_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • In reply to: Getting Plugin URL



    BB_PLUGIN_URL is useless as there are several places a user can put a plugin. Most users also don’t know they aren’t supposed to use bb-plugins and make my-plugins because the powers that be refuse to ship bbpress with a pre-made my-plugins directory.

    After much trial and error and problems reported by windows users, I figured this out:

    $url=bb_get_option('uri').trim(str_replace(array(trim(BBPATH,"/\"),"\"),array("","/"),dirname(__FILE__)),' /\').'/';

    $path=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__),' /\').'/';

    Where $url is the full uri to the local plugin’s directory (ie. if you have an image in there, that’s the url to it)

    The $path is the local storage path that will work in both windows and linux.

    It may look like these functions can be simplified but if you do that, I guarantee you’ll break it under one environment or another.



    0.9 was the product of a few years of development and debugging 0.7 and 0.8

    It powers several thousand forums. It’s stable.

    1.0 is NOT just 0.9 with more bug fixes. It is a 50% different program with a 90 degree change of direction made suddenly by Matt deciding to make bbPress use the WordPress core (ala BackPress) in January 2008. It was re-engineered in just a year after a massive amount of work mostly by Sam. The alpha, beta and RC stages for 1.0 were rushed, apparently on purpose in some cases.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex



    Simply installing wiki software does not a codex make.

    It’s been tried a few times before and no one has taken any time to do documentation, especially on a slow 3rd party server that can disappear at any time.

    It took WordPress a few years and only after 2.0 did volunteers finally get some documentation done, I expect it will be the same for bbPress.



    Ending things at a year end is much more tidy than the middle when many more people are away. Again, there’s zero hassle to Sam and the community if it remains until the end of next year.

    If you push people off 0.9 in a hurry against their will, I bet you the top 100 sites will considering switching to other forum software if they run into significant hassle switching to 1.0 (it’s somewhat like the Windows Vista effect vs XP, the glossy interface to Vista does nothing over the functionality of XP, in fact it makes things run slower, so people waited until the next version)

    While I think it’s nice Sam is asking the masses, the reality is the most vocal people here “in a rush” are running small sites with just dozens of members and hundreds of posts. The people he should be really asking are the largest sites with tens of thousands of members and hundreds of thousands of posts. But you won’t find them active here or voting because they typically have better things to do than constantly fiddle with the software.



    Some plugins attach to the “Manage” admin menu, which was skipped over in 1.0

    This will emulate the slot so the plugins become visible again.

    (do not click “Manage” directly or you’ll get a 404, unfortunately it has to be that way because of how 1.0 was changed)

    Plugin Name: Legacy Plugin Fixes

    add_action('bb_admin_menu_generator', 'admin_manage_menu', 1);
    function admin_manage_menu() {global $bb_menu; $bb_menu[165] = array( __( 'Manage'), 'moderate', 'content.php', 'bb-menu-manage' );}




    I don’t see what the problem is here. If you like 1.0 and like bleeding edge, use 1.0

    No one is asking for a single new feature in 0.9, just if there is a security issue found, release a fix. Such fixes usually take a trivial amount of time to produce once a problem emerges.

    Some people who make money charging by the hour enjoy the idea of constant changes, upgrades, rebuilding things from scratch, etc. because it keeps them busy and in business. Other people have better things to do, and having made a significant investment in time to setup a working forum with bbPress over the past few years or they don’t have the extra performance required to run 1.0, can just give up all the new “features” in 1.0 and just keep using 0.9 while they plan a migration in their spare time.

    All I am saying is if a security problem is found with 0.9 it should be addressed until the end of 2010. Based on WP and bbPress history that will probably happen once or twice a year. Otherwise feel free to let 0.9 gather dust.

    Something else to consider is now that 1.0 is based on the WordPress core (ala BackPress) it is potentially vulnerable to any new attack vector that is found in WordPress (including at least one serious issue currently in the wild) while bbPress 0.9 might remain immune.



    In theory yes.

    If wordpress sets the cookies, the part where bbpress reads them is not stored in those two files.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Doing that will also disable the ability to receive ping-backs.

    99% of all pingbacks are spam and eat resources. It’s also an easy way to ddos a forum on a shared host because it makes the forum do a non-trivial amount of work to process the data received.

    I know pingbacks on forums were a pet dream of Matt’s for forums to have since 0.7 was first released to the public, but IMHO the entire concept of a pingback on a forum defeats the whole purpose of local, active membership.

    At least it’s one option that can be removed almost like a plugin by deleting it.

    That said, I don’t mean to trivialize the amount of work it took you to make the feature happen, it’s impressive in itself.



    I actually said December, not November, at the soonest for my plugins to start supporting 1.0 officially.

    I think 0.9 should have security releases indefinitely, at least for another year.

    December 2010 would be a good retire date IMHO.

    But I certainly don’t expect 0.9 to be given new features at this point.

    Some people simply won’t be able to use 1.0 on shared hosts with several plugins. Their host will terminate their account for excessive resource use if there are bursts of activity at certain times of the day. So 0.9 will be their only option (or switching to lighter software).

    ps. the 2.0 branch of WordPress was it’s best version ;-)

    In reply to: Performance



    I’m curious how much faster 0.9 would be on your host but it’s not important.

    What you do need to do is install bb-benchmark and find out where exactly the slow down is. A flat summary for the page is not helpful at all.



    Gravatars should be done 100% via a plugin and not integrated into WordPress/bbPress in the first place. I never did understand why they were hardcoded in, except perhaps a push by Matt after they bought the service.

    It should be done exactly like akismet and bozos.

    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress



    People can register via my OpenID plugin, it’s just your install where you cannot.

    You can disable the registration on one side or the other and force all registration though WP or bb as desired.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    For those not using the XML-RPC functionality (95% of you) I strongly recommend you delete xmlrpc.php immediately after install. Several of WordPress’s security issues over the years have been through that API.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    frooyo, I didn’t say not to use 1.0, I said if people are using 0.9 they should wait a few months to upgrade to 1.0

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Actually my warning is geared more towards existing 0.9 users who won’t realize that 1.0 is not a simple upgrade to 0.9 like 0.9 was to 0.8 – 0.9 was just 0.8.4 with a whimsical number bump. Calling this release “1.0 final” gives the impression of well tested and compatible, which it is neither.

    Someone who has been happily using 0.9 on an active site with several plugins and tries to upgrade to 1.0 is virtually guaranteed to run into problems. Even worse, if they have not backed up their database, or don’t immediately downgrade, they will lose their ability to roll back to the stable version they had.

    Ignoring internet-wide standards for “alpha” vs. “beta” vs “release candidate” labels is a very dangerous thing to do as far as user experience. IMHO 1.0 is currently still at a beta level. Calling it “release candidate” and now “final” is just politics to please some of the least patient yet most vocal people around here.

    In reply to: Performance



    500ms on a empty bbPress install hints at NFS

    SMF would probably be fastest on your current server as it uses 13 files to generate the front-page vs well over 100 files for bbPress 1.0

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    A reminder to those using 0.9 not to upgrade to 1.0 yet as many of my plugins (and others) do not support 1.0. I will not be addressing plugin upgrades until December.

    10 reasons why to wait a few months to upgrade to bbPress 1.0

    1. Your 0.9 install is stable and the core is secure

    2. Roughly half the plugins for 0.9 will not currently work with 1.0

    3. Once you upgrade you cannot downgrade due to database changes

    4. It does not have significant additional features over 0.9

    5. It doesn’t use the proven 0.9 core, major parts have been rewritten for BackPress

    6. It’s slower, uses 50% more code when producing the same output as 0.9

    7. It uses more database queries per page than 0.9

    8. It’s code has only months of debugging vs years for 0.8 + 0.9

    9. RC was rushed, some changes were made only days ago and are not well tested

    10. Version 1.0.1 will be out in a few days (if not a few hours)

    In reply to: Performance



    Install the bb-benchmark plugin and look at what’s slowing you down.

    If your host uses NFS storage, bbPress will be slow but there are other possibilities like a plugin misbehaving (since you aren’t using any, I suspect it’s NFS)



    Nice layout. Looks a tiny bit like stackoverflow?

    It needs lots and lots of vertical scrolling but unavoidable I guess.



    You cannot run WP or bbPress smoothly on Dreamhost, moving to a real host should instantly cut your page render time in half. I always recommend against Dreamhost because they use NFS (remote network storage) instead of local drives attached to the machine. This allows them to keep costs down and give away oodles of space but it makes anything with a lot of files to load very slow and impossible to cache. bbPress 1.0 has even more files than 0.9 so the problem is magnified even worse.

    As far as your other needs, the policy here is that you should post a way for people to contact you, usually an email address and then we close the topic. If you want people to contact you via your contact form on your website you can request that instead.

    There are extremely few bbPress pros for hire right now, but you can see my post here for some ideas:


    In reply to: bb_meta corrupted?



    bbPress relies on the database to tell it what plugins are active. If your db is having trouble and rolling back to an old set of data somehow it might show deactivated plugins.

    You don’t have a shared host that is restoring backups on you, do you?



    frooyo I am certain not trying to discourage you from learning more about how bbPress works and trying to create plugins – however you should be able to find those hooks easily by reading the code. That’s how I learned everything I know about bbPress, I keep the windows search window open and pointed to the bbPress folder and I search for things. Many times the hooks are in the dozen php files in the bbPress root, sometimes you have to dig much deeper into the core files. If you can’t follow the code, you need to reconsider what you are attempting to do.

    I have no idea what other plugins you’ve written, modified or ported from WordPress but this is not exactly and easy conversion to start with. You need to understand what can and can’t be cached and it’s very different from WordPress.



    Ipstenu, what you have done is disable all the security entirely on the allow images plugin.

    Kind of defeats the purpose of the plugin which could then be accomplished with just two lines.

    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );
    function allow_images_allowed_tags( $tags ) {$tags['img'] = array('src' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'alt' => array()); return $tags;}

    MDA really needs to update that one, it’s becoming ancient now.



    frooyo, the fact you have to ask how indicates you won’t be able to do it

    It will take someone with experience quite a bit of work and testing to accomplish.

    It’s not a trivial conversion like some other plugins.



    What he has done is rename register.php to another name and therefore if any bot tries to directly access the register.php file, it’s not human and bounced elsewhere.

    It’s a reasonably good idea. But it may break some plugins which can’t detect if they are on the registration page if it’s renamed.

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