bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
Trying to integrate existing plugins may be more trouble than it’s worth. However a few examples of how to adapt existing ones to work with as little fuss as possible may be better. But having said that I dare say a lot of the filters/actions will still be there, which increases the chance of existing ones working.
Thanks for the update JJJ, sounds like a few lines of code still need to be written, you are the man for the job though!
If you need anything tested, let me know and I’ll do my best to *try* and break anything!
Thanks for the update John!
I have not been following the progress of this new update to bbPress. Will the plugin replace the bbpress I am currently running? Which I think is a stand alone along side wordpress. Where can I go for more information? I am thrilled that there is energy being put into bbPress. Thank you Thank you. One of my biggest issues is getting emails when someone posts.
@tonicarr This is not really the thread for these questions; also it’s been asked already.
In quick summary though:
Yes it will replace the bbPress you are currently running (that would be the “importer” JJJ mentioned. One for standalone bbPress and one for BuddyPress forum component I imagine)
For more information check these links:
I fully agree with Lykketrollet: Don’t waste your time trying to maintain backwards compatibility with the old bbPress plugins. What you need to worry about is the plugin developers, not the plugins themselves, which will be in need of updates and free support regardless.
Update: Just emptied out and moved everything to No sense in having two development blogs. The prior should eventually be deleted.
Re: Legacy plugins – It’s low on the list, but I think it’s important there be /some/ level of support. Would really be a shame to lose 100% of that time and effort.
@tonicarr – Nothing will be changing soon, so no worry there. Eventually the goal is to give bbPress users the option of migrating their existing installations into something more tightly integrated with WordPress as a plugin, instead of as a bridged (deeply integrated) stand-alone installation.
Thank you. I will check the links. I understand this is not the thread for this type of question. FYI – I have been patiently waiting for big things to happen with bbPress.
I look forward to this, and future, developments. BBPress I feel does not get the credit and attention it deserves.
Looking forward to this, one thing though, couldn’t “User’s Profiles” be a plugin? WordPress already has many user profile plugins
I love the idea of “keeping things as small and light as possible” (front page quote)
If at all possible, could the code for the “legacy support layer for existing plugins” be kept separate? and therefore easily removable
I suggest you Import from bbPress and other forum plugins. I use now Simple:Press, but i want use bbPress plugin in future.
Thank you for your hard work!!! We need all bbPress plugin!
@qprints That is the plan. Anything that might add any extra bloat should be modular, so you can turn each component on or off as needed. A good example would be that there’s no need to load up bbPress User Profile code if BuddyPress is there to handle things.
@Jyri No promises about a SimplePress importer at launch, but in the spirit of owning your own data it would make sense to have that too.
Thank you for this info.
I really need bbPress plugin with Akismet.
Great project, have a nice job on it!!!
Many thanks.
Simple:Press is ok, but i like more your bbPress style. It’s very simple!
Thanks for the update
Will bbpress plugin be compatible (or with an easy way to import) with existing buddypress?
Re user profiles – it would be nice to have one profile (wordpress/bbpress/buddypress)
Can you give us an idea how theme’ing will work when it is a plugin? Will it base itself around the current WordPress theme and kind of insert itself inside a blog post like other forum plugins do?
It’s based on WordPress custom post types, so it’ll work of the custom post type theming rules.
@johnjamesjacoby Anything I can try now to test and file bugs?
It’s based on WordPress custom post types, so it’ll work of the custom post type theming rules.
If bbpress plugin use wordpress custom post types, is that mean that plugin how work on wordpress will work also with bbpress (like subscripte to comment for wordpress, similar topic plugin for wordpress …etc) ?
If bbpress plugin use wordpress custom post types, is that mean that plugin how work on wordpress will work also with bbpress (like subscripte to comment for wordpress, similar topic plugin for wordpress …etc) ?
Things that bbPress can already do won’t disappear, but will rely on WordPress core functionality to replace them where possible.
Can you give us an idea how theme’ing will work when it is a plugin? Will it base itself around the current WordPress theme and kind of insert itself inside a blog post like other forum plugins do?
Like Kevin said, out of the box you could use the WordPress post type templates and easily make files to fit any theme. I’d also like to have a format similar to WordPress and BuddyPress, where maybe you can stash all of your bbPress template files in a subdirectory so they don’t get intermingled with your existing template files.
Matt and I have shared a similar dream for allowing blog posts to either act as or create their own dedicated forums, allowing for dedicated topics and branched discussions about those blog posts. Linear comment rivers often end up with hundreds of comments with no way to tell what is relavent to what you’re looking for. Allowing subscribed users to create topics around blog posts inside one installation could change things up in a really neat way. But, you can see how theming that could get complicated…
Honestly themes and plugins are really hard right now because there are a lot of dependency issues to try to work around, and I don’t have a 100% fool-proof plan yet. Once it’s time to start thinking about integrating bbPress into existing themes, we’ll probably huddle up with the WP core devs and talk about what everyone thinks makes the most sense.
Thank’s JJJ And Good Luck !
Matt and I have shared a similar dream for allowing blog posts to either act as or create their own dedicated forums, allowing for dedicated topics and branched discussions about those blog posts.
I’m very excited to hear you say that, as I have had that same dream myself for years on end, yet all the major forum softwares I kept tabs on never seemed to innovate past the traditional, strictly linear model.
Way to go!
(p.s. remove tag “rehab in Spain Malaga” please)
oh, p.s.p.s.: As part of this dream, I always imagined it possible to, if you opted to, comment to any post within a thread as if its a blogpost, i.e. a small threaded comment the likes of which you see on Stackoverflow.
I really like this concept, as it enables dynamic conversations without easily getting off topic. I’m not one for “points systems” for any sort of thing; I prefer real human interaction. And that’s why it’d be great for me when someone posts a very comprehensive bug report to make a threaded comment giving feedback on how well detailed this report was, while the next post can still stay on topic about the contents of the report by replying with an ordinary post instead of a comment.
Does this still look like it will be on schedule for Oct 15?
So each blog/post/article/whatever would not only have comments and a comment form below it? But it would also have an option to create an entire thread/discussion about a specific aspect of that blog post? So instead of one giant list of every kind of comment possible, there could be multiple discussions/threads branching off based on the original blog topic?
If that is what you are suggesting I think that is an awesome idea. Just looking at any article on Smashing Magazine and the usefulness of something like that is pretty obvious.
I would also like to know if the plugin is still on for an 0ct 15th release
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