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bbPress 2.0 – Updates

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  • @alanchrishughes


    I know it is still not finished, but I was just playing around with a local installation and had bbpress up and working, but when I activated Buddypress it completely stopped bbPress, pages would just redirect to the blog’s front page.



    Any ideas on how to use wp_tiny_mce() for replies and posts?



    I decided not to re-open ticket 1487 but wanted to share the actual resolution: site collapses after uploading latest files.

    1. The theme was returned to WP default.
    2. The bbpress plugin was deactivated.
    3. The 2908 files were removed from the server.
    4. The 2968 files were uploaded.
    5. The bbpress plugin was reactivated.
    6. Permalinks were resaved.
    7. The “discussions” index page was resaved with the new template for index.
    8. ALL forums were re-saved.

    Now, the important distinction in the process is that the 2908 files were removed rather than simply over-writing files. Otherwise, errors are tossed all over the place.

    Hope this helps others playing around with the bbpress plugin.



    Also, bbp_reply_author_link( array( ‘type’ => ‘avatar’ ) ); returns the avatar thumbnail is there a way to retrieve the full version of the avatar?



    Thank you for this fantastic plugin, even if it is still under development. Great work so far and well done.

    However I just have one small problem and cannot work out why it’s happening.

    I left the slugs as default in the Forum setting and went to view the admin profile. All data is being displayed correct, however the Page Title displays, “Nothing found for User Admin”. I’ve looked everywhere but cannot find where it is going wrong. I’ve tried a different theme to no avail. This is really annoying me.

    I’ve checked all the other pages and they are fine just the user page. Is there something that is causing this? I’ve tried disabling the All In One SEO plugin and then the page title says “Not Found” and the data is still being displayed correctly.

    Any help would be most appreciated.



    Hi, I am having trouble when creating a slug for a forum. Whenever I try to change it, the plugin appends “-2” at the end of the name, as if it was already taken. Is it because I already have a page using that slug in WordPress?




    In short… Yes it does.

    You’re trying to create something which already exists, so as with normal posts and pages, WP just adds a number at the back of the name.



    Can you please change something in the bbp_pre_get_posts function?

    when I delete this function my site work fine, but with this function an error occurs: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in C:xampphtdocswordpress10wp-includesquery.php on line 27

    I think you should modify this function somehow so the error will not show again.

    My earlier post about this critical problem –

    Many Thanks!



    I created a ticket on the site so you can reply me there:



    @alexvorn2 – Fixed in r2970. Review your ticket for details. :)




    bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'type' => 'avatar', 'size' => '100' ) );



    Where are the allowed html tags set?



    Got HTML Purify, it took care of it for me.



    Is there a way of utilising the hook transition_post_status only when it’s in reference to a topic or reply? Or is there a function for this already?

    I’m looking to only call a function when a user posts a topic or reply, possibly when a post gets spammed or trashed.



    I’ve looked through this whole thread and have seen several cases of people having trouble with the permalink structure, getting 404’s.

    No matter what I try, every time I try to access /forums/forum/test-forum I’m just redirected to the site root.

    I’ve spent loads of time looking through the core files of bbpress, but I can’t seem to find the place where this particular link structure is set. Rules are added for a lot of other pages, but not the single forum page.

    Does anyone know where WordPress is told to use this particular URI structure?



    Adding to the question above:

    I found out that when I type in /blog/forum/test-forum I’m not redirected but just shown the 404 page. All other combinations ends in a redirect back to the front page.

    I can see in the posts table that WP saved the permalink as http://localhost.localdomain/?post_type=forum&p=8053. Requesting this URL just results in the redirect.

    I already tried saving permalinks settings a number of times. I also tried each of the custom structure combinations mentioned in here such as /%post-type%/%post-name%/etc., and I tried disabling “neat” permalinks all together. Nothing seems to work.



    I’ve looked through this whole thread and have seen several cases of people having trouble with the permalink structure, getting 404’s.

    No matter what I try, every time I try to access /forums/forum/test-forum I’m just redirected to the site root.

    I’ve spent loads of time looking through the core files of bbpress, but I can’t seem to find the place where this particular link structure is set. Rules are added for a lot of other pages, but not the single forum page.

    Does anyone know where WordPress is told to use this particular URI structure?

    How long have you had this installation?



    Is there a way of utilising the hook transition_post_status only when it’s in reference to a topic or reply? Or is there a function for this already?

    I’m looking to only call a function when a user posts a topic or reply, possibly when a post gets spammed or trashed.

    You can use the hooks bbp_trashed_topic, bbp_trashed_reply, bbp_spammed_topic, bbp_spammed_reply. All those supply you with the reply or topic id. :)



    How long have you had this installation?

    I just installed bbpress a few days ago from the latest trunk files. I’m running on WP 3.1.



    I couldn’t resolve the Login page, page title issue. However, I’ve encountered more issues, but this time it locks out my site and gives me a redirection issue. I’ll explain below:

    1. I can access the backend of wordpress and make any changes.

    2. When I close down the browser and try to go back to the backend, I get a problem with the site loading as it has lots of redirection issues.

    3. The only way for me to go back into the backend was to login via FTP and delete the bbpress plugin and my site is then up and running.

    4. I’ve tried deactivating all of my plugins and only enable the bbpress plugin, but the same thing happens. Cannot load the site at all.

    Can anyone explain why this is happening?

    @JJJ honestly, I would consider it, but I can’t tell if this is going to be another half finished abandoned project like 1.0 was. What you guys are doing is great, but if WordPress HQ isn’t commited to seriously supporting the project this time, I can’t say I’m hopeful.

    Don’t mean to be too negative, I’m just saying what many are thinking.



    @JJJ – I greatly appreciate you fixing my “Close Topic” bug! Unfortunately it appears to break super sticky posts. =(

    The particular topic I want to close, is a super stick with some “forum guidelines” that should be visible everywhere. When I close it now, it’s visible in the original forum it was created in, but nowhere else.

    So we have half the problem solved, at least the topic IS visible to other users.

    Looking forward to a full fix on this one!

    As for favorites and subscriptions, the problem is that the buttons for choosing them in the first place, aren’t available. They exist in the code, but are not present visually to the user, to be able to press them. What’s the best way to actually enable these features?

    Also for anyone else this may help – here is how I updated painlessly (and will do so going forward)

    1) Download latest branch and edit bbpress.php, changing the plugin name to add the specific branch number

    2) Rename new plugin folder name to “bbpress xxxx” where “xxxx” is the version number”

    3) Upload folder to plugins folder of my WP install

    4) Deactivate old bbPress plugin

    5) Activate new “bbpress xxxx” plugin

    6) Move theme from old bbP to new bbP

    7) Enable theme in the new bbP

    8) Profit!

    This worked great for me, no conflicts, no worries of overwriting files, etc. Very smooth and easy to degrade back again if I need to.




    Quick followup –

    I “unstuck” that post and saw there is a new method for getting a “super sticky” – “stick to front”. So I tried that, and though I can see the “super” attribute in the query string, it doesn’t seem to work as the post is not anywhere but its original sub-forum.




    What hooks does bbPress plugin use during new user registrations? I’m looking to write a recaptcha plugin but not sure what hooks might be available when a new user registers.




    The registration is handled by WordPress (so the back-end part of the Recaptcha plugin currently available would be the same). Only the template is shown by bbPress, and you can make use of the ‘register_form’ action.

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