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Re: WordPress access to bbPress Functions



@sambauers – Yep, I get that, thanks. I think where I’m coming from is that I am a long-time WordPress developer, and I have just had the need to create a forum, so I (almost automatically) chose bbPress, thinking that all the talk about integration would allow me to do some cross-platform things that I had in mind. I didn’t read far enough into the forums to discover that the “deep integration” only went one direction (bbPress->Wordpress), and now I’m way too far down the the path of developing this site to turn around, and I’m not sure I could get the interaction I wanted with anything else anyway. Any chance you’re updating the bbPress Live plugin for 2.8?

@johnhiler – Agreed about avoiding deep integration. Given what I now understand about how it works, I would prefer to avoid it entirely, merely pulling content between platforms. I actually can mod the Latest Discussion plugin, and that’s probably what I’ll end up doing. I kind of hate doing that because I forget later what I changed when I want to upgrade. Basically all I really need is a way to limit one of my forum’s topics and counts to those topics begun today (I have a “Today Only” forum to talk about topics for a single day). I have this working fine within bbPress, and what I wanted to do was simply filter the output of the Latest Discussion plugin like that from within my own plugin.

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