fel64 (@fel64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @fel64


    That’s a cool two-column theme, and I really like what you did with the posts as speech bubbles :) I think it would be a good idea to make the left column fixed-width, though, as it looks ‘too’ big on larger screens :P

    [edit] That’s also really nice use of a clear div to make the post list item expand to the right size. Cool!



    That’s cool! For other people’s sake, could you explain (roughly?) how you managed to integrate bb with WPMU?

    Also, completely unrelated, I notice that theme “Light” is very similar to “SpotLight”. Which is odd.

    In reply to: Strut Your bbPress!



    How did you do the image gallery thing? Are images simply a special class of topic?



    The topic resolved thing is probably because that was written for an older version of bb which had that in it by default. I think installing the forum support plugin will add that column, worth a shot anyway?


    Otherwise you could edit the php file and remove the bits about the topic_resolved column (remember to back up the original file in case it doesn’t work!).



    Perhaps someone can, but probably it’s unnecessary. :) I think adding ads does make it commercial, but that’s pedantism. We could tell you how to fill out your config.php for you and the rest is veeeery likely plain sailing. Did you install your own wordpress?

    Off the top of my head required info is the URL you want the forum at, if you want ugly URLs ( ?topic_id=59), pretty (/topic/59 I think?) or awesome (/glorified-notebook-discussion-thread/), the absolute path to your wordpress install, and your Akismet key (it’ll be in your wordpress wp-config.php file). Database info you’ll be able to copy from wp-config yourself plus it’s stupid to publish such a thing on a forum.



    If you have the same code for the header then I think you need some conditional if statements in there to check if it’s wp or bb. This isn’t really straightfoward I’m afraid, but then I’m in the dark here (haven’t done it myself) so perhaps it is and I don’t know about it.

    In reply to: Import SMF to bbPress



    I don’t know. Is the phpbb structure identical to the smf structure?

    Maybe you want to use an SMF -> phpBB converter, and then convert from phpBB -> bbPress.

    In reply to: Tags not separating



    I don’t understand the system. Spaces are stripped, or alternatively commas are ignored? What’s with the square brackets?

    Not that it really matters, I’m just curious about what could be a good system :)



    Baldwin, looks like your second error is a good error because it’s loading! I believe that the problem is that WP and BB are not set up to synchronise. Have you got this in your config.php?

    $bb->WP_BB = true;
    require_once( '../wp-blog-header.php' );



    Yes! In many cases using a relative path is essential to the require and include functions.

    Maybe it’s like this? You’ll know what I mean, anyway.




    There’s no issue with usermeta accuracy if you hook onto both new and deleted posts.

    Fair enough, if you get theme authors to replace the post_author_link with your function. To get the same functionality, of course, you’d also need to add a link to the profile, but query count is the same, that’s true.

    I don’t think it’s complex either. I just think it’s not “just a modification” of the post count plugin, no matter what method you use. It’s not irritating for you to say it’s not complex, the irritating part is when you completely ignore what I say.



    About two lines of your plugin are counting posts, and if you didn’t write the query into a variable first it would be one. Far more code is taken up with anything else, hence it’s not just a modification.

    In my opinion a neat and efficient solution would be to hook onto the new and delete posts hooks, recalculate title, set in usermeta, and let bb grab that title when it’s needed exactly the same as now. This means an additional database query and calculation of the new title only when new posts are made. Your method means that you do that extra work every time a post is fetched.

    To make this also be neat, you should have the possibility of setting titles and corresponding post count values in bb admin rather than having to change values across several lines to get the desired modifications (changing/adding one line of code would still be acceptableish, I suppose). You should also (in my opinion, yeah) use a far neater method of comparing the post count and setting the title from a code perspective; I dislike a long list of elseifs (at least use cases if you have to do it in this sort of way). I would, off the top of my head, use

    //$postcount already found
    foreach( $possibletitles AS $postcountrequired => $title ) {
    if( $postcount >= $postcountrequired ) {
    $newtitle = $title;

    because that’s like five lines of code and it doesn’t matter how many different post count/title combinations are set, it does not increase in complexity. Putting $possibletitles together from the bb admin would not be difficult either.

    So the three or four things you have to do to make this plugin as I like it are counting posts, bb admin panel set up, comparing postcount and possible titles and setting this in the usermeta. “All this hate” comes from the fact that I thought I’d just explained that you can’t just modify the post count plugin to have this functionality – you need way more code than there is in counting posts to do all this – and then you came along and said that all you need to do is just modify the post count plugin. That irritated me.

    Sam, I don’t agree with this approach in all cases either but I prefer the very small amount of extra (unnecessary) data in the database (maximally one new record per member with one post or more) to re-querying and recalculating every time a post is displayed. :)



    just modify the post count plugin

    Gah. It might not be hard, but you cannot “just modify” it because it only does a very small part of it. It’s almost trivial in what it does; run a very basic MySQL query and output it (not to put it down; that’s literally all it does). This plugin would have to do three completely different things. It couldn’t be just a modification of the post count plugin.



    You misunderstand how xmlhttpresponse works. It’s not like a function call. There is a lot of help using Ajax at http://www.google.com/search?q=xmlhttprequest and http://www.google.com/search?q=ajax. I also suggest you ask for Ajax help on a specialised ajax forum.



    http://www.bbpulp.com/ is a bb wiki.

    In reply to: Tags not separating



    I don’t know about spaces being more common, but commas make a lot more sense to me – it’s a list of items, and you couldn’t have tags consisting of more than one word if you use spaces. The reason it accepts commas is, I think, that you add tags like “tag1, tag2”, it explodes at the space and when the tag’s created the punctuation is removed automatically. Since this function isn’t pluggable, there’s no more elegant way I know to do this.



    I don’t think it’s much of an extension; the post count plugin in itself doesn’t do much (just counts posts, really, which is very basic). To do this, you should use a hook when a post is made (and deleted) and change the member’s title in usermeta. This doesn’t seem that hard, though, and it could be a cool plugin.



    I think that using a completely whole new user page will cause a lot of difficulties. It’s better to go with bb (or wp) just for the API, which makes it a lot easier. In the end it might even be easiest to simply port your wp plugins to the bb profiles; wp plugins may expect certain things that just wouldn’t be available to bb or your new user page and either require loads of coding to make them work or just a little bit of rewriting.

    In reply to: Tags not separating



    Yes, that’s an interesting oversight; it seems that the tag-adding field when making a new post is comma-delimited in version 1.0-alpha. If of course you’re still running 0.81, I have no idea but it might be worth to test the comma delimiting.



    I don’t know how to permanently set that. However, if you get no other spam you could turn off Akismet by removing your Automattic key in config.php, as a temporary fix?

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Anaon, delete the old files from this plugin, download the plugin again and put the files back where they belong. Hopefully that will work. If not, download the latest version of bb and replaces the files on your server with new ones. It’s a strange error which seems to indicate to me that loading bb-load.php did not succeed fully.

    If a required file requires another file and that fails, does the original requirement also fail or generate a warning/error?



    I don’t know. I doubt it, because bbdb (the object used to do any database stuff) is hardcoded all over the place and you need a new bbdb object for every database you connect to, as far as I’m aware. So integration – which consists of sharing the users and usermeta table I think – would be impossible, unless you changed all references to the user tables to use your second bbdb object.

    Why do you want to?

    In reply to: limited functions



    I think it’s possible using a cleverly-written plugin that will kill the postform to reply to a thread if you’re not a mod or admin. It hasn’t been done, though, so you’d need to make it yourself.

    To make mods or admin, the best thing is to let people register and then go to their Profile > Edit and change their role to mod or admin. :)



    How does this crazy devlist thing work? Signed up but got no emails, so I assume no-one’s talking. I send an email to bbdev@lists.bbpress.org? I don’t want to completely break etiquette or somesuch first time, so I thought I’d wait and see but there isn’t that much to see.



    Yup. I think it is, I heard about it in the context of bb a while back. No news, no secrets, although there seems to be some code for view management in the bb-includes which may mean that a proper views system will be introduced (… sometime).

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