_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: upgrading



    Unless you absolutely need 1.0 for some reason, stick with



    Also related, remember if you use XP and you install IE8 (beta) you CANNOT uninstall it. It locks you in. So everyone might want to avoid the temptation to play unless it’s on a virtual box.



    Technically you’re not supposed to have more than one H1 on any given html page (though browsers don’t care and will render anyway). The trailing BR is a problem with bbPress’s parser.

    Why don’t you use the built in ability of BBcode to do SIZE instead?

    Large Text
    [size=+1]text larger than default size[/size]
    default size
    [size=-1]text smaller than default size[/size]



    Someone needs to make sure this error goes into TRAC



    It’s very simple get_forum_id();

    <?php echo "<div id='forum-".get_forum_id()."'>"; ?>



    Cookies have nothing to do with reading the forum (unless there’s a hidden/private forum). Cookies are about identifying yourself as a registered member and giving you the ability to post. But a secure login method and cookie means that no-one else can pretend to be you.

    The mini-plugin is to prevent Google from showing a “cache” link on your pages when people find results from your website. They’ll have to visit your site directly, and if it’s a hidden/private forum, they won’t be able to just read it through Google’s cache (which can’t see it anyway, unless someone changes “Hidden Forums” behaviour).



    Oh and as far as the rest of bbPress security, the bbPress password/cookie method has never been more secure than the method used in 1.0 (and WP 2.6) It’s based on a security researcher’s design (first implimented incorrectly in WP 2.5 and bbPress 0.9)



    If you don’t want Google to make a cached copy of any your forum pages, use this mini-plugin (Google will still scan and return results for your site, it just won’t show the “cache” link)

    function noarchive() {echo "n".'<meta NAME="robots" CONTENT="noarchive">'."n";
    } add_action('bb_head', 'noarchive');

    Note that some search engines won’t obey “noarchive” and give away a cached copy anyway. This includes Alexa and others. Also note that installing this plugin doesn’t make existing “cache” links disappear instantly, Google has to re-scan your site (eventually) and then “cache” will disappear.



    There’s no hacking involved in that process.

    It’s just a simple workaround.

    The foolish forum operators are allowing anyone with the user-agent of “GoogleBot” into their private forums. And/or they are allowing Google to cache their private forums. The reason why they do this is they want Google to send them traffic and the only way they can do that is to let google see the content of the hidden forums.

    bbPress doesn’t do this by default and no known plugin does it either, certainly not my “hidden forums” plugin.

    My Mini-Track plugin can tell you the difference between real Google and people pretending to be Google. It’s very easy, you just do a rDNS on the ip and see if it goes to a google owned ip block. rDNS is very slow (1-5 seconds) so people don’t normally do it by default.

    You wouldn’t have to delete the spammer profiles if you didn’t let them on in the first place. Install my “Human Test” plugin and 99.9% of them will never register.



    Shouldn’t require it but there might very well be a bug given the developers only test it on PHP 5. I take it fel64 knows the work-around.

    Remember, 1.0 is ALPHA. Meaning BUGGY.



    Show me what settings you are using inside hidden forums. One of them might be wrong, or there might be a bug.



    By the way, for those on a linux server with shell and want to just install SVN as a client (and not the full blown server function) this is how you do it:

    wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-1.6.5.tar.gz
    wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-deps-1.6.5.tar.gz

    tar -xzvf subversion-1.6.5.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf subversion-deps-1.6.5.tar.gz
    cd subversion-1.6.5

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME --without-berkeley-db --with-ssl --with-editor=/usr/bin/vim --without-apxs --without-apache
    make install

    Then you are ready to use it via the command line svn



    It’s a mini-plugin, just make a plugin out of it.

    I keep a single plugin composed of all my mini-plugins called tweaks.php but you can call it anything.

    Plugin Name: Tweaks (mini-plugins)

    function delete_own_post($retvalue, $capability, $args) {
    if ($capability=="delete_post") {return bb_current_user_can( 'edit_post', $args[1]);}
    return $retvalue;
    add_filter('bb_current_user_can', 'delete_own_post',10,3);




    I don’t follow.

    You want to add dd/dt tags or do you want PHP code formatting/colouring?

    There already is another plugin to do code formatting/colours but due to the spectacularly bad search and lack of 3rd party tagging on plugins, I can’t find it :-(

    Ah here it is:

    BBPress:Syntax Hiliter




    You tried the second method and it does that?

    It works for me, just tested it on 0.9

    function delete_own_post($retvalue, $capability, $args) {
    if ($capability=="delete_post") {return bb_current_user_can( 'edit_post', $args[1]);}
    return $retvalue;
    add_filter('bb_current_user_can', 'delete_own_post',10,3);


    Note that the delete ability times out with the edit ability (1 hour in default install).





    It’s very possible that the “time window” for one is out of sync with the other. There is no real way for PHP to tell if a user has really left a site, unless they logout, which mini-track handles.

    mini-track defaults to a 30 minute window before it gives up on a user – but it also tracks their last activity time so you can see in the real-time display if they haven’t done anything for 25 of those 30 minutes

    mini-track 0.2.0 will be released soon and it has a bunch of new features and bug fixes too…




    Use the plugin in this post and it will work:




    I have a few other tricks in mind for “Human Test” if they ever figure out how to easy break it. I’m not going to modify it though until they do break it just so they can’t adapt quickly.

    In reply to: 1.0 translations





    Everyone put this in your bb-config.php

    $bb->load_options = true;

    and that number will go down radically.

    For some reason I don’t understand they refuse to make that the default and therefore bbPress just “lazy loads” each option as each plugin requests it.

    If you are using the 1.0 alpha they still have a bit of work to do with query reduction as they rewrote half the routines and storage layout but left it unoptimized. For example each forum on the front page is loaded as a separate query and then the meta for each forum is loaded as a separate query. It’s a bit crazy because if you have a dozen forums that’s 24 queries but I have high hopes Sam or MDA will tackle that soon and do it all in just two queries.

    Last but not least there is a serious optimization problem IMHO in all versions where bbPress will “read before write” every time a meta option is saved, regardless if it’s just been loaded and sitting in the object cache. I have to put a bit of extra code in all my plugins to work around this issue. The reason why they do that is to determine if they should do an INSERT vs an UPDATE because you can have duplicate keys on meta data by design and mysql can’t be told what to do if the key already exists. But there are better ways to do that – since 99.99% of the time it’s going to be an update since the data already exists – do an update and just check for a mysql error on the return (or count rows affected) – then do an insert instead that one time it’s needed.

    In reply to: can’t add topic



    Correct me if I am wrong but you have ALL forums set as categories, which means it can’t hold topics, so bbPress is messed up.

    Change the forums to regular foums.

    In reply to: New Theme: bb_modmat



    Only complaint I would have is that your base text color and your link color seems to be the same color. This makes it impossible to easily determine what is a link or not.



    Just a total guess on my part but it’s probably because your re-write rules are conflicting with the fact that forums.xyz.com is really xyz.com/forums/

    when the rewrite rules change the content, it tries to route it to xyz.com/index.php which is wrong and should be xyz.com/forums/index.php

    So first, temporarily turn off pretty permalinks in the admin (or via bb-config.php)

    Then re-generate the mod-rewrite rules and you may have to hand edit them.

    In reply to: New Theme: bb_modmat



    They grey area is happening because you are using an image for #viewdiv and only telling it to repeat-x (across the horizontal and not vertical).

    I have an almost abusive number of views so you wouldn’t encounter that on a typical setup.

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