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Re: Site integration automatic login?

I’m having the same problem! After integrating, I see how the “test user” I created shows up in both admin consoles. However, whether I login to wordpress or bbpress first, the login does not carry over to the other when navigating, which forces me to login twice. I followed all the steps, which also inlcuded adding the following to the wp-config.php file…

define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘*******’);

define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

The only thing that comes to mind is a “minor error” that I received after walking through the “successful install” of bbPress…

Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

>>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

I’m wondering if this is the problem. If so, I’m not sure how to fix it. : Can someone help?

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