Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed



    No, there is no way to manually change user permissions within the bbPress core. Well more specifically, not without a ton of hacking of the code.

    Someday, I am guessing there may be a bbPress plugin built for this purpose.

    I know I keep talking about the members plugin, and I do so because it is the perfect tool for the job at the moment. It really is built so well that you can set it once and ignore it.

    Who knows, maybe after seeing just how powerful and simple it is, you may just end up finding other great reasons to use it as well.

    *The real problem with having this in core would be group permission collisions. Meaning, if I use members to set permissions for a specific group and also have bbPress doing it then there can be problems if the permissions are not exactly matched up.

    **The opinions of this commentator do not necessarily reflect the views of the network :)




    There are a number of really great member management plugins available. Justin’s is one of the best out there and does a great job for bbpress.

    IMHO this type of functionality best remains outside the core of bbpress. Say bbpress did have this in the core, then users who utilize plugins like members could run into conflicts and collisions.

    JJ has built in the needed hooks for members management to easily plug into, as evidenced by seeing how easy it is to get the members plugin working.




    JJ has made it really easy to remove the link to the website ‘home’ page via a function call. From his comment it sounds like he is going to make it even easier than it is now, so I would hold off until beta3.

    Right now you would have to modify every template that calls the breadcrumbs. As bbpress beta is changing so fast, it is probably easiest to wait for his new solution.

    Development is on a furious pace, so expect an easy solution soon enough.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ




    No, you are actually able to use your current theme for bbpress. There is a ‘fair’ amount of work involved in initially setting it up however. Shortly after bbpress goes gold then, if JJ hasn’t already done so, I will post a how-to guide on theme forum integration.

    Every wp theme is a bit different, so there is a bit of tweaking to do in order to make it perfect, but it is really not all that hard.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ




    No, you are actually able to use your current theme for bbpress. There is a ‘fair’ amount of work involved in initially setting it up however. Shortly after bbpress goes gold then, if JJ hasn’t already done so, I will post a how-to guide on theme forum integration.

    Every wp theme is a bit different, so there is a bit of tweaking to do in order to make it perfect, but it is really not all that hard.




    Good catch, I’m sure JJ will look into this one

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ




    Install the plugin just like any other wordpress plugin by adding it to the plugins folder and activating it.

    It does not appear as a page as this is a complete system. The theme comes bundled with the twentyten theme and all the needed templates for it to work in that theme.

    It uses the same db as wp. Basically beta2 uses custom post-types for wp, so it is about as native wp as you could ask for.

    There is some type of importer script to ‘upgrade’ from the old forum system to the new one. Sorry, I am not familiar with it as I have not used it.

    I do know that JJ is working on the import system to make it as user friendly as possible. Documentation will probably proceed the stable release.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ




    Install the plugin just like any other wordpress plugin by adding it to the plugins folder and activating it.

    It does not appear as a page as this is a complete system. The theme comes bundled with the twentyten theme and all the needed templates for it to work in that theme.

    It uses the same db as wp. Basically beta2 uses custom post-types for wp, so it is about as native wp as you could ask for.

    There is some type of importer script to ‘upgrade’ from the old forum system to the new one. Sorry, I am not familiar with it as I have not used it.

    I do know that JJ is working on the import system to make it as user friendly as possible. Documentation will probably proceed the stable release.



    When you go into the wp forums admin, you can select each forum individually. On the right side of the edit screen is an ‘order’ field. Simply type in the order # where you want the forum or sub-forum to display. Start with 0 or 1, for the first forum, and then edit each other forums order increasing it by 1.

    Instead of a straightforward order alphabetically we are given complete control of the forum display order using a system like this.



    The easiest solution is to install a members management plugin. One of the best out there is:

    To use it, install the plugin, and then in the settings choose to edit the roles of a subscriber. You can then add the ability to create/read/edit posts in private forums.

    Alternately you could also create a new group and give that group extended permissions to use the hidden forums.



    Normally that happens when you try to make a post followed by another post or reply to quickly. I don’t know what the time limit is, but it can be adjusted.

    If it is happening all the time, even after waiting a few minutes between posts, then there could be an issue for JJ to look into. To date, I have not run into the slow down screen unless I post very very fast.

    Are you able to make a new forum topic if you wait a few minutes?

    If not.. I’m sure JJ will look into it



    before you relax the rules, wait until we hear from JJ. There is a possibility that the info is being saved to the db in a slightly different way than standard posts.

    I’ve been reading through the code, but do not have a strong enough understanding of wp to know for sure.

    No reason to relax unless needed, more security is always best :)



    It is not the individual words but the combination spaces and keywords that are usually used to ‘inject malicious code’ into a db.


    *each host uses diff keywords, so your rules may vary

    I’d wait until you hear from JJ, just in case the info is saved to the db differently before you mod anything in mod-security



    Yup, it is mod-security, same on my end:

    [Sat May 28 18:03:04 2011] [error] [client ip] mod_security: Access denied with code 403. Pattern match ":space:+(select|grant|delete|insert|drop|alter|replace|truncate|update|create|rename|describe):space:+[A-Z|a-z|0-9|\\*| |\\,]+:space:+(from|into|table|database|index|view):space:+[A-Z|a-z|0-9|\\*| |\\,]" at POST_PAYLOAD [severity "EMERGENCY"] [hostname ""] [uri "/topic/need-healing/page/3/"] [unique_id "TeFxGEUuJUQAAGLkflw"]

    You are probably going to have to have your host think about relaxing the rules.

    Only thing I don’t understand is why it works on posts but not topics/replies. I will read through how the topic/reply is being saved to the db and see if I can track it down. If not, I’ll ask JJ later.

    (he’s finally asleep after pulling yet another all nighter)



    sorry, posted before I saw your reply.

    I am now almost certain this has to do with mod-security. You really need to call and get a copy of your error logs.




    Keep in mind that this is only beta2, and there are very few people using this plugin so far. It is NOT intended for a live site as noted many times.

    *one last set of tests if you don’t mind:

    1. Try to create a new topic with the exact same string you are trying and see if that works.

    2. Try to create a new reply with the exact same string you are trying and see if that works.

    That will tell me if it is the replies or topics part of the code to look into.

    Finally, understand you have tried this same string a number of times, so it could be a hidden duplicate in the db. I would check your db tables to see if any of these attempts managed to save in a cell behind the scenes.

    JJ has been working on this plugin non-stop, check the change-log, and you will see he never sleeps LOL

    I still think it may have something to do with mod-rewrite. I am 100% that is what happened to me, although it could be different for you.

    What you really need is some server logs in order to really help track this down. If you have a half decent host, then it should only take them 2 mins to track down any errors.

    *It is a good idea to ask your host how to access your own error logs for server, security, and php




    Try posting the exact same ‘information’ into a post instead of the forums, and see if it works. If it does not then odds are it is mod security. At that point you would have to talk with your host sysadmin about relaxing the rules.

    I would also suggest creating a new forum topic on your site, and start by copying just the first line into the reply box and see if it works. Keep adding content to new replies until you find the ‘offending’ line. Then you will know what combination of words that is being rejected.

    *Above step is not necessary if you can get your host to check the logs. It’s kind of a tacky way to solve the issue, but it may be all you can do on your own without a sysadmin



    JJJ turned off searching the forums/topics/replies in the most current build. He has a complete custom search solution coming soon that is going to blow your mind. Just need a little patience is all, it is going to be worth the wait.




    glad it worked, it’s only a ‘hacky’ fix, but should get you going.

    Someday, I will write a post on how to ‘properly’ get bbpress forums into a woo theme. It is a huge amount of work, but is something that once bbpress is stable you will only have to do once, or very sporadically.

    Right now JJJ is working so hard and fast on the plugin that it makes no sense for me to write this up as you will end up spending a huge amount of time rebuilding dozens of templates every time there is a bbpress update which effects certain templates. It is not hard, just quite tedious, but the results are worth it.

    The sidebar issue is actually not the fault of bbpress or the sidebar manager. Just wait until bbpress goes gold and I have time to write up the post. Then you will totally understand what is going on with the sidebars. It is not something either JJ or Woo can solve for you until you learn how to ‘properly’ build a woo bbpress theme.



    glad to hear you got it solved




    Check out Justin’s members plugin:

    Steps I took to get it working:

    1. In dashboard go to Settings – members components

    turn on edit roles and new roles

    *If you want to create a custom role like a custom admin/mod etc

    2. In dashboard go to Users – new roles

    Create a new role and assign all the relevant capabilities you wish them to have

    *If you would rather just use an existing user group to give permissions to

    2. In the dashboard go to Users – roles

    Choose the group you want to give permissions to read private forums/topics/relies to, and click edit.

    3. Add the capabilities to post/edit/read_private_forums/topics/replies (whatever you want)

    *If you create a new role, then you need to go and edit the users you want to give the new role to.


    You really need to have a good understanding of all the capabilities on the screen. Meaning, you could give people permissions to do things they should not be able to, or vice versa. Pay very careful attention to the added capabilities you add/remove to a group

    Hope it helps




    If you have it available, could you post the whitelist provided by the host? I can dig through it and see if it is limited to posts somehow, though I doubt that is possible as it’s just a db entry, but it might provide some insight.

    Like I said, I am NO mod-sec expert, but am willing to try and help. Messing with mod-sec is always scary, as doing it wrong can kind of bork the system.



    @mhjerde99 Can I make a suggestion on the template?

    Add the following to your woothemes custom.css file in order to get full width forums. I saw your post over there, but didn’t really have time to answer your questions as I am also very busy building a custom woo theme.

    #content table.bbp-topics, #content table.bbp-forums, #content table.bbp-replies, #container table.bbp-topics, #container table.bbp-forums, #container table.bbp-replies, #main table.bbp-topics, #main table.bbp-forums, #main table.bbp-replies {
    width: 100% !important;



    Just a guess, but this may be related to the 403 error that I reported earlier.

    I had the same problem, only I receive a 403 error page on my server vs. just returning me to the post.

    It was only happening with very specific content, that for some reason mod_security was triggering the 403.

    If you have access to the server error logs, it may be worth looking through those to see if you can find out if it is indeed mod_security kicking in.

    *If you don’t have access to the server logs, (if your on a shared host then you don’t), then I would suggest trying to do the same thing over and over again, only cutting out a few words/phrases at a time, to see what word/phrase may be triggering it to not show up.


    try to create a post with the same exact information in the post as you are doing in the forum post and see if it works. If not, then it’s 99% mod_security related



    Yup, I am more than comfortable with modifying this for my own needs. I was just thinking that the standard should go to the forums, as people browsing forums wouldn’t expect to jump to the homepage via forum breadcrumbs.

    Either way, life is good LOL

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