’s no bidding or such going on on the forums. If you could provide your email address Trent would then close the topic.
In reply to: bbSyncA modicum of tinkering later, and now all that nonsense with felbbreplies is gone; bbsync hooks into some more filters to achieve the same thing, so ordinary wp comment.php template code shows all posts (including bb’s) now. Should also display trackbacks (although out of order). This is 0.9.
In reply to: bbPress 0.8.3 is compatible with WordPress 2.3Should be.