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Retiring bbPress 1.x Plugins

Published on August 1st, 2012 by John James Jacoby

With bbPress now enjoying it’s second year as a plugin for WordPress, it’s time to retire the plugins pages for versions less than bbPress 2.0, and replace them with more accurate resources. As of today, we’re closing down the old plugins directory to help draw attention to the latest and greatest plugins that work with the current version of bbPress.

If you’re an author of one of these retired plugins, you’re still able to make changes as you have in the past. We’re committed to hosting these retired plugins in perpetuity, and have created a dedicated page to link to the Subversion repository for each one.

Thanks to everyone that’s contributed to bbPress in the past by creating plugins for legacy versions. If there are questions or concerns, drop them in the comments and I’ll definitely get back to you.

bbPress 2.1.1 Released

Published on July 23rd, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Released today is bbPress 2.1.1. It fixes a few annoyances that popped up with the 2.1 release, and is a safe update for anyone running bbPress 2.0-2.1.

  • Fixed Invision, phpBB, and vBulletin importers
  • Fixed private/hidden forum bugs
  • Fixed topic split meta values
  • Fixed theme compatibility logic error
  • Fixed role mask issues for shared user installs
  • Fixed missing function cruft
  • Fixed missing filter on displayed user fields

Props for this release go out to:  DJPaul, iamzippy, JarretC, Netweb, and villagora.

Go get it now! Refresh

Published on July 19th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

It was July 13, 2010 that the rebirth of bbPress began, and on September 21, 2011 it was re-released entirely as a plugin for WordPress. By using custom post-types, taxonomies, and the rest of the existing WordPress codebase, bbPress immediately became the easiest forum software to integrate with your existing WordPress powered site.

Since then, moving to use the new software has been a constantly pending (and urgent) task. I set aside the entire weekend to make it happen, and what you’re looking at now (and immortalized in the screen shot below) is the result. – Powered by bbPress 2.1

My main goal was to maintain the old look and feel as closely as possible, to keep things familiar and show off how a little smoke-and-mirrors help duplicate the bbPress 1.1 style. The only exception is when viewing a single topic, the main post is separated out from the replies to give it the importance it deserves.

I also wanted to open it up and let it breathe, so there’s a bit more white-space between the elements.

Lastly, I switched the typeface to a ‘Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif’ stack, and bumped up the size through-out, hopefully making it a little easier to scan and read.

Props to Ben Dunkle for the bbPress icon set, and Chelsea Otakan for a little design inspiration.

bbPress 2.1 now available!

Published on July 8th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Out now is bbPress 2.1!

It comes with over 150 individual fixes and enhancements since 2.0, and is considered a safe update to any site running bbPress 2.0 or higher.

Here are some 2.1 carrots to entice you to update:

  • WordPress 3.4 compatibility
  • Deprecate $bbp global, use bbpress() singleton
  • Private forums now visible to registered users
  • Updated forum converter
  • Topic and reply edits now ran through Akismet
  • Vastly improved theme compatibility
  • Fixed Akismet edit bug
  • Fixed Widgets nooping globals
  • Fixed translation load order
  • Fixed user-edit bugs
  • Fixed settings screen regressions
  • Improved post cache invalidation
  • Improved admin-side nonce checks
  • Improved admin settings API
  • Improved bbPress 1.1 converter
  • Improved BuddyPress integration
  • Improved template coverage
  • Improved query performance
  • Improved breadcrumb behavior
  • Improved multisite integration
  • Improved code clarity
  • Improved RTL styling
  • Added 2x menu icons for HiDPI displays
  • Added fancy editor support
  • Added fallback theme picker
  • Added tools for importing, resetting, and removing

Major props to the following individuals for helping make 2.1 a success: Adam Ellis, andy, alexvorn2, anointed, boonebgorges, chexee, cnorris23, daveshine, DJPaul, duck_, dudd, ericlewis, fartlek, GautamGupta, isaacchapman, jaredatch, Jason K, jmdodd, Kaspace, mamaduka, markmcwilliams, mercime, mesayre, michelwppi, mouratidis, MZAWeb, nacin, netweb, Nightgunner5, Omicron7, pavelevap, petemall, ptahdunbar, ryangannon, ryanimel, ramiy, scribu, schrepel, sorich87, thebrent, tmoorewp, tott, tungdo, valendesigns, vibol, Viper007Bond, westi, and wonderboymusic.

Go download bbPress 2.1!

bbPress 2.1 RC 4

Published on July 2nd, 2012 by John James Jacoby

A weekend worth of work, and bbPress 2.1 RC 4 is ready to go. It fixes some issues with Akismet, cache busting, and Widgets, so if you’re already running 2.1 this is a safe update for you.

Call our development tracker if you see anything strange in your bbPress neighborhood.

Download bbPress 2.1 RC 4!

bbPress 2.1 RC 3

Published on June 28th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Keeping pace with daily updates, RC 3 is now available. It comes with some security hardening around editing users, subscriptions, and favorites, so it’s a recommended update for anyone already using bbPress 2.1.

Please hit up our development tracker if you notice anything funky going on. Several others have done so during the prerelease process, and it’s because of them we’re able to rapidly stay up-to-date.

Download bbPress 2.1 RC 3!

bbPress 2.1 RC 2

Published on June 27th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Less than 24 hours after RC 1, meet bbPress 2.1 RC 2. We fixed a few more bugs uncovered quickly after RC1 was packaged, and want to keep pace.

We’re *still* confident you can use RC 2 on a live site, and welcome your feedback on our development tracker if something isn’t working correctly.

Download bbPress 2.1 RC 2 now!

bbPress 2.1 RC 1

Published on June 27th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Available immediately is bbPress 2.1 RC 1. RC stands for ‘release candidate’ which means we think bbPress 2.1 is good to go, and it’s up to y’all to let us know if it’s not.

We’re confident you can use RC 1 on a live site without bursting your balloon, but please let us know if it pops your site by reporting any oddities at our development tracker.

Download bbPress 2.1 RC 1

bbPress 2.1 Beta 1

Published on June 18th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Today we tagged bbPress 2.1 beta 1 in the plugin repository. This means we think it’s ready to release to everyone but want to get a few extra eyes on things before we do. It’s the second major iteration of bbPress as a plugin for your self-hosted WordPress powered website, and we think it’s pretty awesome.

Even though bbPress 2.1 is almost ready to go, we don’t recommend you run it on a production site quite yet. Instead, set up a test site or a local installation to play with. If you find a bug, patch it or let us know. If you fix something, your prize will be pie and props.

We are aiming to release bbPress 2.1 by the end of June, based on how the beta period goes. The more help we get with testing and fixing bugs, the sooner the final version ships. If you want to be a beta tester, check out the WordPress Codex article on how to report feedback.

If you think you found a bug, please report it! Start by bringing it up in the support forums, or if you’ve confirmed that other people are experiencing the same bug you can report it on the bbPress Core Trac. If you find a security vulnerability, please be discrete and let us know privately using one of the methods posted on the WordPress contact page.

Theme and plugin authors, if you haven’t been following the 2.1 development cycle, please start now so that you can update your themes and plugins to be compatible with this new version of bbPress.

Download bbPress 2.1, Beta 1 ↓

bbPress 2.0.3

Published on June 13th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Out now is bbPress 2.0.3.

This maintenance release fixes an issue with single forum visibility when toggling it between private, hidden, and public. It also is confirmed working with WordPress 3.4.

If you already have bbPress 2.0.2 installed, updating to 2.0.3 is quick and easy via the WordPress dashboard. This is also a safe update if you’ve already integrated bbPress 2.0.2 with BuddyPress’s Site-wide forums feature.

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