bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
@tooltrainer – I don’t understand the question. It sounds like an elaborate way of asking “How do I mark topics as sticky?” If what you’re asking is how to highlight a specific post in a different way other than sticky, the only way in core is by the specific ID of that topic or reply, without writing your own code to put something else in there.
@christopher-jon – Anonymous posts are still working for me? Edit lock time fixed here:
I would once again like to raise the issue on permissions in bbpress:
In my setup, I would require certain forums to be completely private in a way that would allow me to determine the accessibility and visibility of certain user groups (i.e. editors) or even better, individual users.
Of course permission options are currently not implemented into the plugin, but I found that regardless of the forum’s visibility setting (private or hidden), any user logged in (including subscribers) can at least view the topics and replies in the dashboard. Anyway, the ‘view’ links in the dashboard result in a ‘page not found’ error in that case.
I know, WP’s user management is not that distinctive, but I guess there are a number of plugins that allow setting a minimum required user level.
@binhdo – Viewing topics and replies of hidden and private forums was a difficult trick to pull off, and hiding them in the admin should be possible to do now. Because of the complex nature of user permissions vs hierarchical forums/topics/replies, cascading the permissions down the branch is only partially achieved at the moment. It is something on the radar though.
I’m not entirely sure what he’s asking either, but he’s not a PHP guy so sometimes doesn’t follow all the coding needed.
What I’m trying to do is color the background of stickies & super stickies differently. He’s trying to figure out how to inject his required CSS into the specific posts that are either stick or super sticky, but not other posts. And I’m kinda the flip side of him in that I’m a PHP guy but CSS mostly just confuses the hell out of me. So we’re kinda both not sure what the other needs. LOL
Not sure if this helps, but if you can shed any more light it would be great. I’ll also ask him to clarify what exactly he’s stuck on.
EDIT: OK it turns out he DID think I was asking him how to create stickies in the first place. Didn’t realize I just needed them colored and they were already there. So… I think we’re all good now.
@miruru – You could filter
and output your own time, or you could hook into
and have it return the second parameter that’s passed to it.
My previous problem of users not being able to creat topics, has suddenly returned and I don’t know why. When a user is looking at the topics, they see this at the bottom:
You cannot create new topics at this time.
Any idea what would be causing this??
New vanilla WordPress 3.1.2 install,
Downloaded zip from trac,
Unzipped and uploaded everything to /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/
Activated. Added a forum, added topics. No problems.
Broken Themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
Name Description
bbp-twentyten Stylesheet is missing.Does exist: /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/css/bbpress.css
Is this a problem, or should I be moving files around?
—Also, I’m the village idiot b/c thought you meant something about testing BuddyPress. I haven’t used bbp so I’m not much help, but figured I’d install it and try anyway.
Does /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/style.css exist?
No need to move files around.
Don’t worry, it’s actually more common than you might think to get the two confused.
@tooltrainer – It’s some kind of capability issue. Do you have any custom plugins that are modifying your capabilities? Is there anything special about your installation that would help identify what’s going on?
I actually several days ago removed a plugin for managing capabilities, because I wasn’t actually using it. It was Capabilities Manager. But right now, no… nothing as far as I know.
Where does bbP handle what roles have permission to do what?
I reactivated capsman just to see if it would help, but it doesn’t. Subscriber role users already have all the normal bbP capabilities, but still can’t create topics.
Seriously stumped… one of my coders has been hammering on this for hours and still has no idea what the trouble is.
Even turning on anonymous posting didn’t work. I still get the “You must be logged in…” message.
I’m not quite understanding what you mean.
I assume that you mean setup a function where if it is bbp_get_topic_last_active then display the date/time.
Is there anyway you could start me off on this?
@tooltrainer – Custom theme, or using bbp-twentyten? Possible it’s a custom theme and you’re not checking caps correctly?
Check bbp-includes/bbp-caps.php. It relies on meta capabilities to match up bbPress caps with WordPress caps. If you altered the core caps for specific core WP roles, they could be all wacky. Also, caps are stored per user, and per role, so if you adjusted them in the middle of a live site, you might have some users with different caps than others.
OK, my coder commented out $r = bbp_exclude_forum_ids( $r ); in bbp_user_template.php but we don’t understand why that did the trick. Subscribers are now able to create topics and everything seems fine, but I’m hesitant to just semi-arbitrarily comment out something like that…
Are you setting forums as private/hidden?
Hah simultaneous post.
It is a commercial theme, ProfitsTheme, that has had the twentyten bbP elements ripped out and put into it. I lovingly refer to it as FrankenTheme.
But for the most part it’s working like a champ. Except for this…
It was working before just fine, then it didn’t so I updated to the latest trunk and re-integrated all my changes… then it worked great. Till today when it suddenly stopped again. Very confused…
Nope, no private, no hidden.
Check and make sure you’re using the new
They consolidate a bunch of complicated logic that doesn’t belong in the template files. They are used in the bbp-twentyten/bbpress/form-topic.php template file.
Also, you shouldn’t need to use your franken-theme anymore. bbPress comes with some pretty cool theme compatibility now. Make sure you *don’t* have
add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );
in your custom theme, and bbPress *should* still work and fill in the blanks. You’ll just need to style your CSS to taste.
As an example, is using the standard bp-default BuddyPress theme, with no template files moved or shifted around. bbPress is just putting itself where it thinks it should be. I’m using some short-codes on the front page to display everything, and some custom CSS to make it match a little more nicely.
Well the thing is, this theme is nothing like the typical WordPress theme. It’s a marketing theme specifically and can create single landing pages, squeeze pages, membership sites, minisites, sales pages, and a variety of other things. Oh yeah and it’ll make a blog too. But it’s so uber-functional that it doesn’t have any of the standard theme-fare, like a nice simple header.php, footer.php, single.php, etc. It’s something of a monster really.
I may try to add bbpress theme support to it at some point but actually I’ve spent over a month on this to get it to where it is, and just need to get my site live. Was probably slightly insane of me to choose an Alpha forum for my production site but hey… I like to live dangerously!
Thanks again, will keep poking around and trying to figure this issue out. If we were to leave it with the current “fix”, are there any dire consequences you can think of?
is used all through-out the bbPress plugin to exclude the forum id’s that the currently logged in user doesn’t have the capabilities to view. This includes forums, topics, replies, everything. So, I wouldn’t consider the fact that it’s doing what you want it to do, a fix. It’s just masking a bigger underlying condition.
Yes I really don’t see this as a real solution, but we are at a loss as to what is causing the problem. And it’s been very difficult for me to stay up on the latest bbP trunk because every time it updates I have to re-integrate all my changes.
Do you have any pointers at all on what we might need to look at? Right now starting over from scratch and figuring out how to re-integrate bbP with my theme isn’t really an option as it will take too long and potentially break too many things. But I have absolutely got to get topic creation working again, and fast…
Hey guys,
I recently installed the plugin but i’m having a few issues.
This sites theme is based on the TwentyTen theme, so i should have all the “core” files needed to run this plugin on my customized theme?
I installed the plugin and created two forums, general and private. Here is a link to the general forum:
Apart from a few styling issues, is this working correctly? I then assume that /forums/forum/ would be the forums main page, which would show both the general and private forum, but stuffs up.
I’m kinda new to WordPress so it’s confusing me a little.
I guess showing you the site without being logged in as an admin is kinda useless though! I’ll try reading these forums thoroughly and seen what the go is.
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