Re: WP-like ease of use for non-coders? (and a thank you)
Yikes. Well I guess that is one way. Books are great but nothing beats hands-on.
Funny thing is I’ve never read a book about PHP or MySQL
I learned through reading other people’s code and trial and error and reading and
Not knowing how to make a link from one page to another though is a more fundamental problem, it means you don’t know HTML either?
A link to your front page looks like this:
<a href="">main site</a>
However in your case, your theme already has a section for a nice menu at the top.
It looks like the theme author was clever enough to put in a way to modify it.
Save this as a file called _my-custom-menu.php
and upload it into the bbpress my-plugins
directory. If you don’t have such a directory, make one (just like the bb-plugins
that’s already there)
Alternately you could edit functions.php
in your genealogias
theme folder around line 102
function gs_navigation_menu() {
$links = array();
$links[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', bb_get_option('uri'), __('Front Page', 'genealogies'));
$links[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', bb_get_tag_page_link(), __('Tags'));
$links[]='<a href="">main site</a>';
printf('<ul class="primary xoxo"><li>%s</li></ul>', implode('</li><li>', apply_filters('gs_navigation_menu', $links)));