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  • #59808

    Thanks for both your replies. I’d read that thread previously and my impression was that it is overly complex for what I’m trying to accomplish and was hoping for a much simpler way. I’d rather avoid having to “hack core files” as described and I want to be able to upgrade both WP and bbPress easily with changes only in my template files. I also don’t need the complex behavior of conditionally showing admin links, etc. since I just bookmark the admin page. And finally, as I mentioned, my PHP skills are non-existant at this point so not the kind of thing I am comfortable taking on right now.

    fel64, currently I have my user tables and cookies integrated. I installed bbPress within the WP directory to get the easy integration described in the docs since I’m still pretty new to both. So far that seems to work great. I like your suggestion of just grabbing the HTML code for the WP login and making it look like the bbPress login. That would solve the login part of it. However, then I would need some conditional code to display different things if the user is logged in or not, similar to what the bbPress login form does. It displays the welcome and profile link if logged in, or login form if not. For new user registration I’d have to send them to the bbPress registration page because I want them to fill out profile info not available in the WP registration form since it only asks for username/pw. Then I think it would be kind of weird that the user clicks register from the home WP page and gets taken to the forums after they register. Probably have to do some special handling there to see where they came from and send them to the right place.

    So…. hope you don’t mind the thinking outloud but after all that I’m wondering if it’s all worth the trouble given how unfamiliar I am with these systems. Maybe I’ll postpone this until future versions of bbPress make login integration much easier or there are plug-ins written for WP that can help. My initial thought was, why can’t I just call the login form code from bbPress from WP? Is this something that requires a deeper level of integration than what I have? I’m curious about this in general as it would be something I’d like to be able to do in the future.




    I am new here. I am form lithuania so sorry for my poor english.

    I have trouble. I have installed bbpress and integrated with wordpress. And now i can’t go to bbpress admin panel. Can any body help my?!


    Are you using php5? Server runs linux or windows?

    The second error is caused by the first.

    I’ll if I can do a quick fix, thanks for the report.

    Please try this version and see if it makes the error go away:


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Oh that was immediately more helpful than anything else I’ve asked or you’ve answered. There is something really strange going on in that the code is being inserted twice. Some hook is firing twice when it should only be once. I have to investigate.

    Er, What other plugins do you have running?

    I see your bbmenu in there.

    Can you try deactivating everything?

    Also, post your post.php template in code tags here – are you positive it’s stock?

    I think I know exactly what is happening but I don’t know why.

    My plugin hooks topicmeta


    Topicmeta can only happen once on a topic page.

    Somehow it’s firing more than once on your page.

    Deactivate all other plugins for a minute just to make sure something doesn’t have a major bug.

    Try this experimental fix which unhooks itself after the first execute to prevent a second run:


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Ah I think I see the problem.

    Unlike all the other browsers, Opera has taken it upon itself to cache the javascript request instead of actually fetching it each time (this is one way it cheats for speed).

    Will add some code for a unique URL to force it to work.

    okay, here you go, v0.24

    should fix the issues with opera (and anything else caching)

    I’ve also now added hidden near the top of the code a “test_mode”

    If you change “test_mode” to “true” it will allow you do keep voting on any poll for testing purposes. You can switch back and forth to view/vote etc. Obviously change it back on a live site with members or people will be able to stuff the ballot box.

    Keep in mind that previous poll data may have been made invalid by the bug in opera so start with a fresh poll. Do not keep re-using the old polls for testing with v0.24. I have not changed data structures but if the data got inserted wrong, it could be invalid for that topic.

    (I’ll make a “delete poll” option soon for administrators.

    The space it takes is trivial, so don’t worry about that)


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Wasn’t aware of that one. I will look into it.

    I’ve dropped it to the older escape routine.

    Will just have to see if it works with non-english pages or not.

    Is *anyone* else experiencing what Null is showing?

    I cannot reproduce it.

    v0.22 now adds ajax-ish voting so it’s almost entirely ajax except for the poll setup form which will take much more work than I am willing to do right now. (also cancel button added to poll setup)

    It’s getting really good, ready for the the members to give it a go.

    Can’t believe I didn’t have any code at all for this three days ago and its over 15k now with nearly 400 lines.

    Now I need someone to come up with some pretty CSS styles.


    That may have been factually accurate, but telling him that it’s been solved and he should go search is not helpful. Linking him to a solution would be.


    “I only used a table to match what is already being used on that page by default and there may be future structures that need a table.”

    Yep, I guessed so

    “The svn doesn’t seem to be updating the versions on the extend page here so here’s a direct version:

    I’m going to give it a try right now


    “ganzua, that’s not all that helpful.”

    Well, If undestood quite enough this quote;

    “What I’d like to have is that same bbPress login form show up in my WP page so that if users are logged in they get the welcome/view profile otherwise they can log in/register from anywhere on the site.”

    We solved this same thing here, ;


    Are your usertables integrated? If they are it shouldn’t matter what login form you use and your userdetails should be identical, a change in one system resulting in a change in the other. In that case you can simply but the WP login forms back and integrate cookies.

    If they are not integrated and you don’t want to do so, a solution could be to load bbPress when you load WP [edit: but again unless you’re integrated you’ll have function name collisions so that’s not an option] and use the login_form() I believe it is template tag.

    Or you could just look at what the bbP output login form is like, copy the HTML into wordpress and let users use that. No reason why that shouldn’t work. :)

    ganzua, that’s not all that helpful.


    I only used a table to match what is already being used on that page by default and there may be future structures that need a table.

    The svn doesn’t seem to be updating the versions on the extend page here so here’s a direct version:


    we solved this issue in a previous thread, just make a search :)


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Please try again with v0.21

    Many little bug fixes.

    mysql_real_escape_string requires php >= 4.3.0

    is this a problem for anyone?

    php prior to 4.3 has lots of security issues

    v0.21 looks/works fine in my opera 9.0

    Many thanks for all the beta testing, I think we’re stable now in all modern browsers…


    I’ve been having problems to translate bbpress since I integrated the forum with wordpress.

    In particular I’m having this error;

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CachedFileReader in D:wampwwwwordpressbbpressbb-includesstreams.php on line 163

    whenever I try to define a lenguage in config.php -> define(‘BBLANG’, ‘es_ES’);

    I was suggested to redirect to wordpress mo file -> define(‘BBLANGDIR’, ‘../wp-includes/languages’);

    and then editing this mo file with poedit.

    Well, I’ve been messing with poedit but I didn’t change bbpress config.php yet or included any language file for bbpress anywhere.

    I went to bbpress control panel to activate the new signature plugin and I find that a line of the menu (and just one line, the rest are still in english) is already translated to spanish, this one;

    I admit that I’ve been very busy and I even admit that a was drinking some beers this evening but, what the hell did I do? I can’t rember!. I’ve been unsuccesfully trying to translate bbpress for a month and now bbpress started to translate all by itself?


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    I am pleased to announce that v0.19 now supports ajax-ishâ„¢ behaviours on all actions except form submits (saving data). The view poll results actually happens with a real update, if votes happen while you are waiting to vote and you go check, they will increase. I might even add an auto-refresh to it (every 30 seconds?) to freak people out.

    You can also turn off ajax entirely in the settings and if there’s no proper javascript support it falls back to regular actions of course.

    I’ve only tested on firefox out of exhaustion right now, so I’ll need feedback from other browsers. Ajax on submits will take quite a bit more research for me, never done it before and I’ve heard it’s problematic on different browsers.

    @mazdakam, sorry about the float:left – I used it to try to make it behave with some other templates I was testing. I realise now how that would messup your configuration…


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Good advice and very clear points. Not worth the risk.

    I’ve been looking at some of their templates and it’s not that amazing anyway. They also use tables. If I clear up my layout and document it well, I am sure some css gurus out there can make something even better.

    In other news I fixed the nagging refresh bug

    (the post data that’s left on the page when you hit f5) but I hate the way it has to be done (redirect after processing the post data, back to the same page – that’s twice the load for bbpress – can’t find any other documented solutions).

    I think my next code attempt will be to make it load in place (like ajax but not really ajax).


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    mazdakam, try this for better translations?

    I’ve put ALL the text near the top for easier editing.

    @Null, I’m not going to spend too much time “ajax-ing” it.

    But I think i can make all the actions happen without reloading the page. I’m going to simply replace the contents in the <div id=poll></div> dynamically. Should be enough to keep everyone happy.


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Sorry, I have to learn how those translation calls work, never used them before.

    I wanted to allow the text changes to be made within the admin menu so no external files have to be edited.

    ah, found the instructions:

    I’ll have 0.16 up shortly with that changed.


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    version 0.15 fixes the cache performance so the data is only unserialized once (I should note that bb-polls adds ZERO extra queries to any page, it’s already fetched with the topic) v0.15 also allows all the labels to be changed for other languages. More CSS classes are added/fixed, slight colour tweaks.

    I’ll get a proper admin menu in there after another version or two when I’ve thought out all the options properly (to prevent the need for any database changes)

    Is there any interest in it having ajax-like action even if it’s not “real” ajax? Basically so there is no page refresh. I can use some simple dhtml tricks.


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    I highly doubt most bbpress installers will continue to use the default template longer than a week or two. It’s a very sterile 1990’s computer room look, green/white, wide & empty. Ugh.

    Reminds me of that old school continuous computer paper:

    I can’t wait until bbpress gets some critical mass of users so we have all those thousands of creative wordpress folks slaving away on themes.

    On a programming note, I’ve got to figure out how to trash the post data that’s sent so when doing a refresh after voting the browser doesn’t nag the member that the post data will be resent (it won’t affect the poll stats if it does but still I don’t want that post data there). Probably have to do a redirect after submit which is a shame as it has to load bbpress twice then.


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    I just got a trunk install going.

    Wow, yes I will fix the colours right away.

    Sorry about that!

    That was easy.

    Complete colour fix in v0.14

    Looks pretty good if I do say so myself!


    Surprised how it looks even better with small fonts.

    I use bigger fonts on my custom theme.

    Oh and it works great with the newest trunk too.


    I have the integration working. Got wordpress in the root and bbpress in a subfolder called /forum.

    When I register on wordpress, the user is displayed as subscriber in WP and as member in bbpress. so all is correct.

    But if I register on bbpress, then the user is “member” in bbpress but in WP it gets no role at all.

    Second problem is that bbpress doesnt seem to send out any confirmation email although I can see new users in the backoffice.

    BOTH plugins are installed and seem to be working fine.


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    v0.13 adds better level control and a few other tweaks

    note that default settings are now set to everyone can view, any member can vote, only moderator+ can add

    (you can edit these of course, but just a caution)


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls


    Since I can’t edit the first post here I’m just going to use my wp blog for updates:

    bbPress Polls plugin

    v0.11 is a bug fix:

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