bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
The current RC2 works pretty well. Although news of the RC updates hasn’t been posted in the devblog, or anywhere else as far as I know, I do expect the plugin to go gold sometime soon.
I don’t think that there will be another RC, but then again, I wouldn’t be too surprised if things take a bit longer, this being bbPress and all…
You don’t need Twenty Ten if you don’t use the bbPress child theme. Then you could remove all the files from the themes.
As updating works now, during the process all the changed files would get updated. So if there were to be made changes to the theme, they would get copied to your server.
But why would you? If you want to make a theme from scratch, you could use the child theme as a base with examples of how to write it.
My thought of deleting the theme is because their style it is in conflict with my child theme !
and still do not know that my theme has priority over the theme
wanted to delete the style, bbpress theme, sera that only he can I
the function add_theme_support (‘bbPress’); Let me have what priority over the bbpress?
My thought of deleting the theme is because their style it is in conflict with my child theme !
and still do not know that my theme has priority over the theme
wanted to delete the style, bbpress theme, sera that only he can I
the function add_theme_support (‘bbPress’); Let me have what priority over the bbpress?
You do realize that if you’re using a child theme, its working depends on the parent theme? So if you delete the parent, the child stops functioning as well.
You do realize that if you’re using a child theme, its working depends on the parent theme? So if you delete the parent, the child stops functioning as well.
Page turns blank when updating profile with 2.0
Page turns blank when updating profile with 2.0
Sweet deal we got here!
Sweet deal we got here!
Upgraded to RC3 and I can no longer get to any of my topics.. I can see them listed but I only get 404 errors when I click on any of my topics. I reloaded the release from the branch but no change.. Do we have release #2 available somewhere?
I though maybe I could back of one version and see if it still works.. If there is still an error then I thought I would shut down all the plugins to see if that is it…
But I haven’t activated any new plugins recently so I don’t think that is it… Bu maybe the new release is having troubles with one of the ones already installed…
Upgraded to RC3 and I can no longer get to any of my topics.. I can see them listed but I only get 404 errors when I click on any of my topics. I reloaded the release from the branch but no change.. Do we have release #2 available somewhere?
I though maybe I could back of one version and see if it still works.. If there is still an error then I thought I would shut down all the plugins to see if that is it…
But I haven’t activated any new plugins recently so I don’t think that is it… Bu maybe the new release is having troubles with one of the ones already installed…
I also tried posting a new topic and I got a 404 error…
I also tried posting a new topic and I got a 404 error…
Well I’m not sure what happened.. I reinstalled from the branch. I was still getting 404 errors at this point. ( I didn’t clear the cache so maybe that was it)
Then I deactivaed all plugins except for Askimet. Then I tried it and it worked. I assumed I had found a bad working relationship with one of my other plugins…
I re-activated one plugin at a time and the refreshed the dashboard page then I went out to my forum page.
and it still worked after reactivating each and every plugin following the above procedure of
refresh forum page
click to see if it’s working
repeated as necessary but now I can’t duplicate and all my plugins are re-activated and I feel stupid…
I noticed this happened to one other user who turned in a trouble report…
Am I mostly the only one to have trouble??? Murphy’s Law?? I hope this helps someone…
Well I’m not sure what happened.. I reinstalled from the branch. I was still getting 404 errors at this point. ( I didn’t clear the cache so maybe that was it)
Then I deactivaed all plugins except for Askimet. Then I tried it and it worked. I assumed I had found a bad working relationship with one of my other plugins…
I re-activated one plugin at a time and the refreshed the dashboard page then I went out to my forum page.
and it still worked after reactivating each and every plugin following the above procedure of
refresh forum page
click to see if it’s working
repeated as necessary but now I can’t duplicate and all my plugins are re-activated and I feel stupid…
I noticed this happened to one other user who turned in a trouble report…
Am I mostly the only one to have trouble??? Murphy’s Law?? I hope this helps someone…
Hi, try to press the “Save Changes”-Button in the settings.
I have an other problem with the replies, but i am not sure, if that is a problem connected with the update. Any ideas?
Edit: Maybe a doctype problem?
Hi, try to press the “Save Changes”-Button in the settings.
I have an other problem with the replies, but i am not sure, if that is a problem connected with the update. Any ideas?
Edit: Maybe a doctype problem?
It’s the “good old” pretty permalinks error, which we had earlier in the alpha/beta stage.
If you go to Settings > Permalinks on your Dashboard, just save your settings and it should clear up.
It’s the “good old” pretty permalinks error, which we had earlier in the alpha/beta stage.
If you go to Settings > Permalinks on your Dashboard, just save your settings and it should clear up.
@Trifon Thanks for that, worked a treat this end!
@Trifon Thanks for that, worked a treat this end!
I fixed the toolbar issues by re-installing the plugin and the toolbar not works good. but I may have an issue with where it places smileys. It went the the end of the post so I’m not sure what that is about… but I’ll see if I can lock it down…
I fixed the toolbar issues by re-installing the plugin and the toolbar not works good. but I may have an issue with where it places smileys. It went the the end of the post so I’m not sure what that is about… but I’ll see if I can lock it down…
Can we please try to keep the discussion in this topic on bbPress, and not use it to support each others plugins?
Can we please try to keep the discussion in this topic on bbPress, and not use it to support each others plugins?
- The topic ‘bbPress 2.0 – Updates’ is closed to new replies.