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August 26, 2007 at 4:05 am #60254
In reply to: Post replies bring you to the second page
_ck_ParticipantUgh sorry.
I will have to create a bunch of fake posts to try to test a similar environment.
Because of the way bbpress calculates those pages, this is a very tricky process (also a very annoying process).
If all you are trying to affect is just the front page, there is a direct hack for the core you can do which should not affect any other page and allow all other plugins to work properly.
In theory it will work better than any other plugin method.
I’ve got my hands full right now working on an advanced user tracking program to replace simple onlinelist that works across wordpress+bbpress.
August 25, 2007 at 5:20 am #60251In reply to: Post replies bring you to the second page
_ck_ParticipantOkay I think I have a workaround.
Try this.
Don’t really have a way to test, so you’ll have to let me know. You’ll have to re-edit the limits at the top, sorry.
August 24, 2007 at 2:48 pm #60290In reply to: Akismet key id
chrishajerParticipantRonJRoy, bbPress and WordPress are not really related, and a login is necessary just for the Akismet key. The login for bbPress does not work at
One thing I always thought was weird though is that the login works for
Glad you got it sorted. Since this is beta software, there are going to be some questions, and there are always people around to help.
August 24, 2007 at 7:37 am #60247In reply to: Post replies bring you to the second page
_ck_ParticipantLet’s start with are you using front-page-topics?
If so, deactivate/delete it and then download this:
edit the limits per page near the top as desired
rename .txt to .php
install and activate it
August 24, 2007 at 7:37 am #58834NullMemberI think they are, the also switching enirely to jQuery with wordPress (I believe). I also think it’s better to switch and ditch prototype.
August 24, 2007 at 7:31 am #60296In reply to: Forum asks to unnecessarily Register or Login
_ck_ParticipantYou probably have an incomplete WordPress+bbPress integration.
Go through the steps here and see what you missed:
I bet it’s the cookies not being set to the same location.
August 24, 2007 at 5:16 am #58833_ck_ParticipantjQuery is really nearly 60k – if you use the 20k version it has to unpack itself on the visitors broswer everytime a page is loaded. Better to use unpacked version and gzip web compression instead.
It’s the same size as prototype but smaller in use when you consider prototype needs other libraries to do other functions that jquery has built in.
When again is bbPress switching to jQuery?
Or is this just a rumour?
Apparently WordPress has ditched the last scraps of prototype from the admin panel this very week:
August 24, 2007 at 1:57 am #60289In reply to: Akismet key id
Sam BauersParticipantDid you not see this?
From config.php:
// Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage
// of Akismet's powerful spam blocking, you'll need one. You can get an Akismet key at
$bb->akismet_key = ''; // Example: '0123456789ab'August 23, 2007 at 8:59 pm #60287In reply to: Akismet key id
benbeltranMemberlogin to, go to your dashboard, click on profile (or My Account) and you should see “Your API Key is: ” followed by the key
got it from:
August 23, 2007 at 5:12 pm #56052In reply to: Latest WordPress & bbPress in another language!
w3creativaMemberHi Ganzua, Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. I believe, as you say, that it is not the best solution but, apparently, the only one at the moment (?).
I wonder how did other users managed to translate their integrated bbpress.
Thanks again!
August 23, 2007 at 4:36 pm #59509_ck_ParticipantUnless you are editing wp-config.php directly, you do need to adjust the wordpress cookies somehow. Otherwise they point at the wordpress directory and not the web root.
There is a typo in his plugin url, this is the correct url:
August 23, 2007 at 3:56 pm #56051In reply to: Latest WordPress & bbPress in another language!
ganzuaMember“hi, I have the same problem. Has anyone found a way to integrate and change the language without errors?”
I managed to translate a wp-bb integration but I don’t know if you are going to like my workaround;
1. edit bbpress config.php and in define language section point to your wp language file with this code; ‘ define(‘BBLANGDIR’, ‘wp-includes/languages/’); ‘ (change for the name of your language .mo file)
2. edit wp language .po file and insert there your bbpress .po file. In other words, copy/paste all bbpress entries at the end of wp .mo file
3. Open with poedit and try to save this modifed file. You’re going to have +-100 duplicated entries in an error log. Delete all duplicated entries, one by one, so you can save.
4. When you save with poedit you produce 2 files; .po file and a .mo file. This .mo file is the one you want. Now you have translated both; wp and bbpress with just one .mo file.
I do know that this workaround implies a lot of future problems and I don’t like it at all but I didn’t find any other way.
I hope someday bbpress will appear as a plugin for wordpress.
August 23, 2007 at 3:53 pm #59508Anne-LiseMemberThank you so much! Also for the quick response.
I already had the integration plugin installed. The only thing I needed to do was to install the allo spaces in usernames plugin. Now I can skip between blog and forum without any problems and without having to login again if I am already at one or the other.
BTW: the cookie control plugin you reffered to in step 1 is no longer available for download at the site you referred to. But from what I understand from this article it is not necessary anymore.
August 23, 2007 at 2:33 pm #2301Topic: My installation does not launch …
in forum InstallationadriengeilleMemberHi guys,
I can’t launch the installation of bbpress on my existing wordpress blog using the same database. The issue I have is, that i have a blank page…
So no way to launch the installation.
It’s on the same server
using the same db
I even created a second user to the DB (didn’t change anything)
I have enabled all the writing right to the installation folder
So what do you recommand. Do a fresch install of wordpress and bbpress or is there a solution for me to avoid that for exemple feeling up a file myself to have the insatallation process behind me.
Cheers for your help.
August 23, 2007 at 2:21 pm #58593In reply to:
rosebudMemberI have wordpress and bbpress integrated (in terms of users and logins) but they do not share all the functions. BBPress is translated and working fine, however, I don’t have the wordpress code translated, just a po for the theme.
August 23, 2007 at 1:28 pm #59507_ck_ParticipantAll these problem are both cookie path
and forbidden character problems.
Both are poorly documented (or not mentioned at all)
but the good news is that fixes exist for both issues.
I have to find my previous instructions on this but
because bbpress search is so poor, this may take awhile.
Could someone please get this into a wiki or faq at some point:
Steps required for more complete and problem-free bbPress+WordPress integration:
1. cookies paths need to be changed to the same path in both WordPress and bbPress (change to domain root recommended)
2. the integration plugin should be installed
3. the allow spaces in usernames plugin should be installed (also add my underscore hack for characters bbPress by default forbids but WordPress allows – see my message later in same thread)
4. add the ” set default role when registering new user though forum” mini plugin should be installed:
5. search your bbpress templates and force all registrations/logins through wordpress from the several places they are buried on the forum (the WP login interfaces are far more developed) – unfortunately at least one bbPress login location is hard coded in the core which will require a direct hack everytime you upgrade. ie:
<?php $request_uri=$GLOBALS["HTTP_SERVER_VARS"]["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>
<a href="/wordpress/wp-login.php?redirect_to=<?php echo $request_uri; ?>"><?php _e('Login'); ?></a>
<a href="/wordpress/wp-register.php?redirect_to=<?php echo $request_uri; ?>"><?php _e('Register'); ?></a>6. optional but highly recommended, install the “use display name” plugin for mods+admin:
August 23, 2007 at 1:03 pm #60046In reply to: bbpress install on an existing wordpress blog
adriengeilleMemberDon’t work,
If i delete $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl both and leave the address blank ”
here is the message i get…
Does it ring a bell to anyone?
Cannot select DB.
August 23, 2007 at 10:54 am #59506Anne-LiseMemberBTW: WP and BBpress are using the same database.
August 23, 2007 at 10:51 am #59505Anne-LiseMemberI have more or less the same problem. My forum is only accessible to WordPress users of the blog the forum is linked to. They cannot register themselves. Therefore registration is not possible on the forum either. All user names consist of two words. When I, or another user, is logged in in WP and then switches to the forum, he or she has to login again. When user name and password are filled in correctly and the login button is clicked, the user is redirected to a page where it says that the login failed and that he or she has to try again. But this time the space between the words of which the username consists is deleted (‘tester twee’ becomes ‘testertwee’). Logging in with the newly formed username doesn’t work either, of course. Logging in with a username that is made up of one word is no problem (for example ‘admin’).
This problem didn’t exist in the previous version of BBpress and it doesn’t have anything to do with the browser either since I tested this with Firefox as well as with IE. I also tried deactivating all plugins, but wasn’t the solution either.
I hope there is anyone who can help me fix this, because it’s really annoying. I was so glad I finally found a rather simple forum that could be integrated with WP.
August 23, 2007 at 10:00 am #58592In reply to:
w3creativaMemberHi again Rosebud, Is it an integration of wordpress and bbpress or you just installed bbpress and changed the language?. I am asking you because I integrated and when I try to change the language I get an error. I have done some research and I looks like thereĀ“s no solution yet.
August 23, 2007 at 9:58 am #56050In reply to: Latest WordPress & bbPress in another language!
w3creativaMemberhi, I have the same problem. Has anyone found a way to integrate and change the language without errors?
August 23, 2007 at 4:22 am #60269In reply to: Akismet key id
chrishajerParticipantOnce you have a username and password, you log in at and there is spot to retrieve your key. looks all different to me today, but the key is stored in there somewhere. Just look around.
Once you have that, enter it in your config.php and start blocking spam.
August 23, 2007 at 3:34 am #2252Topic: UTF-8 display problems
in forum TroubleshootingrosebudMemberI am having problems with the character encoding of my bbpress install. I have it integrated with wordpress and when I use the “Latest bbpress discussions” plugin I see the weird characters you get when you mix collations and charsets.
I have wordpress in utf-8 thanks to this plugin: utf8 dtaabase converter.
Before it I had it set to utf but still, the database was showing weird characters (the collation was alright though). So this is probably a MySQL problem somewhere.
Should I try to adapt the wordpress utf8 converter for bbpress?
August 22, 2007 at 5:30 pm #57654In reply to: WP and BBpress in 2 separate dbs?
ajd777MemberThis is a little off-topic, but iif you are getting that much spam, you may consider looking at Bad Behavior
It blocks spambots before they can add content to the database.
August 22, 2007 at 2:43 pm #2291Topic: One toolbar for bb-press and wordpress forms?
in forum InstallationganzuaMemberI’d like to add the same tool bar in all my web forms (by the way, it is up with bbpress), tinyMCE, fckeditor… whatever, but the same in all bbpress – wordpress forms.
Is it possible? so far I only was able of displaying tinyMCE in wp with a plugin.
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