Re: SECURITY WARNING: stop using Private Messaging plugin
This is a quick and dirty security fix. Only tested on a basic level.
This code is for the original, not detective’s mod which I will examine tomorrow unless Detective wants to apply the stuff below himself…
replace around line 100 the entire function pm_new_message
function pm_new_message( $id_receiver, $id_sender, $pmtitle, $message ){
to this:
function pm_new_message( $id_receiver, $id_sender, $pmtitle, $message ){
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$created_on = bb_current_time('mysql');
$id_receiver = intval($id_receiver);
$id_sender = intval($id_sender);
remove_filter('pre_post', 'post_regulation');
$bbdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$bb_table_prefix."privatemessages
(id_sender, id_receiver, pmtitle, message, created_on)
('$id_sender', '$id_receiver', '$pmtitle', '$message','$created_on')");
This patch should in theory make it virtually completely sanitized (but still not completely validated unfortunately) and has the added bonus that most other plugins that affect posts like bb-smilies, etc. should work inside PM’s