Re: Disable posting and registration
Do you know if the Changes Roles Stuff plugin is compatible with bbpress 0.8? i installed it, but it doesn’t seem to be getting called. I have, in my-plugins/custom-roles.php:
Plugin Name: Changes Roles Stuff
Plugin URI:
Description: Changes Roles Stuff
function ChangesRolesStuff($roles) {
// Changes Key Master Role's display name to 'The Boss'
$roles['keymaster']['name'] = 'The Boss';
$roles['member']['capabilities'] = array('read' => true);
$roles['moderator']['capabilities'] = array('read' => true);
$roles['administrator']['capabilities'] = array('read' => true);
return $roles;
add_filter('get_roles', 'ChangesRolesStuff');
but people can still post.