chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    Another way to do it is with Nathan Rice’s “Custom Field Redirect Plugin”:

    WordPress Plugins

    I know the horse has left the barn, but I was using all manner or redirect hacks and finally settled on this one and never looked back.



    For upgrading from version 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, is there a database change that would require you to run the upgrade script? I would like to know rather than have to log in and check each install individually. FWIW, one I did so far did NOT have an upgrade message in the backend, so I am assuming I do not need to, to go from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2. Just checking.



    666 is also rgb(102, 102, 102); – it bites me every time I look for it. Find that 102, 102, 102 in style.css and you will see where to change it.

    There are 10 or 12 places where the CSS colors are in RGB notation like that. I wish it was either one way or the other (preferably 6 digit hex notation. That gets me sometimes too, looking for 666666 when it was coded as 666.)



    These folders do not exist:

    These do:

    (BTW, you should turn off directory indexes by putting this in your .htaccess:

    Options -Indexes )

    Since that server appears to be running Apache/Linux, the directory names are case sensitive. Are you sure they’re lowercase? Also, using hyphens, not underscores? Can you take a screenshot of the directory listing, using a shell or FTP, and post a link to that? Or, find someone local who you trust that can log in and check this out for you.



    If this is shared hosting, I think it’s overloaded. If it’s your own box, you can do something like this to see how many files are open:

    ulimit -a

    There are many reasons for too many open files, but I don’t think it’s related to bbPress since 0.9.x is pretty stable and I have not seen this error reported for it before.

    If you post a link to your domain, someone can check and see how many virtual hosts are living there. Maybe one is just behaving badly.

    In reply to: Why integrate BB & WP?



    AFAIK, there are just a couple reasons to want integration.

    1. If you want users to be able to log in once, and comment in WordPress and participate in the forums, then integrated user data is useful.

    2. Some people want to integrate their WordPress footer, sidebar and header, so access to WordPress functions get_sidebar(), get_header() and get_footer() are useful.

    3. Sometimes people want to share data between the forum and the blog. Maybe a list of latest forum topics in the blog. Maybe they want a new topic created in the forum for every blog post. Integration is useful for that.

    I don’t use integration, but I can understand why some people want it.


    In reply to: Issue with tags



    What would you like to do to solve the problem? Right now, you have just a few tags and this one tag is largest since it’s used most often, and it’s a wide combination of words, and the overflow hidden, so it goes behind the content. What would you propose to do to avoid this? It’s working as designed, but maybe you want a different design?



    At your web host, you already installed WordPress. So, if you’re using FTP, download bbPress to your desktop, then unzip it. It will be unzipped into a folder called bbpress. Rename that to forums on your desktop. Now, upload that whole folder to your web host, putting it into the same place where the folders wp-content, wp-includes and wp-admin are right now. If you do a directory listing there, you will have these directories now:


    Now, go to and you should see your forum installation. If you’ve already started the installation in another directory, you might need to get rid of some tables in the database.

    In reply to: Topic paging issue



    Only 24 MB of RAM for PHP?



    QuickD, your developer should be able to help you out with this, more easily than anyone of us can do remotely via telegraph.



    Let’s say I have a WordPress site. I don’t want it to be – maybe I want it at or maybe Making WordPress the root of your site is easy, and I think you’ve already done that.

    To mask bbpress, just rename the folder to something other than the default when it’s unzipped of bbpress. Call it ‘forums’ or ‘discussions’. If you rename the bbpress folder before you start, you don’t need to change anything later. If you’ve already installed it, then there are a couple config hoops to jump through to move it.

    You could also do a subdomain installation, like and not even show that it’s in a subdirectory at all. Then just map that subdomain to the directory where you’ve installed bbPress on the server. No need for directories at all in the URI/URL.

    Masking is pretty silly, since one look at the source (if you even need to go that far, for WordPress and bbPress) will give away the secret (wp- and bb- anyone?) If you’re just trying to remain application-neutral, then I agree that this is worth doing (i.e. let’s say you want to use punBB or something later. If you used /forums for your bbPress installation, you can retain /forums and just install punBB in there.)



    QuickD – what version of bbPress are you using, and are you integrated with WordPress?

    In reply to: Topic paging issue



    Have you tried recounting in the admin?



    What plugin are you talking about and is it a WordPress or bbPress plugin? Are you integrated with WordPress or WPMU? Maybe you are using an incompatible or unnecessary plugin.



    @crackpixels, did you post a link to a forum topic where this can been seen broken? It’s working fine for me with permalinks and 1.0.1, but maybe I’m not sure what I should be looking for.



    Would it be the same on the top of every topic, or would you want the ability to post something different on each new topic? If you always want the same thing, you could just edit the template file topic.php and put the content you want displayed there. There is also this function (in 1.0 anyway) in topic.php <?php do_action('under_title'); ?> – looks like you could hook under_title with a plugin, but if you just want the same thing at the top of topic.php, I think I would just edit the template file.

    In reply to: BBFlickr



    Link to the plugin please, and what version of bbPress are you using?

    You might have gotten a quicker answer by just trying it in your installation. You’ll have to share more information here for us to be of any help.

    In reply to: Uninstall



    You can safely delete all the bb_ tables, unless you happened to use bb_ as a prefix for something OTHER than bbPress. Normally, bb_ is just the prefix for bbPress tables.

    Are you trying to remove EVERYTHING from a bbPress installation, or are there some users or posts that you want to retain?



    > I’m sorry mate but deep integration doesn’t slow anything down.

    I think there would be many here who disagree with you. What sort of empirical evidence do you have that it does NOT slow anything down? Loading all of WordPress has to take some amount of time.

    Doing this will add quite a lot of weight to your bbPress installation as it will cause WordPress to load in it’s entirety. Your best option is to try to emulate the functionality you require inside a bbPress plugin.

    Tony did this the right way to get the functionality he needed.



    With 1.0.1, the rewrite rules were added to the .htaccess for me. Check your .htaccess and see if the rules are already there. If not, maybe bbPress could not write to the file.



    Did you install WordPress and bbPress in the same directory? You shouldn’t have any problem like this just from installing or integrating bbPress.

    In reply to: where is my bb-admin ?



    nickaster, please start a new topic if your issue is unresolved, and post the version of the software you installed. Thank you.

    In reply to: Forget Password link ?



    One subject per topic, please.

    To create a link to the lost password page, just use this URL and put it in your template file wherever you want to see it.

    <a href="">Reset your password</a>

    Is it more complicated than that?



    It looks to me like the link (only) is stored in the variable $src in the file bb-includes/ line 928.

    $avatar = '<img alt="" src="' . $src . '" class="' . $class . '" style="height:' . $size . 'px; width:' . $size . 'px;" />';

    So, being that it’s in, I’d say you could probably come up with a plugin to return $src instead of $avatar, but I am unsure of how to do that right now. It’s available, we just need to figure out how to return it for you.

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