Re: Usernames with spaces do not work
Ah thanks Trent, I thought I saw that list weeks ago but couldn’t find it again.
I’m still not convinced bbpress’s “selling point” is speed or management as other forums seem just as lightweight and definitely more robust. But the biggest problem on any large forum is the sheer number of people doing searches at any given time.
BBpress kinda cheats in this regard (keeping search overhead down) as it tries to enforce tags over searches (I’m not a big believer in user submitted tags when you have a lack of quality control over your members) and it’s search feature is so poor that no one will seriously use it right now (it cannot find whole words, limit by member, limit by forum, limit by subject, etc. etc. etc.)
To me, I thought bbpress’s benefit was WP integration and I was familiar with the functions used after months of hacking wordpress. Wasn’t convinced the wordpress forum plugins were going to keep evolving or be flexible enough.
I guess my problem is jumping in too soon, waited a year to add a forum to let projects like this mature but it’s still a bit early. By the winter the forum I setup should be as big as technorati – it definitely needs better management features.
“The advanced moderation and spam protection features of bbPress save the WP mod team tons of time.“
What advanced moderation features? Am I missing something? You have to actually go into each topic, go to each post and manually moderate. It kinda blows me away that there’s nowhere in the bbpress admin panel to see the last 50 posts like in wordpress. I’m coding the feature for myself right now…