fel64 (@fel64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: subforums and markup



    Unfortunately no clue how to fix.

    Did this not work?

    In reply to: subforums and markup



    Yup. Just don’t display the forum if $forum->forum_parent is true. Change the bit in your templates that goes like this:

    <?php foreach( $forums as $forum ) : ?>
    //blaaaaah HTML
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    to this sort of thing:

    <?php foreach( $forums as $forum ) :
    if( !$forum->forum_parent ) { ?>
    //blaaaaaah HTML
    <?php }
    enforeach; ?>

    (ugh colon syntax)

    [Edit] Beat me to it ck (by the way, blockquote is already allowed and you’re overwriting it. Doesn’t really matter but could add conflict problems if someone wants to allow it to have attributes). Claire, worth mentioning that this method means it will ignore any subforums without you having to tell it it’s a subforum.

    Claire, markup is like this:

    <anytag> your text here </anytag>

    so actually HTML tags go between < and >. Actual code, like php code, will be shown as code if you put backticks around it. :)

    You can also use a simplified markup like http://www.loinhead.net/files/felise (just copy that into a plugin file and activate), which means that *this* is bold, _this_ italic and this@someurl turns into <a href="someurl">this</a>, etc. More on that https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/markdown?replies=10



    I like it, clean and pleasant, but the sticky-green clashes and non-fixed width is awful. It makes your tables look very stretched and inconvenient to read on just a plain 17″ 1280 by 1024 screen. The contrasting, just off-white colour is nice – very subtle – but those sorts of colours look very variable depending on the screen and its colour management and the lighting conditions and even, for an LCD, the angle you view it at. It probably looks very different for a lot of people. I find it nice on my screen, but it’s something you might want to look at on other people’s computers.



    If Login failed, then you’re not giving the right details to log in.

    If the name automatically changes to spyparkreborn, then that’s your browser.

    Are bb and wp sharing a database? Is the database info in bbpress’ config.php the same as that in wp’s wp-config.php?



    No-one knows anything about writing plugins when they start writing them. :) You said you were learning PHP, this is your chance to put it into practice/get better. This might not work but it’s the basic way you’d go about it I think.

    add_action('register_user', 'myfunctiontochangeuserstatuswhentheyregisterheh');

    function myfunctiontochangeuserstatuswhentheyregisterheh( $user_id ) {
    //I suspect somethin' like this:
    $user = get_user( $user_id );

    In reply to: Adding a new User Type



    Not easily. You can stop people seeing certain forums using a plugin, but you can’t stop them seeing other groups (unless you remove that bit from the template, but there’s no backend method). Presumably you can use it to set multiple forum restrictions. And you can create new user groups (just adopt my plugin to create more groups). So everything but hiding the groups is fairly easy.

    In reply to: file attachments….



    Man, it’s like you’re on a campaign against bb. Even if your humour is hyperbole (and I guess I don’t get it), I think you’ve been funny enough times and people get the point. It’s good that bb it growing on you, but do you have to keep riding around on it? It’s not even relevant. The dudes that talked about this three months ago are gone (or at least, not here these days) and that conversation is dead. The guy who posted a day ago is asking about a plugin. If you just wanted to say bb will never get file attachments … meh, you could just have done that.



    $topic->topic_last_poster is the ID of the last poster to the topic. user_profile_link( $user_id ) echoes the url of the user’s profile. You’d do something like this I think:

    <a href="<?php user_profile_link( $topic->topic_last_poster ); ?>"><?php echo $topic->topic_last_poster_name; ?></a>



    No, but you can write a plugin that sets your member status to ‘inactive’ or similar when you register. Then you would have to set their member status to ‘member’ before they could post.



    So what error does it give you?

    You don’t need to create any folders, as long as you have databases which you seem to do since you got it installed.



    So are you volunteering to do it?



    This is the request forum but I think that feature suggestions on http://trac.bbpress.org are more likely to be seen, so I recommend making your pitch there.



    I don’t know off the top of my head. What I’d do in this case, as for pretty much every question that’s asked, is open my copy of bbPress and look around in the files. So that sort of thing sounds like a template tag, so I’d look at bb-includes/template-functions.php, then search for “profile_link” or a couple other similar terms if I couldn’t find it.

    This time I tested it and searching for “profile_link” will pretty quickly get you the function you want. But finding out what you need is something you can pretty easily do yourself most of the time. :)

    (Not that there’s a problem with you asking anything, this is just teach-a-man-to-fish thinkin’.)

    In reply to: bbSync



    Updated to version ω (the labelling is entirely arbitrary). (Does this fix it Crowspeaker?) Once you upgrade, you needa press that ‘upgrade’ button or your previous bbsync’ed posts will no longer work.

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    Please stop pasting huge chunks of code on the forums. Use something like http://pastebin.ca/.

    That code runs fine for me. What problem are you having?

    It might be simplest to start off with the original plugin and fix that because you might have done quite a lot to it.

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    Did you modify the plugin? Insert a ?> before line 202 and a <?php before line 237.

    In Notepad you can go to a specific line by pressing Ctrl + G.



    Meh, even if that didn’t work, code like it can work. I don’t know how the signature plugin works but the capability to do it _is_ in the core.



    Code like this:

    add_filter('get_profile_info_keys', 'add_sig_key');
    function add_sig_key( $keys ) {
    $keys['sig'] = array(0, __('Signature'));

    Just add that to the plugin file. It should probably work, but it’s a bit of a guess.

    Much better to do it this way with a plugin than editing core files, too.



    I duno. Just use the filter get_profile_info_keys instead.



    Should be interesting to see how they fix that.

    Surely they’d just have to reset $forum at the end of the loop to the actual forum? Or if you’ve got the loop there yourself in the template just do

    foreach( $forums AS $blugrlenardstkoasdentoedasnte ) { ... }

    to avoid the variable name collision.



    Whatever my inference seemed to be, I was addressing your rant about how frustrating the wp forums are or whatever with an explanation as to why you might not get an answer. I figured it needed addressing because it sounded like you blamed the community there when in my opinion there’s really no-one to blame. The reason that I’m sorry that no-one helped you is because I know how frustrating that is and I’d rather that someone had helped you. But hey, that’s all kind of irrelevant here.

    Hmm, ‘s true that this is Request and Feedback. Don’t think it’s particularly effective. If you’re happy to take your chances, that’s fine, but really it seems to me that your chances are much better on trac and that’s why I advise you to post it there if you’re actually interested. Your call.

    In reply to: forum.wp-persian.com



    I think he was trying to ‘pimp his press’ as well as his wp language conversion.



    Can’t select database means your database details are wrong. It could be anything. Have you got any other applications that need database access? What did you use there?

    In reply to: Problem with gengo?



    Not being able to log in is usually a cookie problem. What’s your $bb_domain and your $bb_path? Can you please clear your cookies, attempt to log in and tell us what cookies are set?

    Can you temporarily disable gengo and see if that fixes anything?

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    Ooooh, I really hate that. What file are you trying to use as a plugin?

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