bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
@JJJ re my broken theme. Flaky ftp client I guess, 14 files failed to upload including style.css. All set.
Is there a good shortcode reference sheet available for the plugin?
I was looking for those too and found this:
from bbp-includes/bbp-shortcodes.php:
bbp-single-forum, pass id attribute
bbp-single-topic, pass id attribute
I am thinking I want to give this thing a whirl. I got the zip downloaded, change the name and uploaded the directory. Currently I have a standalone bbpress forum with the BP group forums integrated. I have activated the plugin and see my options in the admin panel. I added a forum which I only see the Title for at the /forum page. I know there was a converter from the stand alone but can’t recall where that thread is or what to do with it once I get it.
Is there a quick what to do next somewhere or is it to early on to be asking for some help getting it setup?
I will point out that I am come from the hell of vbulletin world and converted everything to phpbb then to bbpress on my tests sites and now looking to finish it all off with this plugin. Truly not something I want to ever have to do again!
Thanks for all the help and support here and elsewehre on these forums.
2nd sticky on forum topics list:
Is there by chance any info anyone can point me to on how exactly to make a theme bbP friendly? Since my theme is not based on TwentyTen even the tiniest bit, and is also nothing like the typical “blog” oriented theme, I’ve had to do tremendous amounts of code hacking to get the two to play together. But it sounds like the latest builds of bbP have added a lot of stuff for theme integration.
I’d really like to let one of my coders loose on a fresh install of my theme and the latest bbP, and have her integrate the two “properly” so that future updates to either of them will require a lot less manual hacking. I’m just not really even sure where to start, what files from the bbP theme are required, how to integrate them with my theme (since it doesn’t have the usual suspects like a header file, footer file, single-post file, etc. Nearly everything about it is dynamically generated by the theme admin panel in WP).
Just kinda desperate for a little guidance… thanks!!
@tooltrainer – that’s the price you pay for having something so customized. In the future any custom plugins won’t be able to drop in, and will all need customization. You’re sacrificing ease of use to have something totally unique. You need to ask yourself if you want to keep babysitting your site whenever anything outside of your control gets updated, or if you can make things work with something you have less control over.
Regarding converting from stand alone to plugin, make sure you have a solid backup and restore plan incase something goes wrong.
Regarding theme comparability, bbPress defaults to using the page.php of your theme and replacing the title and the content with what bbPress expects to be there. If your custom theme has page.php all tricked out, you’ll want to find/hire a developer to show you how to bypass it.
Eventually we’ll have a codex here with examples, similar to, until then it’s up to you early adopters to go hunting for solutions and post them up in the forums, for everyone to learn from.
I’ve tried to dream up every possible way for things to be filtered and manipulated with this version of bbPress, so you should never need change anything in the core files.
Yep… early adopter blues indeed. But, I want things how I want them so, I’ll just have to deal with it!
SO in an effort to understand how integration should work, I’ve set up a fresh install of WP 3.1.2, ProfitsTheme, and bbPress. I want to have my coder attempt an integration on a totally clean slate and see what happens.
Problem is very strange now… if I try and access my bbP forums, I get “Error establishing a database connection” and that’s it. No idea why… any suggestions?
Well after setting my permalinks to /%postname%/ I now get a nice pretty “page not found” error page instead of the DB error. But am no closer to having bbP work, and I really don’t know why. There’s not much to it (which is why I’m using it in the first place!
Just upload plugin, activate, create forums, and away you go. Have never seen any issue like this evern with having done several test installs before. I’m using the stock bbP 2010 theme also.
tooltrainer – I will trade you that for the 50 or so notices and errors I got trying to run the converter. lol… It’s probably my error though. I do have forums so the plug in is working but getting my group forums and bbpress stand alone going isn’t getting there yet.
Hey at this point I’d actually TAKE that trade! Errors & notices I can deal with because they give me something to debug. But just “page not found” doesn’t give me anything to work with.
Tried reinstalling several times, de/reactivating, etc. Doesn’t matter, no matter what I do the forums just plain aren’t accessible… if they even exist at all. Bizarre.
JJJ, any ideas?
Just as a sanity check, I regressed to 3127 and have the same issue, so I’m inclined to think it’s something with this install, maybe I need to nuke WP and start again. Will try that next… so strange.
OK I’m seriously stumped now. I just blew away my copy of WP an installed a totally fresh one, updated to 3.1.2, in a subdirectory called “new”. Uploaded latest bbp 3145 and activated it. Created a forum, tried to visit /new/forums/ and was immediately redirected to instead of ending up at as expected. Is this a bug of having bbp in a subdirectory?
So I changed my permalinks again to /%postname%/ and now I’m not redirected anywhere unexpected, but when I end up at /new/forums/ I get the same page not found error.
This is using the included 2010 bbP theme and stock EVERYTHING except for disabling the “Prefix the root slug before the following slugs?” feature.
What gives? I feel like I’m losing my mind or something… this is normally the simplest thing in the world!
to continue my ramblings… just tried 3127 instead but same thing. 404s for all forums, topics, etc.
I’m feeling like this has something to do with it running in a subdirectory. Can anyone else confirm/deny??
@tooltrainer – seems to be working on a shared hosting server:
vanilla WP 3.1.2 installed to an empty folder, and there’s nothing in the root.
set theme to: bbPress (Twenty Ten) 1.1 by WordPress and bbPress teams
unzipped branches_plugin-3138 and uploaded to:
added a couple of emtpy forums, added ‘bbPress forum list’ widget
no errors, appears normal.
hope this helps.
ok so from there how would you get the group forums which is integrated with bbpress merged together? Plug in seems to work well though on its own. I have a custom theme and it seems ok with that.
@tooltrainer – I’d ask if you have this much going on, that you probably create your own topic to post things in. To be honest, I can’t really keep up with everything you’re trying to do, so I don’t really know what to tell you.
I’d suggest just starting completely over from scratch, and comparing the two installs to see what’s different.
@Rick – Even if you get your old forums converted into the new plugin, BuddyPress still hasn’t been updated to integrate with the plugin version of bbPress, so your group forums either need to stay how they are, or you need to build what eventually will be in BuddyPress core.
I’m one of those guys with a tricked out page.php file.
Is there a ‘global’ bbpress forum identifier that I can use?
I was thinking about doing something like this on my page.php
if page is a bbpress page then load file forum.php
else continue loading page.phpThis would easily allow me to use a custom forum.php page for styling the forum pages, while still maintaining my ability to use a custom page.php file for everything else.
Anyone have a snippet that does this?
–or a better idea?
@tooltrainer – I take that back, once I change permalink to /%postname%/ it’s goofed up.
this is ok:
this link, from the widget, is a problem:
result of above link
Not Found
Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.add_filter( 'bbp_template_include', 'foo' );
function foo( $file ) { return 'forum.php'; }All of the funky theme compatibility bits are at the bottom of bbp-general-template.php.
thank you kindly sir!
Have to say I am quite impressed with what I have seen so far. Not to deep into this yet, but so far so good. Already have bbpress into a fluid 1040 grid working properly including media queries.
Now it’s time to get a bit hardcore with the template changes…
@anointed – Excited to see what you come up with. I know you’re quite familiar with BuddyPress, so hopefully you’ll 1.) feel comfortable and see the similarities, and 2.) see how bbPress has improved on those similarities, and see what’s going back into BuddyPress.
@ryan – Can you try visiting the Settings > Forums screen, and saving your settings again after you’ve changed your permalinks? I wonder if the rewrite rules aren’t being flushed correctly.
Could you also
global $wp_rewrite; var_dump( $wp_rewrite );
somewhere, so I can see what it thinks it should be looking for?
@JJJ – nice catch…
As soon as I went into Setting-Forums and clicked Save, that same forum link is now working.
I added a topic from that page, worked fine. Seems ok now.
Cool. I’ll play with flushing the rewrite rules some more, and see if I can make this more automated. There’s a sweet spot that needs to be found with these, and I’ve managed to miss it so far.
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