Re: phpmailer, swiftmailer, smtp authentication, registration email sending problems
you guys rock
just changed from sendmail to smtp, added authentication, made path changes and it works!
here is the template for my plugin
Plugin Name: Swift Mailer
Description: Replace bb_mail with Swift Mailer
Version: 0.1
if ( !function_exists(‘bb_mail’) ) {
function bb_mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers=”){
$smtp =& new Swift_Connection_SMTP(“MYSMTPSERVER”, 25);
$swift =& new Swift($smtp);
$from = new Swift_Address(“MYFROMEMAIL”,”MYFRIENDLYFROM”);
$message =& new Swift_Message($subject, $content);
if ($swift->send($message, $to, $from)) {return true;}
else{ echo “Message failed to send to “.$to.” from “.$from;}