fel64 (@fel64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @fel64


    <h2>< ? php _e(‘Latest Discussions’); ? ></h2> will only give you the h2 element saying latest discussions. You also want to move <table id=”latest”> and everything in it.



    Because bb_get_head’s the actual name of the function and bb_get_header is not.



    No. That one looks to be correct, though, but it may need modification depending on the relational positions of your files.



    Edit the template file front-page.php so that the ‘latest discussions’ part is beneath the ‘forums’ part.

    In reply to: bbSync




    New release time! Woo. Comments made via the regular wp-comment form will be picked up and sent into the forums as replies (for registered and logged-in members only! Please set commenting for registered members only in Options > General). Also I think that there are bugfixes in there which could solve your weird IP problem starrett and I implemented something or other so that you can do what your buddy says … I think instructions are on the admin page. It’s been a long day, no sleep in 36 hours, and I’m no longer entirely with it – all I know is it finally seems to work to satisfaction.

    Sneaky, you still with us?



    It probably is. But what are you going to do when you need to update? If you make more changes? Could become very unwieldy very quick. Translation is the way to go.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Antonskey: I see your post in the forum overview, I see it in RSS but I just don’t see it here. Weird.

    another question before installing the plugin (i plan to, honestly, i just have a few bugs with bbpress to work out before i go adding more plugins). is there yet the capability of having posts in specific categories go to specific forums?

    Not (yet? dunno). You can assign a forum for it to go to on a post-by-post basis, though (with it blank making it go in default), which probably does that job.



    You basically want to translate it. Not sure how it’s done but there are a few translation threads around here. (Some changes you can also make in the theme but by no means all of them.)

    In reply to: Last posted by?



    I don’t believe that that is something you can do without a plugin. It’s not information written in the forums table in the database (possibly a good thing; not sure what I think of the incredibly non-Normal Form tables) and I can’t find a template tag to do it. To do this sort of thing I think you’d need to do a database query or two, not hard but possibly not the best thing to start off making plugins with.

    In reply to: bbSync



    What’s the exact text it’s spitting out and what settings have you got?

    Oh, right. I think I modified that function for my own nefarious purposes. bbreplylink() now returns the URL to the forum topic. So that this would give you the url:

    <?php echo bbreplylink(); ?>

    I did that for a little more template flexibility. This is what I’m using:

    <?php if($topic_id = felwptobb( $id ) ) { echo '<a href="' . bbreplylink( $topic_id ) . '">Reply!</a>'; } else { comments_popup_link('&nbsp;comments', '1 comment', '% comments','',''); } ?>

    Do you think that should be changed to make a single template tag? I guess it would be easier to use. Any suggestions?

    In reply to: bbSync




    Hurrah. Cuts off at more tag and after first page if desired, doesn’t post password-protected posts and lets you add a link at the bottom. Version close-to-but-still-a-bit-to-go-before-version-1.

    In reply to: Last posted by?



    Woops, rather nasty typo above. Author is spelt with an o, so make that

    <td class="num"><?php topic_author(); ?></td>

    You already have those columns, dlevy, or do I misunderstand? By default it shows the last poster and when.

    In reply to: Freshness Linked



    Sorry Keith, not a clue. Have you tried disabling all plugins and recounting?



    No, to be fair I wasn’t. Looking deep into its bowels I can’t see anything that would set $forum_id, although that could be an oversight.

    Kakumei does go into main trac. :)



    Just edit the first post in the topic to edit the topic title.



    Meh, the people you see here are a very small minority. Integration’s worked perfectly simply for me. Try it and see, what have you lost? It’s not like you’re paying.

    You could also create HTML pages with the same markup as bb and simply apply the same stylesheets.

    I don’t recommend it, but I believe Joomla also does something similar to what you want. Used it very briefly and found it a bit horrible but that was a very short first impression.



    Not repeatable for me. Topics made since .8.2 in my active forums on Linux / php 4.4.4 I think have been made by a direct call to bb_new_topic(), and under xampp topics made normally also do not have this problem.

    Riddle: do please add these to trac if you haven’t already. Login is the same as here.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Not yet possible, but I can add it. I’ve made it stop at the more tag if desired, if there’s a function to get a certain page (and I’m sure there is) it’ll be very quick to put that in. Last exam tomorrow, more coding then o/

    In reply to: Why Key Masters?



    Why don’t you just set your custom title to “Supermegaadmin”? That should get the message across without needing you to make a new account. :)



    To see your content I recommend going into the forums. I find that somewhat more logical.

    You are probably correct that “Deleted Topics” for a tab would be clearer. I find the h2 “Deleted Topics” to add the clarification I need and “Topics” is happily concise in the tab. Personal preference I would say.

    In reply to: Tags not separating



    They’re under development. 2.3 will.

    In reply to: Last posted by?



    Look for the block of code that makes the forums in front-page.php and in forum.php. Add this in there.

    <td class="num"><?php topic_auther(); ?></td>

    <td class="num"><?php topic_start_time(); ?></td>

    The topic_start_time() expects the format to be MySQL time. They do not need an argument to work but they can have one for whatever reason, I don’t know. I just found these by going into bb-includes/template-functions.php.



    Topics/Deleted Topics

    Posts/Deleted Posts

    Forums/Forum Management

    Akismet Spam/Spam

    The Content tab isn’t supposed to mirror the forums, I don’t understand why it would/should? It just shows you stuff to do with administrating your content. Moderation overview I guess, with other stuff.

    In reply to: Tags not separating



    $tag = str_replace(',', '', $tag);

    (That’s not the actual code you need, just an illustration.)

    You could be doing this with a plugin, which is probably preferable as you don’t have to hack the core every time. The filter you want is probably bb_tag_sanitize but I’m not sure. Check http://bbpulp.org/wiki/API/filters and http://bbpulp.org/wiki/API/actions.

    In reply to: Sitemap google problem



    I don’t know. I suggest you post on the author’s forums as he’s most likely to be able to help and see it there.

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