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Re: tag.php access issue



Thank you chrishajer & madawaffe,

I am on BBpress 0.74, and I checked my server settings which are…

Support for PHP 5

With PHP 5 support, you can program using the latest version of this server-side scripting language and take advantage of existing applications and add ons written in PHP 5. You can also run both PHP 4 and PHP 5 simultaneously on the same site.

I also tried uploading an .htaccess file to my forum root with the first line stating:

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

And I still received the same error. After that I moved the file to my template directory, and then to my site directory, and I still had the same problem. I thought this was strange because I am receiving the same results as those mentioned in the post chrishajer linked.

I then called up my hosting service, Diablo Valley Hosting, which is a reseller of Godaddy, so it was Godaddy support. They then told me that in order to assure php5 I would have to change all of my extensions to “.php5.”

I asked and .htaccess, and was told that there was a solution, but they couldn’t offer support on it.

Thank you so much for the help thus far. I am not sure if there is a problem with my .htaccess file or something else, for I entered the line “AddType x-mapp-php5 .php” into the first line of the file. Anyhow, any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,


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