Re: bbPress plugin September 15?
Yo Gatuam,
I’m in a real positive mood mate, it’s a glorious day here in Edinburgh (ha, that don’t happen that often) during the largest Arts festival in the world, at a time when we have 8 festivals overlapping in 6 weeks. I am like a pig in the proverbial
And if they were subscribed to feeds, most of them would also have subscribed to BuddyPress feeds
That’s a massive presumption matey
All i’m saying is, hasn’t 20 years of the internet as we know it shown us not to presume about users?
or they would be using WordPress (so they may get to know about it from the dashboard)
If they happened to log in on the 20-24 hours it was on the dashboard
Which gets harder depending on timezones and y’know life. If it was up there for a week, well yeah, I think you’d be closer to being right
All i’m saying is this JJJ: Maybe when you make posts about bbPress on other websites, you could do us a favour and make a little 2 line forum post on this website too. All that’s needed is “hello folks, FYI, link”.
From my point of view, this covers 100% of bbPress users, where are not doing it covers less than 100%. To me, in a really positive sense, taking 1 minute to post “FYI, link, ” and make sure no-one feels lift out is really positive
bbPress users have a history of hearing things 3rd/4th/5th hand, and rarely do those things turn out positive. I believe that JJJ’s plug-in will be positive to countless people, and i’m positive he’s the man for the job. Lets communicate about something positive, in a positive way, to all users
As opposed to posting about software X, on software Y’s website, and hoping people use software Z to read the news about it for the 24 hours it showed it. That’s just comical – haha actually I wonder if there’s already a dilbert comic that covers such convoluted messaging…
Have a great day folks, i’m off to see my 3rd favourite comic ever tonight