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Re: Redirect Loop after installation




I am using the latest WordPressMU with the Alpha release of bbPress.


I am actually receiving this same error. I tried installing initially and completed the install until the final step where I needed to create a forum. I tried to make a Hello World forum and I got an error saying that the installation failed. I couldn’t go back a step or anything .

I just gave up on that install since it was fairly quick anyways, and removed the bbpress directory. I then re-downloaded the install file, unzipped it into my root directory and re-attempted the install. Now, whenever I try and re-install by going to the url that contains the bbpress install I get a redirection error after the first step where I input my database information. I have since not been able to get past this step. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, especially since now I believe I’m not the first to receive this type of error.

Thank you very much!

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