Published on March 27th, 2013 by John James Jacoby
Today the bbPress team is happy to announce bbPress 2.3, release candidate 1.
bbPress 2.3 introduces forum-specific search functionality, so that your users are able to search your forum posts without interfering with your blog posts. It simplifies the fancy topic and reply editors, enabling only the functionality your users should see. Lastly, we’ve included more forum migration tools to help you transition to bbPress from Vanilla, Mingle, and SimplePress.
With that, we bring you bbPress 2.3, Release Candidate 1. Please try it, either on a test site, or wherever you feel comfortable running it, and let us know if you run into any issues.
Oh yeah… If you want to stay on the bleeding edge of releases, check out the bbPress Beta Tester plugin! It’s really neat. 🙂
Published on February 1st, 2013 by John James Jacoby
Today we updated bbPress 2.3 to beta 2 in the plugin repository. Same as with Beta 1, now’s the time to report some feedback and let us know if you find anything unexpected happening. We are still on course to release bbPress 2.3 in the first week of February.
Beta 2 fixes autoembeds, improves code/pre tag usage, and updates the “What’s New” page text.
If you think you found a bug, please report it on the bbPress Core Trac. If you find a security vulnerability, please be discrete and let us know privately using one of the methods posted on the WordPress contact page.
Download bbPress 2.3, Beta 2 ↓
Published on January 28th, 2013 by John James Jacoby
Today we tagged bbPress 2.3 beta 1 in the plugin repository. This means we think 2.3 ready to release into the wild, but want to get a few extra eyes on things first. It represents the 4th major iteration of bbPress as a plugin for your self-hosted WordPress powered website, and we’re excited about how far we’ve come.
Even though bbPress 2.3 is developer tested, we don’t recommend you run it on a production site quite yet. Instead, set up a test site or a local installation to play with. If you find a bug, patch it or let us know.
We are aiming to release bbPress 2.3 in the first week of February. Now’s the time to report some feedback!
If you think you found a bug, please report it on the bbPress Core Trac. If you find a security vulnerability, please be discrete and let us know privately using one of the methods posted on the WordPress contact page.
Download bbPress 2.3, Beta 1 ↓
Published on January 24th, 2013 by John James Jacoby
bbPress 2.2.4 (now available for download) is a maintenance and security release, and a safe and easy update for all previous bbPress 2.x versions.
Version 2.2.4 includes some security hardening inside the Forum Importer/Converter tool, and improves post form output sanitization. These issues were responsibly disclosed by Maty Siman.
Download 2.2.4 now or visit Dashboard → Updates in your site admin to update now.
Published on December 25th, 2012 by John James Jacoby went through a serious clean-up effort in 2012. The site now runs a minimal set of plugins, with an emphasis on supporting the project proper and showcasing it in a much more subtle and focused way.’s plugin repository was retired, and all new plugins are located in extend. This makes perfect sense right now, and really goes a long way towards more tightly integrating the WordPress/bbPress ecosystems together.
bbPress Releases
bbPress saw the release of 2.1 and 2.2 this year, both major versions that included some pretty nifty and progressive features, such as: retina support, theme compatibility, multiple user roles, private/hidden forums, BuddyPress integration, Akismet integration, and improved multisite support.
bbPress recently welcomed Jennifer M. Dodd as a core committer, and she’s already doing great. We’ve also started doing weekly team chats, and have regulars that are helping run the show, triage trac, and follow closely inline with the successes of WordPress core.
In 2013, bbPress will see:
- Forum specific searching.
- More BuddyPress integration.
- More migrations to 2.x in the various .org usages.
- Performance improvements around recalculating metadata.
- Improved capability mapping, to allow more granular access control.
- Hopefully, another core committer.
In closing
2012 has been a great year for the bb’s. The community is really rallying behind bbPress again, and our BuddyPress users are anxiously awaiting the 1.7 release to alleviate all of their theming woes. Overall, I’m very proud about what we were able to accomplish this year, and am excited about what we have planned for 2013.
Published on December 11th, 2012 by John James Jacoby
Back in 2010, when we decided to make bbPress a plugin for WordPress, we opened the door to an audience bbPress previously didn’t have, both in terms of users and developers. Since then, having a bigger pool of developer resources has helped breathe new life into bbPress, and helped maintain it’s momentum with frequent releases and really great feature development.
Today, with great pride and enthusiasm, I get to announce Jennifer M. Dodd‘s contributions are being recognized by her earning core commit access to the bbPress project.
Jennifer has been a prolific bbPress plugin developer and core contributor since bbPress 2 was first introduced. Her ability to iterate and improve on core patches, her outstanding communication skills, and her knowledge of the codebase, make her a great addition to the bbPress team.
One of Jennifer’s first tasks for the bbPress 2.3 development cycle will be working on full forum search. You can follow the process on our development tracker.
Congratulations Jennifer!
Published on December 11th, 2012 by John James Jacoby
bbPress 2.2.3 is a compatibility release, and fixes a few bugs with Theme and BuddyPress compatibility. It’s also ready for WordPress 3.5, for everyone that’s anxiously awaiting it’s arrival.
Changes in 2.2.3:
Published on November 19th, 2012 by John James Jacoby
Out now is bbPress 2.2!
It comes with 69 individual fixes and enhancements since 2.1, and is a recommended update to any site running bbPress 2.0 or higher.
bbPress 2.2 is the third major release since becoming a plugin for WordPress back in October, 2011. Also since then, we’ve continued to work on the things you want the most, like easier integration with your existing WordPress theme, BuddyPress Group Forums, and more comprehensive User Roles. We think bbPress 2.2 is the best release yet, and we really hope you’ll think so to.
Here are some of the juicy details about bbPress 2.2:
- Added What’s New and Credits pages
- WordPress 3.5 and BuddyPress 1.7 ready
- Improved user roles and capabilities
- Improved theme compatibility
- Improved BuddyPress Group Forums integration
- Improved forums convertion tool
- Improved forums tools and settings
- Improved multisite support
- Numerous bug fixes and smaller enhancements
Many thanks to the following bee-keepers for making bbPress 2.2 awesome: alexvorn2, anointed, boonebgorges, chexee, cnorris23, DanielJuhl, daveshine, dimadin, DJPaul, duck_, gawain, iamzippy, isaacchapman, jane, jkudish, mamaduka, mercime, mesayre, MZAWeb, netweb, nexia, Omicron7, otto42, pavelevap, plescheff, scribu, sorich87, SteveAtty, tmoorewp, tott, tungdo, vibol, wonderboymusic, westi, xiosen
My personal thanks go out to the following individuals for staying dedicated during the 2.2 release cycle, helping spread the word, and keeping the documentation up to date:
Contributing Developers
Codex Rockstars
Go download bbPress 2.2!
Published on October 18th, 2012 by Pippin Williamson
WordCamp Louisville was held last weekend in Louisville, Kentucky, and I was given to opportunity to present a talk on bbPress. The topic was pretty open and I was able to choose what I really wanted to talk about. As a developer who has done a lot of work with bbPress, both in using it and developing for it, I chose to present on why bbPress is an exquisite model of plugin development done right. There are a lot of ways to build WordPress plugins, and many, many more small elements that really determine what classifies a plugin as a great plugin.
Read more →
Published on August 1st, 2012 by John James Jacoby
Released today is bbPress 2.1.2. It fixes a few more smallish issues in the 2.1 release, and is a safe update for anyone running bbPress 2.0-2.1.
- Fixed admin-side help verbiage
- Fixed reply height CSS in some themes
- Fixed password converter for phpBB and VBulletin
- Fixed child post trash and delete functions
Props for this release go out to: jaredatc and, Netweb.
Go get it!