fel64 (@fel64)

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  • @fel64


    You’re running this on WP.com? How’d you manage that? 😮

    Anyway, you need this fix because the default setting should indeed be 0. Once the fix is applied, you also have to go to each affected user and set their status to 0 again.

    In reply to: bbSync



    That’s a special version I made for Sneaky who had problems finding out what the error was :) This is the currently latest version; I was planning to upload properly to the plugins section when there’s no outstanding problems here. This version is the same as the one you downloaded, though, just without the messages.

    Try changing the “global $bbdb;” to this:

    global $bbdb, $bb_cache;

    In reply to: Theme not working



    Unless you’ve sent out any header information with header() there must be; I can think of no other way to explain it. It does say, output started in that file.



    I don’t know about chosen passwords.

    Bugs go to http://trac.bbpress.org.

    No permanent deletion yet.

    No locking forums.

    Yes. If is_bozo is 1, that is true, and the user is considered a spammer. 0 means they are not a bozo/spammer.

    Several other whats you have found?



    Yeah. That’s because WP doesn’t load bb and all the associated functions. You have two options: you could set up wp to always load bb, or you could recreate the functionality yourself. The first could be tricky and fiddly, the latter means coding the PHP yourself. We can help with either.



    I believe that Site Management and Content are likely to be best to house the extra panel of a plugin, but sure. If you want to, ask in trac.

    In reply to: Theme not working



    That’s probably because there are some empty lines above or below the <?php or ?> – check for them. Thanks for coming back and posting the solution, too. :)



    It really should be, might have made another one of the silly little mistakes I’m so fond of. Try

    global $user;

    and use $user->ID instead.



    Turns out administrate isn’t a capability. Woooops. Sorry! Thought bb and WP would be equivalent.

    Take your pick of capabilities:

    • switch_themes
    • edit_themes
    • activate_plugins
    • edit_plugins
    • edit_users
    • edit_files
    • manage_options
    • moderate_comments
    • manage_categories
    • manage_links
    • upload_files
    • import
    • unfiltered_html
    • edit_posts
    • edit_others_posts
    • edit_published_posts
    • publish_posts
    • edit_pages
    • read

    In reply to: Plugin: bb-Topic-Views



    I suppose you could make the variable static, meaning it’ll be the same every time that function is called, and then check if there’s already something in it before you do the query again. Your query would then be selecting the thirty topics last posted in, of course.



    Yeah, you could copy the wp_register() function into your functions.php file, modify it (and its name), and then use the modified function instead.

    Actually it should be

    global $id;

    Sorry. And for the last line, you have the right idea but you have to use the string concatenation (putting together into one) operator: the dot . This part is gonna be a bit more complicated, but solution at the bottom.

    Strings are indicated by using apostrophes ' ... ' or quotation marks " ... ". If you start a string with one of them, the other one doesn’t affect anything. Variable names inside the quotation marks " will be replaced with their value, but inside ' they will not. The strings here are made using apostrophes ', so you can have valid HTML code without problems: '<a href="..."' works, but "<a href="..."" doesn’t. But that means variable names inside the string won’t get replaced with their value. So you have to concatenate the strings, like this: '<a href="...' . $id . '"> ...';

    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/bbpress/profile.php?id=' . $id . '">' . __('Profile') . '</a>' . $after;

    Should work. Bit tired and therefore also inclined to ramble; sorry about that.



    That’s strange with the email. Thanks for the zip, but I’m having trouble with my dev server and I’d rather not put things on my public server. Can you open an page of this on your browser, say the forum index, go to File > Save, save everything and give it to me?



    Was I supposed to target the same WP data base in the bbpress Config.php file so users can use one set of username/password to post in both WP and BBPRESS?

    Yes. Delete the new database, change the settings in bb’s config.php and install again.



    You should be using $bb_submenu anyway. It’s unlikely that your plugin justifies making another large menu category.



    Ah, whooami. She’s a pleasant one. What she probably meant is, you could not use wp_register() and do your own new function in your theme that does what you want; that’s probably a better solution than changing core code. It’s easy; you could just copy all of wp_register() into your theme (everything from function wp_register() { to the final }, change its name and then make the changes you want, and use that instead. Probably worthwhile, too.

    There’s a very easy way! WordPress sets $id to be the user ID. It should be available, so just try it. If it’s not, you will need to put global: $id; in the line of code above it, so it knows you mean the global variable $id and not a new one.



    I hope you’re keeping wp-login.php up to date! If you’re not comfortable writing a plugin I’d be worried about hacking core files.

    wp user IDs are the same as bb user IDs.

    It is something like that.

    if( current_user_can('administrate') ) {
    $redirect_to = "/wp-admin";
    } else {
    $redirect_to = $bb_profile_link;

    That would be all the code you need (although you have to generate $bb_profile_link. Not hard). Tell me you can’t read and understand that. And this explains all about hooks. We all make a start somewhere. I learnt PHP through WordPress just back in December.

    In reply to: Code in post plugin



    This forum used to have that problem. I suggest upgrading to 1.0 alpha if you haven’t already; otherwise Trent might know.`

    In reply to: Theme not working



    Please don’t bump these things, still easily on the front page and people will reply if they know – it’s a bit impolite. I think it’s fixable but can’t remember how myself.



    This worked for me:

    add_action('bb_admin_menu_generator', 'contestsmenue');

    function contestsmenue () {
    global $bb_submenu;
    $bb_submenu['content.php'][] = array(__('Contests'), 'moderate', 'contestinnerface');



    You’re the admin, right? You could just bookmark the page.

    Otherwise I suggest you write a plugin that uses the WP wp_login hook and changes the hopefully global $redirect_to depending on whether or not the user is admin. That’s for wp. bb default login behaviour is okay?



    Not really familiar with drupal or Cron. What you’ll need to do is start your function using a hook when someone registers, probably register_user, add your information for the email to a new table, schedule the cron job (no idea about that at all), and send the email however it’s done. bbPulp will be helpful when writing the plugin. Sorry I can’t help you more than that.

    In reply to: What’s integration?



    You could probably get away with some clever table dropping and simoultaneous config.php adjustments, but your method is simpler. #4 is not a problem, in this case you just want to add this to the middle of your config.php:

    bb->cookiepath = '/';



    I think if you define USER_BBDB_NAME and similar (prefixing USER_ before all the DB constants) you can get bb to get the user info from a different database.

    I don’t know if they use another install of bb here. They could just have made an extra forum, used a plugin to remove it from the normal topic and forum listing, and applied some special stuff (like the ratings plugin) just for that forum. And so could you. Don’t know if that approach is any better.



    I’m not sure what you’re trying to do. What do you mean by “integrating” these forms – making them look the same? Making them log you in to both bb and WP at the same time, or what?

    Personally I don’t link to the admin panel; what’s the point? People can’t do anything interesting there, unless they’re authors in which case they can bookmark the link.



    Yup. Replace <?php tag_heat_map(); ?> in your copy of front-page.php with:

    <?php tag_heat_map('limit=20'); ?>

    Replace 20 with whatever you want. The default is 45.

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