Re: Successful install, but where is the administration area?
I have an “admin!” link, an “Admin” link and then a “Log Out” link. When I finished installing bbPress, I got the following message:
“Once you have finished installing, you should visit the WordPress integration section of the bbPress admin area for further options and integration instructions, including user mapping and the correct cookie settings to add to your WordPress configuration file.”
The only thing that I can see that I can do in the Admin area is to add a new topic. I don’t see anything like what was described in the message.
Lastly, how do I place a http://www.site_name.whatever/forums/ link to the forum next to the pages links in the header and footer of my WordPress site? I tried placing it next to <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’); ?> but then everything went blank on the site.