Re: WordPress + bbPress Integration 101
Please can someone provide a “clean” guide using bbPress .9.x and WordPress 2.7.1?
Step #1
Step #2
…and so on.
I’ve been trying (very hard) to follow this guide, but there are so many contradictions and then links to external resources that say to do something else.
Needless to say, I’m ready right now to simply give up on bbPress and move on.
There needs to be so many edits, changes, fixes (and it still does not work). I truly hope the developers STOP… sit back and re-evaluate this project. In my opinion, it should integrate with WordPress easily as the option should be there during the install. I thought WordPress and bbPress were the same “organization” – As such, integration (I feel) should have been a natural fit! Currently it’s so difficult, that for some it’s become a deterrent to use bbPress. I think that is not good. (I personally know of two people who tried to integrate and after a frustrating period, opted for other solutions. One of them makes a point of telling others to stay away from bbPress, because he was more frustrated than I was – Which I think is not right! It bothers me because if he’s doing that, how many others are?)
Two things that have added to the confusion are:
1) Comments from other users, suggesting something else, or contradicting the information.
2) The guide needs to be updated to use current WordPress code and also to include more instruction. I’m very technically oriented, parts of this guide leave even me hanging in the breeze. Parts of the guide are too generalized.
I hope some of the developers hear me (and feel the frustration) , but more importantly, stand back and look (really look) at this issue.
Thanks for letting me have a say, I hope this helps bbPress in some way.