Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    Question is out of the scope for these forums so I sent you the needed files directly.

    They should do 99% of what you need.

    If you need more help with bbPress, hit me up on skype.



    You can do this with jQuery

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname;
    .click( function() {;
    return false;


    Might be able to clean it up a bit and modify it for use with multisite, but it’s a start.



    Looks fantastic. Great job JJJ



    I just saw a tweet about this plugin yesterday.

    While I have not used it before, I know his code is rock solid and support is fantastic. It specifically mentions bbPress support and might be able to easily be modified to use groups instead of people who purchase a product. Might be worth asking him about.

    If I ever pick up a copy, I’ll try to write up a full review on it as this feature has been requested for some time now.



    The code is in the core for you to use, though not yet implemented in the front end, the functions work.



    Did you run the recount function after the import?

    The old bbConverter plugin is virtually defunct now. We didn’t find it worth maintaining. I believe JJ has done a lot of work on the converter itself but am not sure if he has any plans of extending it to work with anything beyond the bbPress 1x importer.



    make sure to go to settings -> forums, and click save,

    then go to settings -> permalinks, choose a structure if you have not already and click save.

    So long as you do not have a page with the url ‘forums’ it should then work just fine.

    In reply to: WPZoom compatibility?



    Would need to see a link to the site in order to even guess what the problem might be. I’ll be gone for some time today but will take a look tonight if you post a link we can see.



    The only limitation put on bbPress scaling is your own server environment. The more resources you have the more you can run. bbPress is no different than any other software in this regard.

    No, topics are not deleted if no new replies. That would definitely require a custom plugin.



    maybe try resetting your settings -> permalinks? (just a guess)




    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Yes, uses the WordPress/bbPress permalink setup, so whatever you use for that, is what is used for the conversion.

    4. nope 301’s are your job

    5. Username/password and I think a couple other fields are imported, don’t remember exactly. If you are looking for full blown imports, which is different for each installation as you have different plugins installed than I do… then that would be a custom import job which AWJunkies does provide services for. Check the site and send in a custom quote request.


    No idea. Frankly the interest in converting things has been much less than we anticipated. I have no idea what AWJunkies plans are at this point. I do know he does provide custom import services if you need it.



    I would suggest installing Justin Tadlocks ‘members’ plugin where you can then add the capabilities to view/post in the forums to ‘forum participants and forum moderators’ roles. At least that worked for me.



    make sure to go to settings -> permalinks, choose one of the options there and click save. Then visit settings -> forums and click save.

    This will reset everything and it ‘should’ work just fine then.




    Sorry for delays in answering, been without power/internet for a week now. Sitting in coffee shop to try and help answer questions here.

    To answer your question:

    bbPress does come with support for Akismet built into the newer vs. This will give the same protection that comments presently have. Akismet alone, is imo pretty much useless though.

    I would also consider installing other plugins such as honeypots (traps that only bots fill out), moderation plugins, and there are also a ton of tricks you can add to your htaccess file that will also help a bit. I don’t have a list of everything I use as it’s on a home computer but will post a list whenever I can.

    The biggest problem we are fighting right now is with actual people spamming the forums and not bots. That is pretty much impossible to stop and requires a lot of tedious work by the forum moderators to keep things clean.

    As to IntenseDebate:

    Well to each his own on that one. I personally don’t like anyone else having access to my comments, even if it is just to help stop the spam. Same reason I personally don’t run Akismet.

    Finally keep in mind that custom post types (topics/replies) are simply just data in the db. It is entirelly possible to build plugins like IntenseDebate to work with bbPress should you so choose to. It all comes down to a matter of demand as to whether the actual companies will write a custom plugin for bbPress, or whether or not you actaully pay to have it built yourself.



    Would probably be easier if the plugin author allowed it to filter for post-types as a value to not display on. Forum is a post-type just like topic and reply are. Has nothing to do with categories at all and if that is the only option the plugin has to filter by, then it won’t work right.



    There isn’t one yet that I am aware of.



    You create your own pages where you can insert login, register, lost password shortcodes, widgets, custom templats, anything you want.

    You can then use those pages you created as the uri in the widgets.

    This allows everyone to have completely custom login/registration setups and the widget will work with any one of them.



    Create a trac ticket



    Yeah I would try the 2.1 beta and also you HAVE to be running WordPress 3.3 as that is where the new editor function was introduced.




    bbPress does not use comments in any fashion. Rather bbPress uses custom post-types for topics and replies with some rather special crazy code to relate them together.

    That is actually where the real magic comes in. Because bbPress uses standard post-types and taxonomies it means integrating with many other plugins is much simpler. Now that still leaves it up to the plugin authors to add support for bbPress. I can say that JJ took every possible step to make integrating with these plugins as simple and standard as possible.

    Creating a custom theme is not as easy as I would have hoped for, but after time you get the hang of it. The only reason I have not personally written a ‘how-to-theme’ guide is because I still have a few remaining questions myself. You have seen firsthand though, that even someone with my little knowledge of coding can create a 100% custom theme capable of doing anything I want it to.

    The best way to help out, is to simply jump in and answer any questions you can. I do the same, if I know the answer, I answer, if I don’t I skip the question (probably makes people feel ignored, but better than to have me just say I don’t know)



    For sidebars you need to look into using either widget logic plugins, or simply creating your own child theme and inserting a bbPress sidebar instead of the default one. Not to hard to do, but way more involved than I care to try and answer in a post.

    There are a number of classes in the code for the posts such as sticky, super-sticky, etc, but there are currently no classes or functions for determining if the user has read a topic or not.

    Believe it or not, that type of functionality is very intensive. Imagine a board with 50k members and millions of posts. Trying to keep track of exactly what posts each user has seen and has not seen really fills the db up very fast.

    Now this is possible of course with plugin territory so it is possible as most forums do this. I can say though, I personally at least am glad it is not in the core as I do NOT want that kind of overhead for my rather large forums. Also considering I have friends whose forums are 10x my size, I can only imagine the nightmare.



    Sure, in settings -> forums check the last option.

    Does require WordPress 3.3 and latest bbPress for this option to show up.

    In reply to: Why separate forums?



    Given the choice, I do my best to stay away from the forums.

    When I am at a forum, I am there to learn from or help with a particular script or plugin. I don’t need to see thousands of unrelated posts to what I am actually interested in. That’s why for me at least, I prefer separate forums for each product.

    As hard as it is to build a community here around bbPress, imagine having to do it when mixed in with tens of thousands of other products. arghhh



    You could always use a custom Page for your forum homepage. On that page you can use shortcodes in order to display the most recent posts if you like.



    Just an idea.

    In reply to: Why separate forums?



    Every plugin hosted on automatically has a built in forum. You will find a lot of people that answer questions over there pretty much handle everything WordPress related. This forum here is more for us who are more dedicated to supporting bbPress directly. This is more of a community of users of a specific product, bbPress.

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